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Project - CarRacing with PPO, Learning from Raw Pixels


This is the continuous control task learning from pixels, a top-down racing environment. State consists of 96x96 pixels. Reward is -0.1 every frame and +1000/N for every track tile visited,
where N is the total number of tiles in track. For example, if you have finished in 732 frames, your reward is 1000 - 0.1*732 = 926.8 points. The indicators shown at the bottom of the window. CarRacing-v0 defines "solving" as getting average reward of 900 over 100 consecutive trials.



The environment is simulated by OpenAI package gym as follows:

  env = gym.make('CarRacing-v0', verbose=0)


Agent uses the following hyperparameters:

GAMMA=0.99 # discount, the coefficient related to the next state
EPOCH= 8 # the parameter in the update mexanism of the PPO (beter than 10)
MAX_SIZE = 2000 # the maximal size of the buffer used in the update mechanism
BATCH=128 # optimizer and backward mechisms work after sampling BATCH elements
EPS=0.1 # the clipping parameter using for calculation of the action loss

 surr1 = ratio * advantage
 surr2 = torch.clamp(ratio, 1.0 - EPS, 1.0 + EPS) * advantage
 action_loss = -torch.min(surr1, surr2)

Neural Network

We use the CNN model with 6 levels Conv2d (torch.nn.Conv2d) and 6 ectified linear units ReLU (torch.nn.ReLU). The rewards, target and advatage values are calculated by the model:

 target = r + GAMMA * net(next_state)
 advantage = target - net(state)[[1]  ## 1-st return parameter of the forward function

Beta Distribution

The CNN model is used for calculation of parameters alpha and beta of the Beta distribuion.
The Beta distribution (torch.distributions.beta) is used to fetch the action samples.

 alpha, beta = net(state[index])[0]  ## 0-th return parameter of the forward function
 dist = Beta(alpha, beta)


Modeling policies as beta distributions was supposed in

"Improving Stochastic Policy Gradients in Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning using the Beta Distribution" by Po-Wei Chou, Daniel Maturana, Sebastian Scherer, in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 70:834-843, 2017.,

See also "Clipped Action Policy Gradient" by Yasuhiro Fujita, Shin-ichi Maeda,

Update mechanism

Standard policy gradient methods perform one gradient update per data sample.
In the original paper it was proposed a novel objective function that enables multiple epochs.
This is the loss function L_t(\theta), which is (approximately) maximized each iteration:

Parameters c1, c2 and epoch are essential hyperparameters in the PPO algorithm.

Training the Agent

We train the agent to understand that it can use information from its surroundings to inform the next best action. The score 901.81 was achieved in the episode 2760 after training 6 hours 53 minutes.

Last Episodes

Ep. 2750, Ep.Timesteps 94, Score: 1006.80, Avg.Score: 893.55, Run.Score 888.10, Time: 06:51:32
Ep. 2751, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 992.34, Avg.Score: 893.43, Run.Score 889.14, Time: 06:51:41
Ep. 2752, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 976.90, Avg.Score: 894.43, Run.Score 890.02, Time: 06:51:51
Ep. 2753, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 871.87, Avg.Score: 894.01, Run.Score 889.84, Time: 06:52:01
Ep. 2754, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 1000.60, Avg.Score: 894.20, Run.Score 890.95, Time: 06:52:10
Ep. 2755, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 992.98, Avg.Score: 895.36, Run.Score 891.97, Time: 06:52:20
Ep. 2756, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 941.98, Avg.Score: 895.57, Run.Score 892.47, Time: 06:52:30
Ep. 2757, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 854.43, Avg.Score: 895.39, Run.Score 892.09, Time: 06:52:40
Ep. 2758, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 989.55, Avg.Score: 895.27, Run.Score 893.06, Time: 06:52:49
Ep. 2759, Ep.Timesteps 100, Score: 986.25, Avg.Score: 901.81, Run.Score 893.99, Time: 06:52:59
Solved environment! Running score is 893.99, Avg.Score: 901.81 !

Learning from Raw Pixels

  • Move image to DarkGreen
    Let's see that the triple [0.299, 0.587, 0.114] represents the vector
    'DarkGreen' in the color space. First, let's go to integer gray levels:
    [(int)(0.299*256), (int)(0.587*256), (int)(0.114*256)] = [76, 150, 29].
    Convert this set to hex numbers: [hex(76), hex(150), hex(29)] = ('0x4c', '0x96', '0x1d')
    In the browser field, we just enter: color(4d961d), and we get the 'Dark Green'.

  • Move image to Grayscale
    We project all pixels (as vectors in the color space) to the DarkGreen vector
    v = [0.299, 0.587, 0.114].
    For any pixel z = (a,b,c) the project of z on the vector v is pr(z) = (z, v) /|v|.
    Then all pixel values are propotional to the DarkGreen vector v with the coefficient inner vector (z, v).
    For example,
    image.shape = (433, 735, 3)
    im_dot =, [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])
    im_dot.shape = (433, 735)
    Function rgb2gray returns the image in Graylevels

    img_gray = rgb2gray(img_rgb)

  • Stack of 4 frames
    State is defined as adjacent 4 frames in shape (4, 96, 96).
    Four frames are allocated in the function reset() (class Wrapper)

    self.stack = [img_gray] * 4
    At every time step the first frame is discarded and one frame (img_gray) is
    added to the stack (of 4 frames), see function step() (class Wrapper)


Watch the Trained Agent

The trained weights are daved in the directory dir_chk.
The car racing trajectory can be replayed by the notebook WatchAgent.

I. The weights file model_weights_350-550.pth. Score values are about 350-550.
Repalyed 5 episodes are as follows:

Episode 1 Average Score: 63.53, Score: 63.53 Time: 00:00:04
Episode 2 Average Score: 305.90, Score: 548.28 Time: 00:00:10
Episode 3 Average Score: 370.60, Score: 500.00 Time: 00:00:11
Episode 4 Average Score: 366.48, Score: 354.09 Time: 00:00:07
Episode 5 Average Score: 304.39, Score: 56.03 Time: 00:00:05

II. The weights file model_weights_480-660.pth. Score values are about 480-660.
Repalyed 5 episodes:

Episode 1 Average Score: 603.72, Score: 603.72 Time: 00:00:12
Episode 2 Average Score: 593.94, Score: 584.16 Time: 00:00:11
Episode 3 Average Score: 432.31, Score: 109.06 Time: 00:00:08
Episode 4 Average Score: 480.99, Score: 627.01 Time: 00:00:11
Episode 5 Average Score: 517.67, Score: 664.38 Time: 00:00:11

III. The weights file model_weights_820-980.pth. Score values are about 820-980.
Repalyed 5 episodes:

Episode 1 Average Score: 1003.80, Score: 1003.80 Time: 00:00:10
Episode 2 Average Score: 958.42, Score: 913.04 Time: 00:00:11
Episode 3 Average Score: 943.30, Score: 913.04 Time: 00:00:11
Episode 4 Average Score: 943.02, Score: 942.18 Time: 00:00:11
Episode 5 Average Score: 938.26, Score: 919.25 Time: 00:00:11


See video on youtube.

Other PPO projects


Most of the code is based on the Udacity code for PPO, and the github code of Xiaoteng Ma (