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Releases: RainbowMiner/RainbowMiner

RainbowMiner v4.8.7.6

13 Dec 10:12
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Update release


  • update miner Gminer to v3.17 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Lolminer to v1.64 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Nanominer to v3.7.6 (amd,cpu,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner SrbminerMulti to v1.1.3 (amd,cpu)
  • update miner Teamblack to v1.77 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Teamred to v0.10.6 (amd)
  • update miner BzMiner
    • disable MRR on this miner, too much trouble
  • add miner WildrigBeta v0.35.1 beta 2 (amd,nvidia)
    • beta mining NEXA with NexaPoW


  • update pool Binance
    • add RVN mining (issue #2221)
  • update balance MiningPoolHub
    • add workaround for API error (missing coin, issue #2217)
    • setup all coins that the balance module should list in new pools.config.txt parameter "BalanceCoinSymbol"
  • re-add pool Icemining
    • rewrite, so that one-coin-only is possible
    • thanks to @papadrams (issue #2200)


  • update algorithms.json
  • update coinsdb.json
  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update minersha256.json
  • update minerupdatedb.json
  • update miner-ports.txt
  • update poolsinfo.json
  • update
  • update PoolsConfigDefault.ps1
    • re-add Icemining for NIM solo-mining


RainbowMiner v4.8.7.5

23 Nov 16:16
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Update release


  • update miner Bzminer to v12.1.1 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Gminer to v3.13 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Lolminer to v1.63 (amd,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner MiniZ to v1.9z5b (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Nanominer to v3.7.5 (amd,cpu,intel.nvidia)
  • update miner SrbminerMulti to v1.1.2 (amd,cpu)
  • update miner Teamblack to v1.75 (amd,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner Wildrig to v0.34.0 (amd,nvidia)


  • remove pool NLpool
    • pool has shut down


  • downgrade Powershell Core to v7.2.7
    • investigating severe memory leak with v7.3.0, please stay with 7.2.7 until this is clarified.
  • update coinsdb.json
  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update minersha256.json
  • update minerupdatedb.json
  • update poolsinfo.json
  • update
  • rework unix timestamp functions for compat. with Powershell Core 7.3.0 (issue #2208)
  • update Curl for Windows to v7.86.0
  • remove try/catch overhead in Get-UnixTimestamp
  • fix algovariantsdb (!)
  • fix Get-Version for 5 or more numbers


RainbowMiner v4.8.7.2

09 Nov 14:14
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Update release


  • update miner BzMiner to v12.1.0 (amd,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner CpuminerJayddee to v3.20.3 (cpu)
  • update miner Gminer to v3.11 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner MiniZ to v1.9z4 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Nanominer to v3.7.4 (amd,cpu,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner NoncerPro to v3.4.1 (nvidia)
  • update miner SrbminerMulti to v1.1.1 (amd,cpu)
  • update miner Teamblack to v1.73 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Teamred to v0.10.5.1 (amd)
  • update miner Wildrig to v0.33.7 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Xmrig to v6.18.1 (amd,cpu,nvidia)
  • update miner MiniZ
    • change device count for AMD (PCI bus)


  • update pool FluxPools
  • update pool Molepool
    • fix error (issue #2202)
  • update pool unMineable
    • add Firopow & ZelHash mining (issue #2206)
    • fix Beamhash mining
  • update pool WoolyPooly/WoolyPoolySolo
    • add MEWC and POM (issue #2199)
  • remove pool Icemining


  • update algorithms.json
  • update coinsdb.json
  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update minersha256.json
  • update minerupdatedb.json
  • update Powershell Core to v7.2.7
  • remove LHR checks, in case of Nvidia driver version 522.25+
  • move algovariantsdb init to Include.psm1
  • fix redux-benchmark on rigs with mixed GPU models


RainbowMiner v4.8.7.1

19 Oct 15:31
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Update release (100% LHR Unlock on Nvidia)


  • update miner BzMiner to v12.0.2 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Gminer to v3.10 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Lolminer to v1.61 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Teamblack to v1.70 (amd,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner Teamred to v0.10.5 (amd)
  • update miner Trex to v0.26.8 (nvidia)
  • update miner Wildrig to v0.33.3 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner BzMiner module
    • fix dual mining
    • disable all KawPow since it's awefully slow in DAG creation and creates lot's of invalid shares.
  • update miner Teamred module
    • fix kHeavyHash/Kaspa mining, adjust fee (issue #2193)


  • update pool UnMineable
    • add ethash + beamhash3 (issue #2196)


  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update minersha256.json
  • update minerupdatedb.json
  • update poolsinfo.json
  • move Nvidia architecture detection from source to DB
  • add Nvidia RTX40xx Ada Lovelace to DB
  • harden Get-Version against errors
  • add driver version & architecture checks to miner-update DB
  • add Nvidia Ada check for fallbacks in combos


RainbowMiner v4.8.6.9

08 Oct 21:52
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Update release (100% LHR Unlock on Nvidia)


  • update miner Lolminer to v1.60 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Teamred to v0.10.4.1 (amd)
  • update miner WildRig to v0.33.1 (amd,nvidia)


  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update minersha256.json
  • update Cleanup.ps1
    • apply fix for redux-benchmark stat files
  • fix miner stat Duration field if redux-benchmark detection kicks in.
  • fix redux-benchmark compatibility mode PS5


RainbowMiner v4.8.6.8

05 Oct 22:16
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Update release (100% LHR Unlock on Nvidia)


  • add miner CcminerRadiator v1.0.0 (nvidia)
    • mining RDX/SHA512256d and NOVO/SHA256dt with 0% fee
  • update miner Gminer to v3.07 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Nanominer to v3.7.3 (amd,cpu,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner SrbminerMulti to v1.1.0 (amd,cpu)
  • update miner Teamred to v0.10.4 (amd)


  • update pool MiningRigRentals
    • create an individual config file for each running rental in config folder .\Config\mrr-<rental_id>.config.txt. After the rentals end, the individual file will be removed automatically. It currently contains one setting only: "UseHost". So if a renter requests a different region, set that parameter to the beginning of the stratum strings. The name will be matches like "text*".
      E.g. Australia: set UseHost to "au" (or "au-01") and the correct stratum will be selected out of the MRR's "Connection Info" list of stratums.
    • fix wrong ports for some algorithms, in case UseHost is being used (issue #2187 #2178)
  • update pool ZpoolCoins
    • fix error (issue #2186)


  • update algorithms.json
  • update AlgorithmsConfigDefault.ps1
    • no memory oc needed for SHA512256d and SHA256dt
  • update coinsdb.json
  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update minersha256.json
  • update minerupdatedb.json
  • update mrrpools.json
  • update mrrpoolsall.json
  • add benchmarking miner's version to stat files
  • introducting redux-benchmarks: benchmark only updated algorithms, if applicable (issue #2185)
    • this feature will not snap active at once - but with the next miner updates
  • fix variable replacer, escpecially important for coins like ETH and ETHW. In worst case the ETH wallet would have been used as ETHW wallet.


RainbowMiner v4.8.6.7

30 Sep 18:53
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Update release (100% LHR Unlock on Nvidia)


  • update miner Gminer to v3.06 (amd,nvida)
  • update miner SrbminerMulti to v1.0.9 (amd,cpu)
  • update miner Trex to v0.26.6 (nvidia)
  • update miner WildrigMulti to v0.32.5 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Verthash/VerthashSP
    • fix ssl mining


  • update pool Binance
    • fix stratums for coins (issue #2173)
  • update pool Crazypool
    • add Australia region
    • add CLO, ETF and ETHW
  • update pool Ezil
    • add EnableSrbminerMultiDual for ZIL+Algo on Srb
  • update pool MiningRigRentals
    • add parameters to solve issue #2152
      "EnableAutoAdjustMinHours": Automatically adjust minimum rental time (up to MaxMinHours), to satisfy the min. profit of 0.00001 BTC [default=1]
      "MaxMinHours": Upper limit for auto-adjust minimum rental time, if EnableAutoAdjustMinHours is set to 1 [default=24]
    • fix automatic updates of rigs in case the minhours or maxhours change (issue #2175)
    • fix port errors: rented rigs check for new port every 2 intervals (issue #2178)
  • update Yiimp pools
    • fix datawindow handling


  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update minersha256.json
  • update poolsinfo.json
  • update walletsdata.json
  • update gpu-z to v2.49
  • change DAG size check for AMD (issue #2179)
  • avoid handling pid file during setup


RainbowMiner v4.8.6.5

27 Sep 09:30
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Update release (100% LHR Unlock on Nvidia)


  • update miner Lolminer to v1.59a (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner Bzminer
    • fix dual/triple mining with ZIL
    • disallow mixed GPU combos in case of Nvidia + LHR (issue #2168)
  • update miner Teamblack
    • remove ethashfp variant
  • update all Ethash miners
    • add 2g/3g/4g/5g variants for Ethash
  • update all kHeavyHash miners
    • rename Kaspa to kHeavyHash


  • update pool AccPool
    • add region US
    • add pool balance
  • update pool BaikalMine/BaikalMinePPS/BaikalMineSolo
    • add ETHW, DAE
    • remove MOAC
  • update pool MiningRigRentals
    • add normalize algos for mrrpoolsall.json
    • fix error in case no rigs have been created yet (issue #2172)
  • update pool ProHashing
    • enable injection of memory size GB parameter "l=..."
  • update pool WoolyPooly/WoolyPoolySolo
    • add ETF
    • add KAS (issue #2171)
  • update multiple pools
    • add 2g/3g/4g/5g variants for mining Ethash
    • cleanup ZergPool(s)
    • cleanup Zpool(s)


  • update algorithms.json
    • rename algo Kaspa to kHeavyHash
    • automatically rename stat files Kaspa->kHeavyHash
  • update coinsdb.json
  • update dconf.json
  • update equihashcoins.json
  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update mrrpools.json
  • update mrrpoolsall.json
  • update poolsinfo.json
  • update walletsdata.json
    • add KAS/Kaspa wallet balance
  • update Cleanup.ps1
    • add 2g/3g/4g/5g variants to config files
  • make sure benchmarks get triggered correctly in case of outdated miner stat files (issue #2169 #2170)
  • add parameter "EnbableAlgorithmVariants" [default=1] to config.txt:
    Enable automatic use of algorithm variants (e.g. if you exclude/select Ethash, all variants like Ethash2g, EthasLowMemory will be excluded/selected too)
  • use CoinSymbol instead of CoinName in console windows
  • adjust coin DAG sizes if on Windows
  • update fallback dconf


RainbowMiner v4.8.6.3

22 Sep 15:08
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Update release (100% LHR Unlock on Nvidia)


  • update miner Lolminer to v1.58 (amd,nvidia)
    • Added Kaspa only mining mode for Nvidia Pascal and new and AMD Polaris, Navi and Big Navi. Use --algo KASPA to mine it. Fee is 0.75%. (issue #2158)
  • update miner Nanominer to v3.7.2 (amd,cpu,intel,nvidia)
  • update miner Teamblack to v1.69 (amd,intel,nvidia)


  • update pool MiningPoolHub/MiningPoolHubCoins
  • disable pool API and use WTM instead since API profits are way off (factor 4!) (issue #2166)


  • update ethdagsizes.json


RainbowMiner v4.8.6.2

20 Sep 21:24
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Hotfix release (100% LHR Unlock on Nvidia)


  • update miner SrbminerMulti to v1.0.8 (amd,cpu)
  • update miner Teamblack to v1.68 (amd,nvidia)
  • update miner BzMiner
    • fix dual/tripple mining with ZIL


  • update balances 2Miners
    • fix RVN divisor (#2163)
  • update balance Zpool
    • fix missing balance when mining with ZpoolCoins (issue #2164)


  • update algorithms.json
  • update ethdagsizes.json
  • update coinsdb.json
  • fix missing balances, when mining ..CoinSolo or ..CoinParty pools
  • add check for selected pools in PoolName/ExcludePoolName to pools with more than one instance (e.g. ZergPool = ZergPool + ZergPoolCoins + ...)
