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Radical edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Application Id

This is the application id used for displaying content, changing this will allow you to change the "Jellyfin" title in discord. You can make a new app here


"application_id": "1053747938519679018"


This is for customizing buttons on discord, by default it shows dynamic buttons.

You can have 1 dynamic button and 1 custom button by keeping one of the buttons with name/url as dynamic, you can also make it only display 1 button by completely omitting the other one, and if you make an empty array it will display no buttons.


"buttons": [
        "name": "YouTube Channel",
        "url": "",
        "name": "dynamic",
        "url": "dynamic",


"buttons": [
        "name": "dynamic",
        "url": "dynamic",
        "name": "dynamic",
        "url": "dynamic",
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