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Edgar edited this page Sep 15, 2018 · 30 revisions

You can download and compile the Rigs of Rods sources completely with tools that are available for free.

Required Software

Download and install all required software first:

(restart your computer after installing all the above tools)

Setting up the environment

Since 0.39.2 it is possible to build Rigs of Rods under Windows with precompiled dependencies for 32 bit and 64 bit. Depending on what you compile, some steps might slightly differ. Also, you can only build x64 (64-bit version) on a real 64-bit platform. However, you can still build x86 (32 bit) on a 64-bit platform due to backwards compatibility.

Preparing the source code

  • Create an empty directory anywhere where you have enough free disk space (~3 GB) for example, we chose this now: C:\dev\
  • Unpack the file into that directory. It will create a new directory called master
  • Rename unpacked master to rigsofrods-source

Installing the dependencies

  • Create a folder called build inside the rigsofrods-source folder

  • Open a PowerShell window in the build folder (Shift + right click --> Open PowerShell window here)

  • Setup Conan with conan user

  • Add the ror-dependencies and bincrafters-public remote to conan with

    conan remote add ror-dependencies
    conan remote add bincrafters-public-conan
  • Run conan install --build=missing .. to install the dependencies

Using CMake

  • Start cmake from the Windows start menu: START-->Programs-->CMake-->cmake-gui

  • Where is the source code: C:\dev\rigsofrods-source\

  • Where to build the binaries: C:\dev\rigsofrods-source\build

    • Click the Configure button.
    • Use Visual Studio 14 Win64 and Use default native compilers.
  • Say yes if it asked if the directory should be created.

  • Click Configure twice until all entries are white

  • Click Generate and close CMake

Compiling the source code

  • Navigate in Windows Explorer to the folder C:\dev\rigsofrods-source\build and open the file RoR.sln. Visual Studio should open. (if you are asked, open with Visual Studio for C++)

  • In Visual Studio, do the following: from the menu: Build -> build Solution.

  • The compilation is done when you can read something like the following in the bottom text output window:
    ========== Build: succeeded ==========

Done! After building you will find RoR ready to use in the bin\Release directory. You can navigate with the Windows Explorer to C:\dev\rigsofrods-source\bin\Release\ and use it the same way as game directory if it was installed there. Note: the only difference is that the resources will reside one directory higher, but RoR should figure that out itself.


  • If the compile step is ok but you don't see any executable or the log writes some missing libs, it may be something wrong with the linking step.
  • It may happen that RoR won't start in the bin directory. Simply put the new executable into main release folder and try launch from there. If it doesn't, you simply missed something.
  • These compile steps and hints are valid only with Visual Studio and Windows, although they may be similar for other configurations.
  • If you need any help compiling or have any other questions, join our discord( and ask your question in the #dev channel