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File metadata and controls

116 lines (87 loc) · 4.52 KB


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Simple shell scripts to control relays connected to your raspberry pi with a via CLI, cron like scheduler, external switches REST API and a WEB UI.

tests version stable branch


Compatible Raspberry Pi Boards

Operating System



  1. Connect your relay’s control circuit to one of the GPIO pins marked with O and GND, max 6 relays at this time.
  2. Connect your exnternal switches to GPIO pins makred with I and +5V, max 6 exnternal switches at this time
                  Pin Pin
           +3V3 [ ]1   2[ ] +5V
 SDA1 / GPIO  2 [ ]3   4[ ] +5V
 SCL1 / GPIO  3 [ ]5   6[ ] GND
        GPIO  4 [ ]7   8[ ] GPIO 14 / TXD0
            GND [ ]9   0[ ] GPIO 15 / RXD0
        GPIO 17 [O]11 12[O] GPIO 18
        GPIO 27 [O]13 14[ ] GND
        GPIO 22 [O]15 16[O] GPIO 23
           +3V3 [ ]17 18[O] GPIO 24
 MOSI / GPIO 10 [ ]19 20[ ] GND
 MISO / GPIO  9 [ ]21 22[I] GPIO 25
 SCLK / GPIO 11 [ ]23 24[ ] GPIO  8 / CE0#
            GND [ ]25 26[ ] GPIO  7 / CE1#
ID_SD / GPIO  0 [ ]27 28[ ] GPIO  1 / ID_SC
        GPIO  5 [I]29 30[ ] GND
        GPIO  6 [I]31 32[I] GPIO 12
        GPIO 13 [I]33 34[ ] GND
 MISO / GPIO 19 [ ]35 36[ ] GPIO 16 / CE2#
        GPIO 26 [I]37 38[ ] GPIO 20 / MOSI
            GND [ ]39 40[ ] GPIO 21 / SCLK

Boot and Install

Boot Raspberry Pi OS once logged in you can install relayct using the following command.

curl -s | sudo bash

This start an interactive wizard, follow the prompts to install relayctl


Update rc.local

Remove the following entrys from rc.local

/etc/relayctl/ test
/etc/relayctl/ &
/etc/relayctl/ &

Delete relayctl folder

delete the relayctl folder in /etc

sudo -rf /etc/relayct

Uninstall Nginx, fcgiwrap and jq

If you enabled the API during the install process you will need uninstall the following packages

  • nginx
  • fcgiwrap
  • jq

run the folloing command to do so

sudo apt remove -y nginx fcgiwrap jq

Delete the cgi api script

Finaly you will need to delete the CGI api script

rm -f /usr/lib/cgi-bin/api.cgi


For detailed instructions please see the Wiki, If you have any Questions or concerns please create an issue here.