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File metadata and controls

298 lines (237 loc) · 15.9 KB


RestGenerator is a web API plugin package for Rhetos development platform. It automatically provides RESTful JSON web service for all entities, actions and other data structures that are defined in a Rhetos application.

It is intended to be used on an ASP.NET application that contains or references the Rhetos domain object model.

See for more information on Rhetos.

  1. Features
    1. General rules
    2. Reading data
    3. Writing data
    4. Actions
    5. Reports
    6. Obsolete features
  2. Examples
  3. Developing client applications
  4. Installation
    1. Configure legacy JSON format
  5. HTTPS
  6. Adding Swagger/OpenAPI
  7. How to contribute
    1. Building and testing the source code


General rules

  1. For each data structure or action, a service is available at base URI <rhetos server url>/rest/<module name>/<entity name>/
  2. Any POST request should contain a header: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Examples in this article will assume that your application's base URI is https://localhost:5000.

For example, a service for entity Claim in module Common:

  • Service URI (reading service metadata): https://localhost:5000/rest/Common/Claim/
  • To read all entity's records, simply enter the address in the web browser: https://localhost:5000/rest/Common/Claim/ (don't forget the slash at the end)


  • The response status code will indicate the success of the request: 200 - OK, 4xx - client error (incorrect data or request format, authentication or authorization error), 500 - internal server error.
  • In case of an error, the response body will contain more information on the error. It is a JSON object with properties:
    • UserMessage - a message to be displayed to the user.
    • SystemMessage - additional error metadata for better client UX (for example, a property that caused an error).

Following are URI templates for the web methods.

Reading data

To read the data from the entity, or any other readable data structure, execute a GET request on its base URI:

  • Reading records: /?filters=...&top=...&skip=...&sort=...
    • The parameters are optional.
    • Top and skip values are integer number of records.
    • See Filters description below.
    • Example of sorting by multiple properties: sort=CreationDate desc,Name,ID.
  • Reading total records count for paging: /TotalCount?filters=...&sort=...
  • Reading records and total count: /RecordsAndTotalCount?filters=...&top=...&skip=...&sort=...
  • Reading a single record: /<id>

See the Examples chapter below.

Filters are provided as a JSON-serialized array containing any number of filters of the following types:

  1. Generic property filter
    • Format: {"Property":...,"Operation":..., "Value":...}
    • Example: select items where year is greater than 2005: [{"Property":"Year","Operation":"Greater", "Value":2005}]
    • Available operations:
      • Equals, NotEquals, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual
      • In, NotIn -- Parameter Value is a JSON array.
      • StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains, NotContains -- String only.
      • DateIn, DateNotIn -- Date or DateTime property only, provided value must be string. Returns whether the property's value is within a given day, month or year. Valid value format is yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm or yyyy.
  2. Specific filter without a parameter
    • Format: {"Filter":...} (provide a full name of the filter)
    • Specific filters refer to concepts such as ItemFilter, ComposableFilterBy and FilterBy, and also other predefined filters available in the object model.
    • Example: get long books from the Bookstore demo by applying ItemFilter LongBooks on Book entity: [{"Filter":"Bookstore.LongBooks"}]
  3. Specific filter with a parameter
    • Format: {"Filter":...,"Value":...} (value is usually a JSON object)
    • Example: get books with at least 700 pages from the Bookstore demo by applying ComposableFilterBy LongBooks3 on Book entity: [{"Filter":"Bookstore.LongBooks3","Value":{"MinimumPages":700}}]

When applying multiple filters in a same request, the intersection of the filtered data is returned (AND).

Writing data

  • Inserting a record: POST at the entity's service base URI.
    • You may provide the "ID" value of the new record in the request body (just include the ID property in the JSON object). If not, it will be automatically generated.
  • Update and delete commands use the same URI as reading a single record (/<id>), but with different HTTP methods:
    • Updating a record: PUT /<id>
    • Deleting a record: DELETE /<id>


  • Executing an action: POST at the action's service base URI.
  • The request body should contain a JSON serialized parameters object (properties of the Action in DSL script).
    • If the action has no parameters, the body must be set to an empty JSON object "{}" (until RestGenerator v2.5.0), or the body can by empty (since v2.6.0).
  • For example, execute an action "Common.AddToLog" to add a custom log entry:
    • POST https://localhost:5000/rest/Common/AddToLog/
    • Header: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    • Request body: {"Action":"just testing","Description":"abc"}


  • Downloading a report: /?parameter=...&convertFormat=...
    • Query parameters parameter and convertFormat are optional.
    • Example format https://localhost:5000/rest/TestModule/TestReport/?parameter={"Prefix":"a"}&convertFormat=pdf

Obsolete features

The following features are available for backward compatibility, they might be removed in future versions:

  • /Count WEB API method. Use /TotalCount method instead.
  • Reading method query parameters page and psize. Use top and skip.
  • Reading method query parameters filter and fparam. Use filters instead (see "Specific filter with a parameter").
  • Reading method query parameter genericfilter. Renamed to filters.
  • Generic property filter operations Equal and NotEqual. Use Equals and NotEquals instead.


These examples assume that the your web application is available at URL https://localhost:5000/

Generic property filters:

Request URL example
Using a generic filter to read multiple items by ID https://localhost:5000/rest/Common/Principal/?filters=[{"Property":"ID","Operation":"in","Value":["c62bc1c1-cc47-40cd-9e91-2dd682d55f95","1b1688c4-4a8a-4131-a151-f04d4d2773a2"]}]
Using a generic filter to search for empty values https://localhost:5000/rest/Common/Principal/?filters=[{"Property":"Name","Operation":"equal","Value":""}]
Using a generic filter to search for null values https://localhost:5000/rest/Common/Principal/?filters=[{"Property":"Name","Operation":"equal","Value":null}]

Developing client applications

When developing client applications, use standard JSON serialization and URL encoding helpers to generate URL query string parameters for the REST web requests. It is recommended to use common libraries for REST requests, such as RestSharp for .NET applications.

For example, when generating filters parameter for GET request, avoid generating URL query string manually. It would provide opportunity for errors with certain characters that cannot be directly written in JSON or URL, they must be escaped with prefix character or encoded in hex format.

The following example demonstrates an expected format of URL query parameters, by using Newtonsoft.Json for JSON serialization and standard .NET Framework class UrlEncode.

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Net;
namespace JsonUrlEncoded
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var myCustomFilter = new
                Filter = "MyCustomFilter",
                Value = new
                    Text = @"Characters\/""?",
                    DateFrom = DateTime.Now,
                    OwnerID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    File = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }
            var filters = new[] { myCustomFilter };

            var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            // If needed, configure Newtonsoft.Json for backward-compatibility with older versions of RestGenerator v1-v4:
            // 1. legacy Microsoft DateTime serialization,
            // 2. byte[] serialization as JSON array of integers instead of Base64 string.
            //jsonSettings.DateFormatHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat;
            //jsonSettings.Converters.Add(new Rhetos.Host.AspNet.RestApi.Utilities.ByteArrayConverter()); // Rhetos.RestGenerator NuGet
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filters, jsonSettings);
            string urlQuery = WebUtility.UrlEncode(json);
            Console.WriteLine($"JSON: {json}");
            Console.WriteLine($"URL query: ?filters={urlQuery}");

Note that URL query encoding should be skipped when sending parameters in request body (POST and PUT), or if using a REST library that will automatically encode URL query parameters for each request (RestSharp, for example).


Installing this package to a Rhetos web application:

  1. Add 'Rhetos.RestGenerator' NuGet package, available at the on-line gallery.
  2. Extend Rhetos services configuration (at services.AddRhetosHost) with the REST API:
    .AddRestApi(o =>
        o.BaseRoute = "rest";
  3. Add app.UseRhetosRestApi();. It should be place before the existing lines app.MapControllers, app.UseEndpoints or app.UseSwagger.

Configure legacy JSON format

If needed, configure legacy JSON format for compatibility with existing applications and plugins (v1-v4):

  • A) Properties starting with uppercase in JSON objects:
    // Backward-compatibility with older versions of RestGenerator
    services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options => options.JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null);
  • B) For full backward compatibility, add Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson NuGet package, and the following code to Startup.ConfigureServices method:
        .AddNewtonsoftJson(o =>
            // Using NewtonsoftJson for backward-compatibility with older versions of RestGenerator:
            // 1. Properties starting with uppercase in JSON objects.
            // 2. Legacy Microsoft DateTime serialization.
            o.SerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat;
            // 3. byte[] serialization as JSON array of integers instead of Base64 string.
            o.SerializerSettings.Converters.Add(new Rhetos.Host.AspNet.RestApi.Utilities.ByteArrayConverter());


To enable HTTPS, follow the instructions in Set up HTTPS.

Adding Swagger/OpenAPI

If not already included, add Swashbuckle to your ASP.NET Core application, see instructions: Get started with Swashbuckle and ASP.NET Core.

Add support for multiple entities with the same name in different modules:

  1. By default, Swashbuckle will return "Failed to load API definition." error, if the same type name occurs in different namespaces. To fix this, in Startup.ConfigureServices method, inside services.AddSwaggerGen method call add c.CustomSchemaIds(type => type.ToString()); // Allows multiple entities with the same name in different modules. For more info see "Conflicting schemaIds" in the Swagger documentation.

Show Rhetos REST API in the Swagger UI:

  1. In Startup.ConfigureServices method, in .AddRestApi method call, add o.GroupNameMapper = (conceptInfo, controller, oldName) => "rhetos";.
  2. In Startup.ConfigureServices method, in .AddSwaggerGen method call, add c.SwaggerDoc("rhetos", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Rhetos REST API", Version = "v1" });.
  3. In Startup.Configure method add, in .UseSwaggerUI method call, add c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/rhetos/swagger.json", "Rhetos REST API");. If there are multiple swagger endpoints configured here, place this one first if you want to open it by default.

As an alternative, you can show Rhetos REST API split into multiple Swagger documents (pages) to improve load time of the Swagger UI for large projects.

  1. Specify document names in Rhetos REST API:
    1. Option A) If you want to have one Swagger documents for each DSL module, remove any code from Startup.cs that sets GroupNameMapper. DSL Module name is used for grouping by default.
    2. Option B) If you want to specify custom Swagger documents, in Startup.ConfigureServices method, in .AddRestApi method call, add o.GroupNameMapper = (conceptInfo, controller, oldName) => ... return document name for each conceptInfo .... Implement the custom delegate here, that will result with different Swagger document names based on conceptInfo parameter.
  2. For each document name specified above (each DSL Module, e.g.), add the following code and replace MyModuleName with the document name accordingly (it is case sensitive).
    1. In Startup.ConfigureServices method, in .AddSwaggerGen method call, add c.SwaggerDoc("MyModuleName", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "MyModuleName REST API", Version = "v1" });.
    2. In Startup.Configure method add, in .UseSwaggerUI method call, add c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/MyModuleName/swagger.json", "MyModuleName REST API");. If there are multiple swagger endpoints configured here, place at the first position the one that you want to open by default.
    3. For example, see lines with SwaggerDoc and SwaggerEndpoint in Bookstore Startup.cs, for modules Bookstore, Common, AuthenticationDemo and DemoRowPermissions2.

How to contribute

Contributions are very welcome. The easiest way is to fork this repo, and then make a pull request from your fork. The first time you make a pull request, you may be asked to sign a Contributor Agreement. For more info see How to Contribute on Rhetos wiki.

Building and testing the source code

  • Note: This package is already available at the online gallery. You don't need to build it from source in order to use it in your application.
  • To build the package from source, run Clean.bat, Build.bat and Test.bat.
  • For the test script to work, you need to create an empty database and a settings file test\TestApp\ConnectionString.local.json with the database connection string (configuration key "ConnectionStrings:RhetosConnectionString").
  • The build output is a NuGet package in the "Install" subfolder.