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Wish List & Potential Issues

blankmaker edited this page Sep 8, 2014 · 1 revision

Wish List Features

NOTE: "[user]" indicates which user is the beneficiary of the listed feature

  • [Customers] Pay/order ahead
  • [Customers] Average rating of restaurants
  • [Customers] Circles/favorite restaurants
  • [Restaurants] Use Yelp's API to gather more information about the restaurant (e.g. rating, address, etc.)
  • [Restaurants & Customers] Food Menu
  • [Restaurants & Customers] Email confirmation on sign up
  • [Restaurants & Customers] 'Settings' option (to update data fields)

Potential Issues

  • Polluted search results from restaurants listing themselves as always "available" but they really aren't
  • How to deal with no-show customers
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