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File metadata and controls

101 lines (60 loc) · 6.58 KB


You must perform these steps to getting this solution up and running:


A keyvault to store the certificates. If you need multiple certificates it is up to you whether you want to use a central keyvault or multiple. Note that so far all supported resources (cdn, app service) require the keyvault to be in the same subscription (but not necessarily the same resourcegroup).

Personally I use one keyvault per project to have a clean seperation between projects but a central "certificate keyvault" might make sense as well.

Please see the individual targetResources in Supportes resources for additional prerequisites based on whichever resources will consume the certificate.

Setting up the deployment

To get started fork this repository (I recommend you do minimal changes to the repository to make it easier to keep it in sync). To get notified when a new version is published also consider watching this repository.

The azure-functionapp.yml Github Action contains the full infrastructure and code deployment (you can ignore the integrationtests.yml as I use those for verification during development).

The pipeline can run on any Github Action runner as all the software it needs is installed on those (Visual Studio, .Net Core, Az module, ..). Github Actions also offers 2000 free CI/CD minutes per month which is plenty for the deployment of this function.

Before running the pipeline you must modify the resourcegroup name:

- env:
    ResourceGroup: letsencryt-func

The resourcegroup name used in Azure is also used for storage account, app insights and the function app so pick something unique.

⚠️ Note that keyvault is limited to 23 characters and storage accounts are limited to 24 characters (and no dashes). The ARM template will automatically create a storage account from the resourcegroup name (without any dashes). Incase the name is still longer than 24 characters the storage account name is also truncated.

Additionally you must set the AZURE_CREDENTIALS secret on your github repository.

Follow the instructions at Configure azure credentials to generate them, then go to your repository -> settings -> Secrets and add the AZURE_CREDENTIALS secret.

The modified pipeline should now execute successfully in your account.

Alternatively you can execute the same steps manually from your machine using Az powershell module and Visual Studio by following each step in the github action manually (in short: build, publish & deploy azure function to the azure infrastructure defined in the ARM template).


Along with the function app a storage account is created and the keyvault(s) previously mentioned must exist.

The storage account is used to store the metadata and configuration files for the renewal process (inside container letsencrypt).

First run

If the function was deployed successfully you can run it once manually (using the provided http function execute Note that it only accepts POST requests with an empty body).

The storage account should then contain a container letsencrypt with a config/sample.json file (both will be automatically created by the function call if they don't exist yet).

The file contains comments and you should be able to add your own web apps and domains quite easily based on them.

Note: The config/sample.json file is always ignored when generating certificates, you must use a different filename (e.g. config/my-domain.json).

(Personal recommendation: If you name Azure resources, name them all identical, e.g. resourcegroup "letsencrypt-func" -> azure function "letsencrypt-func", keyvault -> "letsencrypt-func", etc. The configuration has a fallback system, if most resources are named identical you only need to specify one and the rest are inferred by the config fallback system).

See Supported resources for more documentation including the required permissions.

Deploy first certificate

If Azure CDN is setup correctly (with the endpoint and domain already correctly mapped) and the permissions are assigned correctly then the function should create certificates in the keyvault after a successful run and attach them to the CDN/update them when needed.

Note: The CDN update can take up to 6 hours until the certificate is used and you can see the progress in the CDN -> Endpoints section in Azure (the function will not check for it once it has triggered the deploy successfully).

Known issues

  • 400 Bad Request when updating the CDN - this will happen when a CDN certificate update is already in progress (even if the request is for the same certificate). Since the process takes up to 6 hours, check back later when the CDN Endpoint is no longer provisioning

Invoking the function manually

By default the function is schedule to run daily and only updates the certificates if they are older than X days (default: 30 days).

To manually invoke it, call the endpoint <your-function> Note that it is a POST endpoint.

It currently allows a body (application/json) with overrides:

    // if set to `true` new Let's Encrypt certificates are issued
    // for all sites even if the existing certificates haven't expired
    // (this will also update the azure resources with the new certificates)
    "forceNewCertificates": true,
    // optional parameter that limits the certificates to renew
    // specifically it only renews certificates where at least one of the listed domains
    // is included in the respective hostNames array of the config
    // (only makes sense when forceNewCertificates is also true)
    "domainsToUpdate": [

In the example above because forceNewCertificates is set to true certificates containing either hostname or (or both) are forcefully renewed. For other (non-matching) certificates renewal will only happen if they are close to expiry.

For legacy reasons the following parameter can also be provided via query string which takes precedence over the forceNewCertificates parameter in the body:

  • newCertificate=true

A warning is logged in such cases and the querystring parameter will be removed in a future version.