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CTAAggregator Client

This gem provides a simple interface for interacting with the CTAAggregator API.

API actions for listing calls to action or viewing an individual call to action require no authentication. However, creating resources does.

Since the CTA Aggregator project has been shuttered, this gem exists only as reference.

Getting started

You can add this to your Gemfile.

gem 'cta_aggregator_client'

Then run bundle install.

Next, you'll need to configure the client. All API calls will fail unless you've set

  • base_url
  • api_version

API calls that create or add a resource will fail as these values are not set:

  • api_key
  • api_secret

Here's an example of how to configure your client.

# config/intitalizers/cta_aggregator_client.rb

CTAAggregatorClient.configure do |config|
  config.base_url = ENV['CTA_AGGREGATOR_HOST'] # => 'localhost:3000', staging url or production url
  config.api_version = ENV['CTA_AGGREGATOR_VERSION']  # => probably 'v1'
  config.api_key = ENV['CTA_AGGREGATOR_KEY'] # => whatever your key is
  config.api_secret = ENV['CTA_AGGREGATOR_SECRET'] # => whatever your key is


Here are a few examples of how you might use this gem.

Advocacy Campaigns

list all Advocacy Campaigns


Find an Advocacy Campaign


Create an Advocacy Campaign Note: you will have to have an API Key and Secret in order to create this resource

attributes = {
  title: 'Email Your Congressional reps',
  description: 'Voluptas delectus distinctio maiores consequatur aspernatur.',
  browser_url: '',
  origin_system: 'FooCalls',
  featured_image_url: '',
  action_type: 'email',
  template: 'Eum itaque et nisi dolores assumenda ipsum. Voluptates qui aut nobis veniam maxime qui',
  targets: ['a2f6f86b-a214-4892-8c06-8caece820fb0', '215ed993-3cd1-4fbc-b8af-7e2082813d06']
# Note that becuase an Advocacy Campaign can have many relationships, be sure to send an array of targets, even if there's only one


Update an Advocacy Campaign If you attempt to update a resource created by someone else, the API will return a 403 Unauthorized response.

# Pass along the id and any attributes you want to change.
attributes = {
  id: 'some-uuid'
  title: 'New title',


list all Events


list upcoming Events

CTAAggregatorClient::Event.list(upcoming: true)

Find an Event


Create a Event Note: you will have to have an API Key and Secret in order to create a CTA

attributes = {
  title: 'March on Washington',
  description: 'Illum molestiae aut ullam non qui consequatur magni.',
  browser_url: '',
  origin_system: '5Calls',
  featured_image_url: '',
  start_date: '2017-07-08T03:58:25.098Z',
  end_date: '2017-07-13T03:58:25.098Z',
  free: false,
  location: '215ed993-3cd1-4fbc-b8af-7e2082813d06'
# Note that becuase an Event only has one location, so be sure your hash has a key of `location`, rather than `locations`


Update an Event
Note: you can only update a resource that you were responsible for creating.
If you attempt to update a resource created by someone else, the API will return a 403 Unauthorized response.

Pass along the id and any attributes you want to change.

attributes = { id: 'some-uuid' title: 'New title', } CTAAggregatorClient::Event.update(attributes)

### Targets

list all Targets


Find a Target


Create a Target
Note: you will have to have an API Key and Secret in order to create a Target

attributes = { organization: 'Mohr Inc', given_name: 'Pascale', family_name: 'White', ocdid: 'b4503418-6aab-451a-8e55-11ffd575bc85', postal_addresses: [ { primary: true, address_type: 'Office', venue: 'Southern Nitzsche', address_lines: [ '36261 Kovacek Prairie', 'Apt. 760' ], locality: 'West Brandynfort', region: 'WV', postal_code: '66900-1309', country: 'US' } ], email_addresses: [ { primary: true, address: '', address_type: 'work' } ], phone_numbers: [ { primary: true, number: '(606) 087-8543 x254', extension: '4594', number_type: 'work' } ] } }


Update a Target
Note: you can only update a resource that you were responsible for creating.
If you attempt to update a resource created by someone else, the API will return a 403 Unauthorized response.

Pass along the id and any attributes you want to change.

attributes = { id: 'some-uuid' 'organization': "FCC" } CTAAggregatorClient::Target.update(attributes)

### Locations

list all Locations


Find a Location


Create a Location
Note: you will have to have an API Key and Secret in order to create a CTA

attributes = { venue: 'Eastern Kemmer University', address_lines: ['684 Schinner Trail', 'Apt. 512'], locality: 'Rosenbaumville', region: 'VA', postal_code: '78183-3430' }


Update a Location
Note: you can only update a resource that you were responsible for creating.
If you attempt to update a resource created by someone else, the API will return a 403 Unauthorized response.

Pass along the id and any attributes you want to change.

attributes = { id: 'some-uuid' venue: 'National Mall', } CTAAggregatorClient::Location.update(attributes)


A client for the CTA Aggregator project







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