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Air filter panel

Rendering Assembled


The filter panel accommodates four filter housing assemblies - two with patient tubing adapters, and two without. The filter housings are installed on a clear acrylic sheet. In case of different filters being available and/or required in particular markets or settings, this assembly can be easily redesigned and swapped out without significantly altering the rest of the ventilator design.


Note: If you are a member of the RespiraWorks team, review the part purchasing guidelines BEFORE purchasing any parts.

Item Quantity Manufacturer Part # Price (USD) Sources* Notes
A1 (~250cm²) McMaster-Carr 8560K357 150 / m² C 1/4" (6.35mm) thick clear acrylic sheet, to make [A2] below
A2 1 RespiraWorks Filter panel acrylic plate 3.75 Rw Lower acrylic face panel, cut from acrylic [A1]
A3 2 RespiraWorks Filter holder: tubing adapter 25.00 Rw Filter housing assembly, variant with patient tubing adapter
A4 2 RespiraWorks Filter holder: outlet vent 25.00 Rw Filter housing assembly, variant with outlet vent
A5 6 McMaster-Carr 94180A351 0.15 C Heat-set inserts for m4 screws

Total assembly price: USD ~105.00

Custom parts

All Inventor part models, assembly models and drawings are within this repo directory.

Filter panel acrylic plate

Recently exported files for cutting acrylic can be found on our Google Drive at Manufacturing/Output files v0.4/Acrylic.

The plate may be produced using a laser cutter or with common woodworking tools.


Note: Please also see general advice in the manufacturing methods guide.

  • Install heat set inserts (A5) into the corner holes for mounting to main equipment bracket.

  • Disassemble the individual holders and integrate the housings with the acrylic panel using M4 hardware (A6-8).

Recently exported drawings for sub-assemblies can be found on our Google Drive at Manufacturing/Output files v0.4/Subassemblies.