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DOM Review and Choose-Your-Own Adventure builds and booleans!

Up to this point, our JavaScript exercises have added a bit of flair to some existing websites, but haven't really been 'programs' in the their own right. Today we change that! But first, a bit more info about the Boolean data type:

More Boolean!

While if, else, and else if combined with ===, <==, >==, and !== can go a long way, we sometimes need to test for multiple conditions at the same time. To help us out with that, we can use the || or && operators.

|| means "or"... it returns true if either the first term or the second term or both are true. && means "and"... it returns true if (and only if) both tested terms are true.

Try out some of the following in your console to see the results:


true && true
true && false
true || true
true || false
false || true
false || false

Portfolio Project 1

Greeter 3.0

In the last class, we worked on making a greeter for visitors to our website. Now let's add some extra logic to make our program more useful!

  1. First, open up your Portfolio Project in Atom and navigate to the index.html file in your media directory.
  2. Make sure that you've styled the #greeting section and have a greeting.js document that contains the following:
var name = prompt("Hi there! What's your name?");
var output = document.querySelector('#greeting');
output.innerHTML = "<p>Thanks for visiting, " + name + ".</p>";
  1. Now let's make sure that users have actually input a name! We'll do that using a neat trick of JavaScript, where strings evaluate to true, but empty strings evaluate to false. Try the following in greeting.js:
var name = prompt("Hi there! What's your name?");
var output = document.querySelector('#greeting');

    output.innerHTML = "<p>Thanks for visiting, " + name + ".</p>";
} else {
    output.innerHTML = "<p>Please tell us your name!</p>";
  1. Let's make things a little more complicated by asking users for their first and last names. The following will only output a visitor's name if they provide both a first and last name. Try this:
var firstName = prompt("Hi there! What's your first name?");
var lastName = prompt("What's your last name?");
var output = document.querySelector('#greeting');

if(firstName && lastName){
    output.innerHTML = "<p>Thanks for visiting, " + firstName + " " + lastName + ".</p>";
} else {
    output.innerHTML = "<p>Please tell us your first and last names!</p>";
  1. We can use the 'or' operator (||) to give users a default name, instead of just pleading with them to respond to our prompts. With this, we can also get rid of the if and else behavior to simplify our code! Make sure you understand how this 'default' behavior works:
var firstName = prompt("Hi there! What's your first name?") || "Visitor";
var lastName = prompt("What's your last name?") || "McDefaultson";
var output = document.querySelector('#greeting');

output.innerHTML = "<p>Thanks for visiting, " + firstName + " " + lastName + ".</p>";

Portfolio Project 2

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Game

Let's spend the rest of class creating a "choose your own adventure" style text adventure game by using multiple prompts and branching if/ else conditional statements. Write a story into an HTML document on the basis of the user's responses to the prompts. The story will be a bit open-ended, but you should set up your game like so:

  1. In your projects directory, add a new directory named choose-your-own-adventure.
  2. Add an index.html file to the root of the CYOA directory and set it up according to best practices.
  3. In your media AND home pages (the index.html document at the root of the media directory and your root directory), add a link to the CYOA page.
  4. Create a cyoa.js document and link it to your CYOA HTML document with a <script> tag.
  5. Use prompt() to lead visitors down different story paths. Something like this:
var response = prompt("You walk into a room with a chair and a window. Type 'sit' to sit in the chair, type 'gaze' to gaze wistfully out the window and sigh");

if(response === "sit"){
    response = prompt("Here's a new prompt, with new options");
} else if (response === "gaze") {
    response = prompt("Here's a new prompt, with new options");    
} else {
    alert("Please type in a valid input! Refresh the page to try again.");

Try to add some options that include responses for multiple options using the || and && operators. Good luck! When you like your story, be sure to add, commit, and push your commits to GitHub, then deploy your changes to your live site.