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Releases: rx-modules/PlayerDB


16 Jan 22:30
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Removed global advancements and namespace


14 Jan 17:57
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A quick patch which I should have done a while back.
Removed the breaking yellow_shulker_box.json file plus removed the rx.playerdb:test directory causing errors.

v2.1.0 coming soon!


17 Nov 05:34
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Breaking Changes

  • Many namespaces have been updated
    • Storage:

      • rx:global playerdb -> rx.playerdb:main
      • rx:io playerdb -> rx.playerdb:io
      • rx:temp playerdb -> rx.playerdb:temp
      • Example: rx.playerdb:io
    • Scoreboards:

      • rx.pdb.hasEntry -> rx.pdb.has_entry
      • rx.pdb.LT -> rx.pdb.list_trigger
      • (..etc)
    • API, note the # indicating function tags:

      • rx.playerdb:api/get_self -> #rx.playerdb:api/v2/get/self

      • rx.playerdb:api/save -> #rx.playerdb:api/v2/save

      • #rx.playerdb:api/on_name_change -> #rx.playerdb:api/v2/on_name_change

      • Example:

         function #rx.playerdb:api/v2/get/self
         data modify storage rx.playerdb:io set value 3b
         function #rx.playerdb:api/v2/save/self

Please pay close attention to the new API setup. This is vital to allow for packs to be bundlable!


  • PlayerDB can now be bundled! Checkout the usage section on the wiki to learn more!
    • Essentially, this allows you to ship your datapack with PlayerDB included allowing your users to only need to download your pack!


  • #api/v2/on_name_change can never infinite loop.

    • If you attempt to #api/v2/get/self, it will fail and output an error message which you can read via the rx.admin tag.
  • Nearly every error message has been updated, esp across the admin suite

  • Many of the admin things have been cleaned up (looking at you migrate_acc)

    • Note, admin tools are designed to be ran in chat and not via datapack commands.
    • Running them via helper functions is fine, aslong as you keep track of newer admin updates since they are not versioned!
  • Login detection now works properly on server crashes. Also triggers on /reload

    • This should help catch some name changes ensuring this feature works more accurately!
  • Fixed upgrading issues (28d6262)

  • Admin cmd fixes (b9edbd4)

  • Made name change work again (7d627ba)

  • Make enumeration respect major minor patch properly (77c51de)

  • Minor typo in player tick (041827a)

  • Changed scoreboards to 16 char again (3810793)

  • Changed scoreboards to 1.17 compatible (16 char lim) (3ab8b9e)



16 Nov 08:00
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  • Make enumeration respect major minor patch properly (77c51de)
  • Minor typo in player tick (041827a)
  • Changed scoreboards to 16 char again (3810793)
  • Changed scoreboards to 1.17 compatible (16 char lim) (3ab8b9e)



15 Nov 21:41
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v2.0.0-pre Pre-release


  • Minor typo in player tick (041827a)
  • Changed scoreboards to 16 char again (3810793)
  • Changed scoreboards to 1.17 compatible (16 char lim) (3ab8b9e)



11 Jun 22:02
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Updated PlayerDB to use the latest Lantern Load spec


26 Apr 02:23
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v1.1.1 Patch

  • Fixed a bug w/ impl/get_name that wouldn't work in other dimensions.

Fixes for #15 and #16

  • This involves an automatic upgrade of the UUID database. Take backups!
  • It also involves a misnamed objective, player renames will only be counted if they've logged in once after this upgrade unfortunately

Feature for #11 via PR #18

  • New admin command via admin/migrate_account
  • Set the account you want to migrate data by setting rx:temp playerdb.admin.migrate.UUID
  • Then run admin/migrate_account as the player you are migrating. This will take the old UUID's data to the new player
  • You will have to manually reset the old name via a reset <name>!

Also, fixed a bug with datapackager which added new lines to all of the code.


09 Dec 20:23
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Quick Patch Upgrade.
Mostly alters debug and bumps the version bc I forgot last time.

Snapshot is for 1.17, but it changes nothing like before.


02 Dec 23:18
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Fixed upgrading from v0.5 -> v1.0.x


02 Dec 08:16
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Minor patch update should be fully compatible with previous versions.

Fixed #10 .
Fixed the admin/list malfunctioning.
Changed admin/list to iterate through UUID data instead of PlayerDB.
Added an admin/debug function to aid in debugging.
Added extra version scoreboards for ease in use. (rx.pdb.major, rx.pdb.minor, rx.pdb.patch in the load scoreboard).

Snapshot version
: No changes except pack.mcmeta version bump 6 -> 7