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Merge pull request #27 from mmalecki/dev-readme
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Developers, developers, developers!
  • Loading branch information
AvianFlu committed Sep 28, 2011
2 parents 9786ae7 + 7d5bcde commit 1c30259
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 0 deletions.
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Developers, developers, developers!

Welcome onboard! It's so great to hear that you want to help us!

## Tools

Before you start hacking, you'll need few things:

* [node.js](
* [npm](
* [CouchDB](
* [Riak](
* [git]( (optional)
* your favorite code editor

### [node.js](
node.js is an evented I/O framework built on top of V8 JavaScript. This is
what gets Relief1 going. [Installing it is very easy](

For Relief1 development, make sure you're using stable version (v0.4.x).

### [npm](
npm is a node.js package manager. [Installation is even easier.](

### [CouchDB](
CouchDB is a document-oriented database with awesomeness integrated. We're using
it, because it's very safe - shutting down a CouchDB server by taking out the
power cord is perfectly valid and doesn't harm the data.

#### Installation
Most Linux distributions have CouchDB in it's repositories, so installing it
should be pretty straightforward.

Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install couchdb`
Fedora: `sudo yum install couchdb`

On Mac OS X you can follow [this instructions](

CouchDB has detailed installation instructions in it's [wiki](

### [Riak](
Riak is our secondary database, we use it for sessions.

#### Installation
On Mac OS X, with brew: `sudo brew install riak`

Unfortunately, neither Debian nor Fedora have Riak in it's repositories, but
thankfully, Riak provides various binaries. Please, refer to
[Riak wiki]( for further instructions.

### git
This one is optional - you can download source tarball from GitHub.

You can use it to clone our git repository to start working with our codebase: `git clone git://`.

Workflow we're using is described in our README. It basically boils down to using
topic branches.

#### Installation
Almost all Linux distributions have git in their repositories:

Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install git`
Fedora: `sudo yum install git`

brew: `sudo brew install git`

### What OS should I use?
At the moment, Windows isn't the best OS to work with node.js. You should be
perfectly fine with Mac OS X, but most of us use Linux (Fedora and Debian).

### Code editor
Use whatever you're comfortable with. Some nice editors are:

## node modules we're using

* [](
* [Cradle](
* [node-static](
* [settings](

Please note that you don't need to care about installing them. Just
run `npm install` in main repo directory and npm will take care about that.

### [](
It's an awesome library which basically drives whole our architecture. It can
be described as a full featured I/O framework.

If you're wondering, how it works, this
[series of videos by Marak Squires](
is a great resource.

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