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NQP::Config Macro Expansion

NQP::Config expands template files using a pretty simple macro expansion. A macro is:

  • enclosed in symbols @ or @@ (unless escaped with \)
  • has a name which a combination of word chars (\w in regexp terms) and colons :
  • can be either a configuration variable or a macro function

In this document we will call macro functions just _macro_s in this document unless otherwise is stated explicitly.

For macros and variables defined with @@ all horizontal whitespaces in their resulting value will be quoted with backslash char (\).


If accidentally some text in a template forms a macro-like sequence (by macro we mean both config variables and macro functions here) then it is possible to avoid it to be treated so by escaping @ symbol with \. The latter could be duplicated to avoid be inserted as is. For example, parsing of the following template will fail as there is no text macro:

The following @text(?)@ looks like a macro

But this text will expand to the above example:

The following \@text(?)@ looks like a macro

Similarly, if we need the \ before @ then we write it like:

The following \\\@text(?)@ looks like a macro

The escaping is not needed if \ is located before any other character or if @ doesn't fall into a macro-like construct:

This \text would rem@in unchanged.

Note though that a macro function is detected by its opening brace, thus template

We fail with @this(example

will cause a failure of closing )@ not found.

Configuration Variables

A configuration variable is set either from CLI options, or as a result of detection process performed by the script, or any other source of information.

For example, @rakudo_home@ could either be set with --rakudo-home option of, or set to a default value using a value from @prefix@ variable.

A number of variables are fetched from NQP and MoarVM. Those will have nqp:: and moar:: prefixes respectively.

Macro Functions

A macro common format is:

@[!]macro(text to process)@

Note that a macro takes no other parameters but the text to be processed. It is up to the macro itself how to interpret the text. Since it is possible to use nested macros, functions are generally separated into two groups:

  • One group takes the input text as-is. It is then up to the macro itself at which point it would do the expansion.
  • For another group (named preexpanded macros for convenience) the text first gets expanded by the macros subsystem and then passed in as the parameter.

For example:

@for_backends( VAR_@backend@)@

This macro will loop over active backends, set configuration variables @backend@ and @backend_prefix@, and the do expanstion of its parameter. Note that pre-expansion will make its work impossible because it would receive string " VAR_" as its parameter.

In some cases it is not desirable to have input text expanded even if its passed to a pre-expanded macro. In this case the macro name must be prepended with ! which implicitly turns of the pre-expansion. Here is an example:

@nfpl(dir/file1 dir/file2)@

nfp stands for normalize file path. It converts a Unix-style path into a format suitable for the OS we build on. There could be a problem if @prefix@ is already normalized. Lets assume that @custom_macro()@ is too, as well as @file@... Generally saying, the result of normalization migh be not what we would expect from it if it performed on pre-normalized path names. Normally, it is an "Ok" situation for as far as I know but nobody can guarantee that it would be so on any existing or a future platform.

One solutions would to use @slash@ instead of /. Ugly and possibly unreliable. Wrapping each / with nfp?? Oh, no!.. But


is considered to be the most reliable way to get the job done.


Contexts are a concept of NQP::Config module which is heavily utilized by NQP::Macros.

A context is a state structure which keeps configuration properties and variables. While properties are not generally available for the expansion process, configuration variables may even change their values depending on the current context.

Contexts are stacked. The topmost one is created and filled in by the configuration process. The every new context is pushed to the stack and kept there until needed. For example, the @for_backends()@ macro mentioned above create a new context for each backend and destroys it when expansion is done for that backend. So, for the following case:


we can say that the Makefile is included in a backend context.

List Of Macros

For simplicity, macros in this section are not enclosed with @.



See Perl's chomp function.



Simply expands its parameter. Makes sense in combination with macros returning unexpanded text. See the example with @!nfp() above.



Escapes horisontal whitespaces in the parameter with \. This is the macro used when parser encounters a @@ macro call.



Escapes newlines in the parameter with \.


Escapes a string for use in C source code.


Escaping single quotes and backslashes. Can e.g. be used in a Perl '' string.


Very simple unescaping. Replaces all \<char> sequences with <char>.

nfp(path/file), nfpl(path1/file1 path2/file2 ...)


The macro name stands for Normalize File Path. Converts Unix-style paths with / directory separator into what is suitable for the current OS. Most typical example is Windows where slashes are replaced with backslashes.

If a path contains whitespaces it will be quoted following the quoting rules of the current platform. For example:

@nfp(a\ path/to/file)@

will produce:

'a path/to/file'

on a *nix platform, and

"a path\to\file"

on a DOS-like platform.

nfpl is a modification of nfp which acts on a whitespace separated list of paths. So, where nfp takes a path as-is even if it contains spaces, nfpl requires non-separating spaces to be escaped with \:

@nfpl(a\ path/to/file and/another/file)@

If nfpl text contains another macro or a configuration variable, it is recommended to use @@ expansion form:

@nfpl(@@base-dir@@/file1 @@base_dir@@/file2)@

But generally, nfpl is recommended for use on lists of simple relative paths like src/Perl6/Actions.nqp src/Perl6/PodActions.nqp.



Quotes path by using rules valid for the shell of the current platform.

target: $(DEPS)
    $(PERL5) @shquot(@script( --option=@shquot(I'm ok)@

abs2rel(file1 file2 ...)


Makes all file paths relative to @base_dir@.

uc(text), lc(text)


Convert text into all upper/lower case respectively.


Generates environment variable in the format understood by the current platform. I.e. for @envvar(VAR)@ it will generate $VAR on *nix and %VAR% on DOS-derivatives (Windows, OS/2).

for(varname text)

Iterates over space-separated list of items in a configuration variable varname. For each item in the list a new context is set which defines @_@ and @_item_@ variables with the item value. Both variables are just each other alises.

varname and text parameters are expanded. varname is expanded in the outer context of for. text is expanded in the context of for macro itself.

For example, if a variable mylist is set to "foo bar baz":

# @_@

Then the outcome of the above will be:

# foo
# bar
# baz

Also, if a variable indirect is set to "mylist" then the following example will expand to the same:

# @_@

Due to varname parameter expanding in the outer context of the macro, then if variable var_list is set to something like "var1 var2 var3" then we can nest two for macros in the following way:

## @_@
# @_@

What happens here is the internal for will consequently iterate over all three varN variables. Say, if we have them set, correspondingly, to

  • 1 2
  • a b
  • I II

then something like the following will be eventually found in the expanded output:

## var1
# 1
# 2
## var2
# a
# b
## var3
# I
# II


Iterates through all active backends (i.e. defined with --backends command line option), sets context for each of the backend, and expands the parameter with each context. The following variables are set for the contexts:

  • ctx_subdir – name of the contexts subdirectory. Same as backend name.
  • backend_subdir - same as above. Can be used when a nested macro defines own context with ctx_subdir variable.
  • backend – just backend name.
  • backend_abbr – backend abbreviation. I.e. m for moar, j for jvm, js for... uhm... yes, for js.
  • backend_prefix - alias for backend_abbr.
  • bp - '@backend_abbr@in uppercase followed by underscore. I.e., it is@uc(@backend_abbr@_)@`
  • bext - backend precompiled file extension.


Defined by NQP::Config::Rakudo and only available for Rakudo build.

Similar to for_backends, but iterates over language specification revisions (c, d, ...). Sets the following context variables:

  • ctx_subdir - spec subdirectory, 6.<spec-letter>
  • spec_subdir - same as above
  • spec - specification revision letter
  • ucspec – same as above, but in upper case
  • lcspec – same as above, but in guaranteed lower case.

bsv(MVAR), bpv(MVAR), bsm(MVAR), bpm(MVAR)

All four do similar job. Names can be expanded as:

  • [b]ackend
  • [s]uffixed or [p]refixed
  • [v]ariable or [m]acro

Taken MVAR returns either backend prefixed (@bp@) or suffixed (@uc(@backend@)@) makefile variable or macro ($(VARIABLE)). For example:

@bsm(MYVAR)@ -> $(M_MYVAR)

include(template1 template2)


Finds a template file, expands it and returns the result. The macro searches for the template file in templates directory defined by templates_dir confgiguration variable (@base_dir@/tools/templates normally). If current context defines ctx_subdir variable then this subdirectory within the templates directory is checked first. Then if no file is found the macro falls back to the default @templates_dir@.

It is a good practice to have template's filename to end with .in extension. But the actual order of filenames tried check for this extension last. First the exact name as it is passed in is checked, then .@platform@ is tried (which would be .windows, or .unix, or .vms, or whatever the current platform is), and only then .in extension is tried.

For example, within the context of @for_backends()@ macro @include(Makefile)@ would check the following directories in the order:

  1. @templates_dir@/moar/Makefile (which is actually @templates_dir@/@ctx_subdir@/Makefile)
  2. @templates_dir@/@ctx_subdir@/Makefile.@platform@
  3. @templates_dir@/moar/
  4. @templates_dir@/Makefile
  5. @templates_dir@/Makefile.@platform@
  6. @templates_dir@/

Circular dependency is a fatal condition.

The resulting text is wrapped into comments informing about where this text was included from at the start and declaring the end of the inclusion with the file name at the end.

insert(template1 template2)


Same as include above but doesn't wrap the result into comments.

ctx_include(template1 template2), ctx_insert(template1 template2)

Same as respective macros without the ctx_ prefix but doesn't use the default templates directory and only searching in the @templates_dir@/@ctx_subdir@. Useful when templates with the same name are contained in both default and context directories. For example, we're expanding The the following line:


May result in circular dependency if a backend doesn't have its own Makefile template in the context subdirectory. So, the right thing to do would be:


template(templatename), ctx_template(templatename)


Expand to the full path of a template file. The file is searched in @templates_dir@ similarly to include macro. For example, macro:


would expand to /<your-homedir>/<path-to-sources>/tools/templates/<backend>/ or to /<your-homedir>/<path-to-sources>/tools/templates/ depending on the context and where the file exists.

Like any other ctx_ macro, ctx_include only checks in the context subdir.

script(scriptname), ctx_script(scriptname)


Similar to template macros, but look in @build_dir@. Also, instead of .in suffix this macro tries appending one of .pl, .nqp, .p6 – in this order.



Executes the command and inserts its output. For example:

@include_capture(ls @templates_dir@)

would insert list of files in the default templates directory. To execute a build script the following form is recommended:


The output would include both stdout and stderr of the executed subprocess in will be wrapped into begin/end comments.



Similar to include, but doesn't wrap the output into begin/end comments.


Inserts a list of items from a file found in @templates_dir@ (context subdir is respected). The file is expanded first and then the result is split into single items by newlines. In other words, each line is considered an item. Empty ones are thrown away. The items are than assembled back according to the following rules:

  • each item placed into a separate line and followed by a backslash
  • all lines, except the first one, indented with four spaces (unless configuration variable list_indent specifies another amount)


Similar to insert_list macro but items are considered as path elements and normalized with nfp.


Returns command line options for Any input is ignored.

if( text)


Returns text if <condition> is true. The whitespace before text is handled a bit specially so that a single space character following the condition would be taken away but any other whitespace symbol would be preserved. For example:

A@if(truevar==true B)@C

will result in ABC. But if B is preceeded with a tab (\t):


then the output would be A\tBC. This feature is particularly useful for building makefile receipes:

    @echo "Hello!"
@if(truevar==true	@run-cmd

Condition can be of one of the following very simple forms:

  • config_variable – checks if a configuration variable is defined

  • !config_variable – variable is not defined

  • config_variable==value, config_variable!=value – if variable value eq or ne to the value, respectively.

    Note that the value is used as is, no spaces allowed and no quoting/escaping supported for it.

With this macro it is possible build backend-dependent file lists:

@if(backend=jvm JavaRelatedFile


This macro executes a Perl code snippet and returns either what the snipped returned explicitly or what it's left in $out:

for (1..4) { $out .= "line$_\n" }

For ease of use, the following variables are pre-declared:

  • $macros – object of class NQP::Macros which does expansions of the current template.
  • $cfg - object of type NQP::Config.
  • %config – hash of configuration variables. Incorporates all surrounding contexts.
  • $out – content of this variable will be returned as macro result unless the snippet returns something explicitly.



This macro must be used within a Makefile receipe context. It doesn't modify its parameter but stores it in the context prereqs variable to be used by the receipe to build its target.

For example, let's say a fictios macro receipe creates a receipe context:

@receipe(@nfp($(GEN_DIR)/foo.nqp)@: @use_prereqs($(FOO_SOURCES))@ @@other_deps@@
    cat @prereqs@ >$@)@



Produce echo command for Makefile. Takes into consideration current platform and quotes text properly.


Does nothing, returns the parameter text as is. Can be used as an escape macro in cases like the following:


where without @nop()@ the closing brace of $(VAR1) would combine with opening @ and form fake closing brace for @q(:


Would result in:


Configuration variables

The following variables are set by the NQP::Config as defaults:

  • perl Perl executable.
  • slash Directory separator, used by the current OS
  • shell Default shell
  • base_dir Where is located. In other words, the directory where we do the build.
  • build_dir Where scripts and their helper files are located. Normally it would be tools/build (where otherwise is not specified, we give paths related to the base_dir)
  • templates_dir Where template files are located. Normally it is tools/templates
  • filelist_indent Number of spaces to indent filelists. 4 by default.
  • lang The language we build. NQP or Rakudo.
  • lclang Same as above but in all lowercase.
  • exe, bat Extensions of executable and batch files for the current OS.
  • cpsep Separator of pathlists for the current OS. ; for Windows, : otherwise.
  • runner_suffix Set from bat variable for now.