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Shane Rosanbalm edited this page May 25, 2017 · 12 revisions

Macro Basics

The simplest application of the %viridis() macro requires only one parameter: n=.


The result of this call will be a macro variable &viridis4 which contains a space-separated list of colors from the viridis palette.

viridis4 = cx440154 cx30688E cx35B779 cxFEE724

Grouped Data

If you're using SAS v9.4 you can use &viridis4 in the datacontrastcolors= argument of the styleattrs statement.


proc sgplot;
   styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(&viridis4);
   series ...

viridis sgplot

If you're using an earlier version of SAS you can use &viridis4 in the colors= parameter of the %modstyle() macro. There's also a one-record-per-color dataset (work.palette) that is generated. You could use this to build a discrete attribute map.

Color Response Data

The macro can also be used for color response plots. For instance, with the colormodel= argument on the heatmap statement.


proc sgplot data=plotdata;
   heatmap x=x y=y / colormodel=(&mycolormodel);

plasma sgplot

Pretty, oh so pretty!

Other Macro Options

The macro has other options such as reverse and greyscale. Check out the macro header for more details.

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