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Build from Linux to Linux

Radhi edited this page Jan 27, 2019 · 1 revision

There are three steps for building QML app in Linux :

Install Qt

Before installing Qt, make sure g++ >= 5 and OpenGL installed on your system. Next, download official Qt installer from the official website. Run the installer and follow the steps. For this tutorial, I will install Qt on /home/radhi/Qt5.12.0.

Set up new profile

Once Qt installed, we need to create a new profile for qamel. In this tutorial, we will create a profile named linux by running :

qamel profile setup linux

The command above will ask you to submit the information about your OS, build mode, and path to the Qt that you've installed before. Once finished, it should look like this :

Thanks for using qamel, QML's binding for Go.

Please specify the target OS for this profile. Possible values are "windows", "linux" and "darwin". 
Keep it empty to use your system OS.

Target OS (default linux) : linux

Please specify the target architecture for this profile. Possible values are "386" and "amd64".
Keep it empty to use your system architecture.

Target arch (default amd64) : amd64

Please specify whether this profile used to build static or shared app.

Use static mode (y/n, default n) : n

Please specify the *full path* to your Qt's tools directory.
This might be different depending on your platform or your target. For example, in Linux with Qt 5.11.1, the tools are located in $HOME/Qt5.11.1/5.11.1/gcc_64/bin/

Qt tools dir : /home/radhi/Qt5.12.0/5.12.0/gcc_64/bin/
qmake        : found
moc          : found
rcc          : found

Please specify the *full path* to your compiler.
Keep it empty to use the default compiler on your system.

C compiler (default gcc)   : gcc
C++ compiler (default g++) : g++

Generating some code for binding...done
Saving profile linux...done

Setup finished.
Now you can get started on your own QML app.

Build the app

Once Qt installed and the profile created, the last thing to do is building our QML app. To do that, run qamel build using profile that we've created before :

qamel build -p linux