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chore(publish): 5.0.0-beta.2
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benlesh committed Feb 10, 2016
1 parent 14afeb6 commit 9c887a4
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Showing 2 changed files with 81 additions and 1 deletion.
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,80 @@
<a name="5.0.0-beta.2"></a>
# [5.0.0-beta.2]( (2016-02-10)

### Bug Fixes

* **ajax:** fixes error in Chrome accessing responseText when responseType isn't text. ([f3e2f73](
* **benchpress:** fix issues with benchmarks ([16894bb](
* **every:** remove eager predicate calls ([74c2c44](
* **forkJoin:** fix forkJoin to complete if sources Array is empty. ([412b13b](
* **groupBy:** does not emit on unsubscribed group ([6d08705](
* **groupBy:** fix groupBy to use lift(), supports composability ([815cfae](, closes [#1085]( [#1085](
* **merge/concat:** passed scalar observables will now complete properly ([c01b92f](, closes [#1150](
* **MergeMapSubscriber:** clearfy type definitions for MergeMapSubscriber's members ([4ee5f02](
* **Observable.forEach:** errors thrown in nextHandler reject returned promise ([c5ead88](, closes [#1184](
* **Observer:** fix typing to allow observation via partial observables with PartialObservable<T ([7b6da90](
* **Subject:** align parameter order to match with RxJS4 ([44dfa07](, closes [#1285](
* **Subject:** throw ObjectUnsubscribedError when unsubecribed ([29b630b](, closes [#859](
* **Subscriber:** adds unsubscription when errors are thrown from user-land handlers. ([dc67d21](
* **Subscription:** fix leaks caused by unsubscribe functions that throw ([9e88c2e](
* **subscriptions:** unsubscribe correctly when a Subscriber throws during synchronous dispatch. ([b1698fe](
* **typings:** don't expose PromiseConstructor dependency ([f59225b](, closes [#1270](
* **typings:** remove R from, update operators accordingly ([f27902d](
* **typings:** remove redundant generics from call<T, R> and lift<T, R> ([603c9eb](
* **windowTime:** does not emit on unsubscribed window ([595f4ef](

### Features

* **cache:** add cache operator ([4308a04](
* **delayWhen:** add delayWhen operator ([17122f9](
* **distinct:** add distinct operator ([94a034d](
* **distinctKey:** add distinctKey operator ([fe4d57f](
* **from:** allow Observable.from to handle array-like objects ([7245005](
* **MapPolyfill:** implement clear interface ([e3fbd05](
* **operator:** adds inspect and inspectTime operators ([54f957b](
* **OuterSubscriber:** notifyNext passes innersubscriber when next emits ([1df8928](, closes [#1250](
* **Subject:** implement asObservable ([aca3dd0](, closes [#1108](
* **takeLast:** adds takeLast operator. ([3583cd3](

### Performance Improvements

* **catch:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for custom tryCatching, 1.3M -> 1.5M ops/sec ([35caf74](
* **combineLatest:** remove tryCatch/errorObject, 156k -> 221k ops/sec ([1c7d639](
* **count:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for custom tryCatching, 1.84M -> 1.97M ops/sec ([869718d](
* **debounce:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for custom tryCatching ([90bf3f1](
* **distinct:** increase perf from 60% of Rx4 to 1000% Rx4 ([d026c41](
* **do:** remove tryCatch/errorObject use, 104k -> 263k ops/sec improvement ([ccba39d](
* **every:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~1.8x improvement) ([14afeb6](
* **exhaustMap:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~10% improvement) ([a55f459](
* **filter:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for 2x perf improvement ([086c4bf](
* **find:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~2x improvement) ([aa35b2a](
* **first:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for custom tryCatching, 970k ops -> 1.27M ops/sec ([d8c835a](
* **groupBy:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for custom tryCatching, 38% faster. ([40c43f7](
* **last:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for custom tryCatching, 960k -> 1.38M ops/sec ([243ace3](
* **map:** 2x increase from removing tryCatch/errorObject ([231f729](
* **mergeMap:** extra 1x factor gains from custom tryCatch member function ([c4ce2fb](
* **mergeMapTo:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~2x improvement) ([42bcced](
* **reduce:** remove tryCatch/errorObject, optimize calls, 2-3x perf improvement ([6186d46](
* **scan:** remove tryCatch/errorObject for custom tryCatcher 1.75x improvement ([338135d](
* **single:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~2.5x improvement) ([2515cfb](
* **skipWhile:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~1.6x improvement) ([cf002db](
* **Subscriber:** double performance adding tryOrUnsub to Subscriber ([4e75466](
* **switchMap:** remove tryCatch/errorObject ~20% improvement ([ec0199f](
* **switchMapTo:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~2x improvement) ([c8cf72a](
* **takeWhile:** remove tryCatch/errorObject (~6x improvement) ([ef6c3c3](
* **withLatestFrom:** remove tryCatch/errorObject, 92k -> 107k (16% improvement) ([e4ccb44](
* **zip:** extra 1x-2x factor gains from custom tryCatch member function ([a1b0e52](


* Subject: Subject.create arguments have been swapped to match Rx
4 signature. `Subject.create(observable, observer)` is now
`Subject.create(observer, observable)`

<a name="5.0.0-beta.1"></a>
# [5.0.0-beta.1]( (2016-01-13)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,6 +123,9 @@

* inspect: `inspect` and `inspectTime` were removed. Use `withLatestFrom` instead.
* Subscriber/Observable: errors thrown in nextHandlers by consumer code will no longer propagate to the errorHandler.
* Observable patching: Patch files for static observable methods such as `of` and `from` can now be found in `rxjs/add/observable/of`, `rxjs/add/observable/from`, etc.
* Observable modules: Observable modules for subclassed Observables like `PromiseObservable`, `ArrayObservable` are now in appropriately named files like `rxjs/observable/PromiseObservable` and `rxjs/observable/ArrayObservable`
as opposed to `rxjs/observable/fromPromise` and `rxjs/observable/fromArray`, since they're not patching, they simply house the Observable implementations.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@reactivex/rxjs",
"version": "5.0.0-beta.1",
"version": "5.0.0-beta.2",
"description": "Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript",
"main": "index.js",
"config": {
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