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263 lines (184 loc) · 9.2 KB

File metadata and controls

263 lines (184 loc) · 9.2 KB

Basic Usage

The starting point for creating a reflection class does not match the typical core reflection API. Instead of simply instantiating a new \ReflectionClass, you must use the appropriate helper \Rector\BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector.

All *Reflector classes require a class that implements the SourceLocator interface as a dependency.

Basic Reflection

Better Reflection is, in most cases, able to automatically reflect on classes by using a similar creation technique to PHP's internal reflection. However, this works on the basic assumption that whichever autoloader you are using will attempt to load a file, and only one file, which should contain the class you are trying to reflect. For example, the autoloader that Composer provides will work with this technique.


use Rector\BetterReflection\BetterReflection;

$classInfo = (new BetterReflection)

If this instantiation technique is not possible - for example, your autoloader does not load classes from file, then you must use SourceLocator creation.

Fun fact... using the method described above actually uses a SourceLocator under the hood - it uses the AutoloadSourceLocator.


There are several static initialisers you may use based on the same concept. They are as follows:


use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionClass;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionMethod;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionParameter;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionProperty;

ReflectionClass::createFromInstance(new \stdClass);

ReflectionMethod::createFromName(\SplDoublyLinkedList::class, 'add');
ReflectionMethod::createFromInstance(new \SplDoublyLinkedList, 'add');

ReflectionParameter::createFromClassNameAndMethod(\SplDoublyLinkedList::class, 'add', 'index');
ReflectionParameter::createFromClassInstanceAndMethod(new \SplDoublyLinkedList, 'add', 'index');
ReflectionParameter::createFromSpec([\SplDoublyLinkedList::class, 'add'], 'index');
ReflectionParameter::createFromSpec([new \SplDoublyLinkedList, 'add'], 'index');
ReflectionParameter::createFromSpec('my_function', 'param1');
// Creating a ReflectionParameter from a closure is not supported yet :(

ReflectionProperty::createFromName(\ReflectionFunctionAbstract::class, 'name');
ReflectionProperty::createFromInstance(new \ReflectionClass(\stdClass::class), 'name');


Source locators are helpers that identify how to load code that can be used within the Reflectors. The library comes bundled with the following SourceLocator classes:

  • ComposerSourceLocator - you will probably use this most of the time. This uses Composer's built-in autoloader to locate a class and return the source.

  • SingleFileSourceLocator - this locator simply loads the filename specified in the constructor.

  • StringSourceLocator - pass a string as a constructor argument which will be used directly. Note that any references to filenames when using this locator will be null because no files are loaded.

  • AutoloadSourceLocator - this is a little hacky, but works on the assumption that when a registered autoloader identifies a file and attempts to open it, then that file will contain the class. Internally, it works by overriding the file:// protocol stream wrapper to grab the path of the file the autoloader is trying to locate. This source locator is used internally by the ReflectionClass::createFromName static constructor.

  • EvaledCodeSourceLocator - used to perform reflection on code that is already loaded into memory using eval()

  • PhpInternalSourceLocator - used to perform reflection on PHP's internal classes and functions.

  • AnonymousClassObjectSourceLocator - used to perform reflection on an anonymous class object.

  • ClosureSourceLocator - used to perform reflection on a closure.

  • AggregateSourceLocator - a combination of multiple SourceLocators which are hunted through in the given order to locate the source.

  • FileIteratorSourceLocator - iterates all files in a given iterator containing SplFileInfo instances.

  • DirectoriesSourceLocator - iterates over all .php files in a list of directories, and all their descendants.

A SourceLocator is a callable, which when invoked must be given an Identifier (which describes a class/function/etc.). The SourceLocator should be written so that it returns a Reflection object directly.

Note that using EvaledCodeSourceLocator and PhpInternalSourceLocator will result in specific types of LocatedSource within the reflection - namely EvaledLocatedSource and InternalLocatedSource respectively.

Reflecting Classes

The ClassReflector is used to create Better Reflection ReflectionClass instances. You may pass it any SourceLocator to reflect on any class that can be located using the given SourceLocator.

Using the AutoloadSourceLocator

There is no need to use the AutoloadSourceLocator directly. Simply use the static constructors for ReflectionClass and ReflectionFunction:


$classInfo = ReflectionClass::createFromName('MyClass');
$functionInfo = ReflectionFunction::createFromName('foo');

Using the Composer autoloader directly


use Rector\BetterReflection\BetterReflection;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector;
use Rector\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\ComposerSourceLocator;

$classLoader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$astLocator = (new BetterReflection())->astLocator();
$reflector = new ClassReflector(new ComposerSourceLocator($classLoader, $astLocator));
$reflectionClass = $reflector->reflect('Foo\Bar\MyClass');

echo $reflectionClass->getShortName(); // MyClass
echo $reflectionClass->getName(); // Foo\Bar\MyClass
echo $reflectionClass->getNamespaceName(); // Foo\Bar

Loading a class from a specific file


use Rector\BetterReflection\BetterReflection;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector;
use Rector\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\SingleFileSourceLocator;

$astLocator = (new BetterReflection())->astLocator();
$reflector = new ClassReflector(new SingleFileSourceLocator('path/to/MyApp/MyClass.php', $astLocator));
$reflectionClass = $reflector->reflect('MyApp\MyClass');

echo $reflectionClass->getShortName(); // MyClass
echo $reflectionClass->getName(); // MyApp\MyClass
echo $reflectionClass->getNamespaceName(); // MyApp

Loading a class from a string


use Rector\BetterReflection\BetterReflection;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector;
use Rector\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\StringSourceLocator;

$code = '<?php class Foo {};';

$astLocator = (new BetterReflection())->astLocator();
$reflector = new ClassReflector(new StringSourceLocator($code, $astLocator));
$reflectionClass = $reflector->reflect('Foo');

echo $reflectionClass->getShortName(); // Foo

Fetch reflections of all the classes in a file


use Rector\BetterReflection\BetterReflection;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector;
use Rector\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\SingleFileSourceLocator;

$astLocator = (new BetterReflection())->astLocator();
$reflector = new ClassReflector(new SingleFileSourceLocator('path/to/file.php', $astLocator));
$classes = $reflector->getAllClasses();

Fetch reflections of all the classes in one or more directories


use Rector\BetterReflection\BetterReflection;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector;
use Rector\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\DirectoriesSourceLocator;

$astLocator = (new BetterReflection())->astLocator();
$directoriesSourceLocator = new DirectoriesSourceLocator(['path/to/directory1'], $astLocator);
$reflector = new ClassReflector($directoriesSourceLocator);
$classes = $reflector->getAllClasses();

Reflecting Functions

The FunctionReflector is used to create Better Reflection ReflectionFunction instances. You may pass it any SourceLocator to reflect on any class that can be located using the given SourceLocator.

Using the AutoloadSourceLocator

See example in "Reflecting Classes" section on the same subheading.

Fetch reflections of all the functions


use Rector\BetterReflection\BetterReflection;
use Rector\BetterReflection\Reflector\FunctionReflector;
use Rector\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\DirectoriesSourceLocator;

$configuration = new BetterReflection();
$astLocator = $configuration->astLocator();
$classReflector = $configuration->classReflector();

$directoriesSourceLocator = new DirectoriesSourceLocator(['path/to/directory1'], $astLocator);
$reflector = new FunctionReflector($directoriesSourceLocator, $classReflector);
$functions = $reflector->getAllFunctions();

Reflecting a Closure

The ReflectionFunction class has a static constructor which you can reflect directly on a closure:


$myClosure = function () {
    echo "Hello world!\n";

$functionInfo = ReflectionFunction::createFromClosure($myClosure);

Note that when you reflect on a closure, in order to match the core reflection API, the function "short" name will be just {closure}.