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An easy to maintain React components library that is built on top of Mui Base (for customized components) and Mui Material. It is published to npm on every push to the master branch.


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RampUI - React Component Library


An easy to maintain React components library that is built on top of MUI Base (for customized components) and MUI Material. It is published to npm on every push to the master branch.


  1. uses consistent styling across all portals.
  2. DRY code across the
  3. Modernize the style of

Local development


It's recommended that each UI component has at least one Story, for ease of testing during development and for creating documentation in the future. The Stories file should sit in the root directory of the component and follow the following naming convention: ComponentName.stories.tsx.

Below is a sample story that can be used as a base for most components:

const meta: Meta<typeof ComponentName> = {
  title: 'Component Name',
  component: ComponentName,
  tags: ['autodocs'],

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;

export const Primary: Story = {
  render: () => <ComponentName />


Each component should have at least one test to check that it renders correctly. The test file should sit in the root directory of the component and follow the following naming convention: Component.test.tsx.

Below is an example test file that can be used as a base for most components:

describe('<ComponentName />', () => {
  const children = <div data-testid="content">Content</div>;

  it('renders itself and its content correctly', () => {
    const { getByTestId } = render(
      <ComponentName data-testid="componentName">

    const componentName = getByTestId('componentName');
    const contentElement = getByTestId('content');



To verify that exported components work as expected, you can package and import them locally before publishing to npm. In the rampui directory, hit the npm link command and in the directory of the project where you're using rampui, hit the npm link rampui. This will update the project's package.json to use rampui from your local build. Each time you run the build command, npm run build on rampui, the library will automatically be updated in the project you're using for testing.

Migrating MUI components

When migrating components that are using the @mui/material library, ensure that:

  1. The MUI theme file in rampui is updated with any modifications made to the MUI theme in the React project the component is migrated from
  2. The MUI components use the correct colors
    • RampUI uses the main theme color as the primary color, and a black color as the secondary; this is not the case for all Portals

Publishing to npm

How to release a new version of rampui to npm:

  • Create a pull request into the main branch
  • Add the appropriate label to the pull request:
    • release-patch: backward compatible bug fixes
    • release-minor: backward compatible new features
    • release-major: changes that break backward compatibility
  • Merge the pull request


An easy to maintain React components library that is built on top of Mui Base (for customized components) and Mui Material. It is published to npm on every push to the master branch.






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Contributors 4

