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A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.

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Installation and Running

$ npm install
$ npm run start
# Run docker-compose
$docker-compose up -d

ElasticSearch Query

# Check Index.
$curl -X GET
# Get Data.
$curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/_search
# Delet all Indexes.
$curl -X DELETE 'localhost:9200/_all'

Request (Create Product in MongoDB and Create Index in Elastic)

# Postman POST Request.
# Request Body
    "name": "Iphone 13",      # Indexed
    "price": 999,
    "isComplet": true,
    "llc": "Apple LLC"        # Indexed
# Postman POST Request.

Query description

#         |    Search Data      |               Elastic indexes                    | Pagination
#         |                     |                                                  |
# ?query= |    JavaScript       |    /  name   /   llc    /  ...  /  ...           |/ 22
#         |                     |                                                  |
#         | Should be the first |            Search fields                         | Should be the last
# Search for target data.
$ http://localhost:3022/api/v1/elastic/search?q={ SEARCH_STRING }
$ http://localhost:3022/api/v1/elastic/search?q={ SEARCH_STRING_1 SEARCH_STRING_2 }/{  SEARCH_FIELDS_1, ...}/{ 22 }
# Example.
$ http://localhost:3022/api/v1/elastic/search?q=JavaScript/title/tags/authors/12