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Issues API

Issues API

The API for GitHub Issues.

Search Issues


Where 'state' is either 'open' or 'closed'.

For example, to search for 'test' in the open issues for defunkt/github-issues repo, you can do this:

$ curl
  "issues": [
      "user": "kfl",
      "gravatar_id": "ad670e0aee0491aaa0a2d201486064b2",
      "updated_at": "2009\/04\/20 03:34:48 -0700",
      "votes": 3,
      "number": 102,
      "position": 1.0,
      "title": "Pressing question-mark does not show help",
      "body": "Pressing the '?'-key does not open the help lightbox.\r\n\r\nHowever, at least the 'j', 'k', and 'c' works (the only ones I've tested).\r\n\r\n* **OS:** Linux, ubuntu 8.04.1\r\n* **Browser:** Firefox 3.08",
      "state": "open",
      "created_at": "2009\/04\/17 12:57:52 -0700"

List a Projects Issues

To see a list of issues for a project,


where :state is either 'open' or 'closed'.

For example, to see all the open issues I have on the schacon/simplegit project, we can run

$ curl
- number: 1
  votes: 0
  created_at: 2009-04-17 14:55:33 -07:00
  body: my sweet, sweet issue
  title: new issue
  updated_at: 2009-04-17 14:55:33 -07:00
  user: schacon
  gravatar_id: 9375a9529679f1b42b567a640d775e7d
  position: 0.0
  state: open
- number: 2
  votes: 0
  created_at: 2009-04-17 15:16:47 -07:00
  body: the body of a second issue
  title: another issue
  updated_at: 2009-04-17 15:16:47 -07:00
  user: schacon
  gravatar_id: 9375a9529679f1b42b567a640d775e7d
  position: 1.0
  state: open

View an Issue

To get data on an individual issue by number, run


So to get all the data for a issue #1 in our repo, we can run something like this:

$ curl
  number: 1
  position: 0.0
  votes: 0
  created_at: 2009-04-17 14:55:33 -07:00
  body: my sweet, sweet issue
  title: new issue
  updated_at: 2009-04-17 14:55:33 -07:00
  user: schacon
  gravatar_id: 9375a9529679f1b42b567a640d775e7d
  comments: 2
  state: open

List an Issue's Comments

To get a list of comments made on an issue, run


So to get all the comments for a issue #1 in our repo, we can run something like this:

$ curl
- created_at: 2010-02-08 12:54:54 -08:00
  body: this is a really great idea
  updated_at: 2010-02-08 12:54:54 -08:00
  id: 1
  user: defunkt
  gravatar_id: b8dbb1987e8e5318584865f880036796
- created_at: 2010-02-08 12:55:05 -08:00
  body: is it?
  updated_at: 2010-02-08 12:55:05 -08:00
  id: 2
  user: schacon
  gravatar_id: 9375a9529679f1b42b567a640d775e7d

Open and Close Issues

To open a new issue on a project, make a authorized POST to


Where you can provide POST variables:


It will return the data for the newly created ticket if it is successful. You need to provide your username and token so the system knows who you are and can assign you as the opener of the issue.

For example, I could open a new issue on my simplegit project like this:

$ curl -F 'login=schacon' -F 'token=XXX' -F 'title=new' -F 'body=my ticket' \
  user: schacon
  gravatar_id: 9375a9529679f1b42b567a640d775e7d
  body: my ticket
  title: new
  number: 1
  votes: 0
  state: open

To close or reopen an issue, you just need to supply the issue number



You need to be logged in via token as well. Here is how I would close the ticket I opened earlier:

$ curl -F 'login=schacon' -F 'token=XXX' \
  user: schacon
  gravatar_id: 9375a9529679f1b42b567a640d775e7d
  title: new
  number: 1
  votes: 0
  state: closed

Edit Existing Issues

For the final three calls (edit, label add and label delete) you have to be authorized a collaborator on the project.

To edit an existing issue, you can POST to


Where you can provide POST variables:


This will overwrite the title or body of the issue, if you are authorized member of the project.

Listing Labels

You can list available labels for a projects issues with


For example,

$ curl -F 'login=schacon' -F 'token=XXX'
- label1
- label2

Add and Remove Labels

To add a label, run


This will return a list of the labels currently on that issue, your new one included. If the label is not yet in the system, it will be created.

Here is how I would add the label 'testing' to my first ticket in my simplegit project:

$ curl -F 'login=schacon' -F 'token=XXX'
- testing
- test_label

To remove a label, run:


Again, it will return a list of the labels currently on the issue.

You can also add and remove labels generally by leaving off the Issue number. That will add a label to the system but not attach it to an issue, or remove an issue from all labels.

Comment on Issues

You can comment on issues at


Simply send it a 'comment' POST variable with the comment you'd like to make. It will attribute the comment to the user that is authenticated. Here is an example:

$ curl -F 'login=schacon' -F 'token=XXX' -F 'comment=this is amazing' \
{"comment": {"gravatar_id": "9375a9529679f1b42b567a640d775e7d",
"user": "schacon", "body": "this is amazing", id: 17,
created_at: TIMESTAMP, updated_at: TIMESTAMP}