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578 lines (431 loc) · 19.6 KB

File metadata and controls

578 lines (431 loc) · 19.6 KB

Typed Metadata



A typing system for Haxe metadata that can validate its arguments and optionally provide compile-time transformations.

// -----------------------
// mypack/Meta.hx

	Define an author for a type definition.
@:metadata({ rtti: true })
function author(name: String): haxe.macro.Expr.TypeDefinition;

	Transform an `Expr` to execute only if the `input`
	expression is not `null`.
@:metadata function ifSome(input: haxe.macro.Expr): haxe.macro.Expr {
	final content = switch(Context.getDecoratorSubject().type) {
		case DExpression(e): e;
		case _: throw "Impossible";
	return macro {
		final _t = $input;
		if(_t != null) {

// -----------------------
// MyClass.hx

import mypack.Meta;

class MyClass {
	public function printPlus3(a: Null<Int>) {
		@:ifSome(a) {
			trace(a + 3);



Sometimes metadata can be a little tedious to work with.

When writing code using Haxe metadata, it's simple to check for a specific metadata's name; however, the arguments are a nightmare. A lot of boilerplate needs to be written to:

  • check if an argument exists
  • check if it's the desired type
  • convert from Expr to a usable data type

On the other hand, using someone's Haxe code that processes metadata can become troublesome. There is no guarentee the metadata is documented properly, and there is no scoping control to prevent naming conflicts.

Typing metadata using function declarations provides a better format for finding, documenting, and error checking Haxe metadata.


Detailed design

There's a lot to cover here. A table has been provided for your convenience:

Topic Description
Basic Rules The basic syntax and rules for a metadata "function" declaration.
@:metadata Arguments The properies to configure @:metadata.
Haxe API Changes The changes to the Haxe API required.
Allowed Argument Types List of argument types allowed for a typed metadata.
Allowed Return Types List of return types allowed for a typed metadata.
Decorators The design of metadata that runs code from its function body.


Basic Rules

A metadata can be declared using a function declaration with the @:metadata meta.

Metadata functions are permitted to lack an implementation (similar to extern functions). Typed metadata with function code is still allowed and will be covered later (see Decorators).

@:metadata function myMeta(): Any;


Metadata Function Restrictions

The @:metadata meta may only be used on module-level or static functions. Furthermore, the macro, dynamic, extern, and inline flags cannot be used with a metadata function.

@:metadata var myVar: Int; // error: @:metadata can only be used on static functions.
@:metadata macro function myMeta(): Any; // error: Invalid access on metadata function.

Metadata functions cannot be called normally. Any attempt to call them should result in an error:

function main() {
	myMeta(); // error: Function marked with @:metadata can only be used as metadata.

Type parameters are not allowed on metadata functions.

@:metadata function myMeta<T>(); // error: Type parameters disallowed on metadata functions.


Metadata Scoping/Importing

Typed metadata can be used on anything that allows metadata on it currently. However, it follows the same scoping rules as Haxe functions. Meaning it must use its full path or be imported:

function doThing() { ... }

// OR

import mypack.MyModule; 

// static function: @MyModule.myMeta
// module level:    @myMeta 

function doThing() { ... }


Untyped Metadata

If the Haxe compiler encounters a metadata entry it cannot type, its behavior is currently an Unresolved Question.

For the time being, this proposal suggests printing an error for each metadata entry that could not be typed (no metadata function could be found for its name/path) ONLY IF within a module that meets the following conditions:

  • A @:metadata function is declared in that module.
  • A @:metadata function is imported.
  • A module with a @:metadata function is imported (including wildcard imports).
  • At least one metadata in the module has been successfully typed (this counts even if its arguments do not pass typing).

This ensures any user that intends to use typed metadata will receive proper typing. A define can be used to enforce metadata typing on all code used in a Haxe project: -D strict-meta-typing

To use an untyped metadata in a "typed metadata" context, the @:untypedMeta metadata should be used:

@:untypedMeta(another(1, "test"))
class MyClass {}


Metadata Target

The return type of the metadata function declaration dictates where it's allowed to be used.

The Any type denotes a metadata can be used anywhere. The haxe.macro.Expr restricts a metadata's usage to expressions. A full list of allowed return types can be found at Allowed Return Types. Any return type besides those are not allowed and should result in an error.

// use this anywhere
@:metadata function anyMeta(): Any;

// only allowed on expressions
@:metadata function exprMeta(): haxe.macro.Expr;

// error: Type `Int` is not valid type for metadata function.
@:metadata function intMeta(): Int;


Basic Meta Arguments

Arguments can be added to the metadata functions. Like with return types, there are only certain types allowed. A full list can be found at Allowed Argument Types.

Outside the restriction of certain types, arguments should work exactly the same as they do on normal functions. This includes support for: optional arguments, default arguments, and rest arguments.

@:metadata function oneNum(num: Int): Any;
@:oneNum(123) function doThing() { ... }

// default args
@:metadata function maybeNum(num: Int = 0): Any;
@:maybeNum function doThing() { ... }
@:maybeNum(123) function doThing2() { ... }

// optional args
@:metadata function numAndStr(?num: Int, str: String): Any;
@:numAndStr(123, "test") function doThing() { ... }
@:numAndStr("test") function doThing2() { ... }

// rest args
@:metadata function numRest(...num: Int): Any;
@:numRest function doThing() { ... }
@:numRest(1) function doThing2() { ... }
@:numRest(1, 2, 3) function doThing3() { ... }

// error: Type `haxe.Exception` is not valid argument type for metadata function.
@:metadata function invalidType(o: haxe.Exception): Any;


@:metadata Arguments

There needs to be a way for metadata functions to configure a couple options:

  • Can it be used multiple times on the same subject?
  • Is it compile-time only (uses @:)? Or should it exist as rtti.
  • Is it restricted to one or more platforms?
  • Does it require another metadata to function?

To resolve these, the @:metadata metadata provides a couple options that can be configured. The declaration for the @:metadata metadata would look something like this:

@:metadata function metadata(?options: {
    ?allowMultiple: Bool,
    ?rtti: Bool,
    ?platforms: Array<String>
}): haxe.macro.Expr.Function;
Argument Name Default Value Description
allowMultiple false If true, this metadata can be used on the same subject multiple times.
rtti false If true, this metadata should not use a colon and will generate rtti information.
platforms [] If this Array contains at least one entry, this metadata can only be used on the platforms named.

These options are optional, but they can be overriden if needed:

@:metadata({ rtti: true })
function author(name: String): Any;

@:metadata({ allowMultiple: true })
function tempData(e: Expr): Any;

@:metadata({ allowMultiple: true, platforms: ["java", "cs"] })
function nativeMeta(m: Expr): Any;

// ---

function myFunc() {


Haxe API Changes

A new optional field should be added to haxe.macro.Expr.MetadataEntry.

If this metadata entry is typed, then field will contain a reference to the ClassField of the metadata function.

// Unresolved question
// Would it be possible to use Ref<Type.ClassField> instead?
var ?field: Expr.Field;


Reading Arguments

There needs to be a mechanism for reading metadata arguments. To provide this, a new field typedMeta: StringMap<Dynamic> should be added to:

  • haxe.macro.Expr.TypeDefinition
  • haxe.macro.Expr.Field
  • haxe.macro.Expr.TypeParamDecl

The entires correlate directly to the full path of the metadata used on the subject. So to access the content of an metadata, _.typedMeta.get("") must be used. This is to prevent naming conflicts. There may be multiple metadata of the same name in different modules.

The Dynamic value contains fields with the same name as the arguments of the typed metadata. These fields store the values passed to the metadata entry. How these values are converted can be viewed in Allowed Argument Types.

If the metadata has allowMultiple enabled, the Dynamic value will ALWAYS be an Array, even if only one instance of the metadata is used.

// MyModule.hx
package mypack;

@:metadata({ allowMultiple: true, rtti: true })
function author(name: String): TypeDefinition;

class Meta {
   public static function date(month: Int, day: Int): TypeDefinition;
class AnotherMeta {
   public static function date(dateString: String): TypeDefinition;

@author("Something"), 15)"November 15, 2004")
class MyClass {}
// ---
// in some compile-time function
// var td: TypeDefinition;
final authorNames: Null<Array<String>> = td.typedMeta.get("")?.map(meta ->;

final dateMonth: Int = td.typedMeta.get("")?.month;



A new static function should be added to haxe.macro.Context:

class Context {
    // ...
    public static function typeMetadata(meta: haxe.macro.Expr.Metadata): StringMap<Dynamic> { ... }

This is a function that will generate an object like the typedMeta: StringMap<Dynamic> field described in the previous section. This would be helpful for extracting typed metadata data found in untyped EMeta expressions.


Field Type Struct

The following anonymous structure should be added to the haxe/macro/Expr.hx module:

typedef FieldPath = {
	> TypePath,
	field: String;

This is a structure for storing type paths to functions. It is used as an argument type for metadata. Long story short, it allows for type paths that end with a lowercase identifier (myFunc, Module.Sub.myFunc).

Technically, function path data could be stored in TypePath, but that's not preferable.


Allowed Argument Types

The following is the full list of allowed argument types for metadata.

Type Expression Must Match Decorator Argument Value Description
Bool EConst(CIdent("true" | "false")) v == "true" Allows either true or false.
Int EConst(CInt(v)) Std.parseInt(v) Allows an integer literal.
Float EConst(CFloat(v)) or EConst(CInt(v)) Std.parseFloat(v) Allows an float literal.
String EConst(CString(v, DoubleQuotes)) v Allows a string literal. Let there be unique error message if SingleQuotes is used.
EReg EConst(CRegexp(s, opt)) new EReg(s, opt) Allows a regular expression literal.
haxe.macro.Expr.Var EVars([v]) v Allows variable declaration expression.
haxe.macro.Expr e e Allows any expression. The expression object is passed directly.
Array<TYPE> EArrayDecl(_) ??? Allows array declarations. TYPE should be a from this list. Requires some internal logic to convert Array<Expr> into the TYPE.
{ name: TYPE, ... } EObjectDecl(_) ??? Allows object declarations. All types used should be from this list. Requires some internal logic to convert Array<ObjectField> into a Dynamic with the fields.
haxe.macro.Expr.TypePath EConst(CIdent(_)) or EField(_, _) ??? Allows a type path. The expression will be converted to a TypePath manually by the Haxe compiler. Furthermore, it's only valid if the type path follows Haxe package/module naming rules (packages must be lowercase, module and sub names must start with uppercase).
haxe.macro.Expr.Field EConst(CIdent(_)) or EField(_, _) ??? Same as TypePath, but when converting/validating from an expression, this allows the final identifier to start with a lowercase letter.
haxe.macro.Expr.ComplexType ECheckType({ expr: EConst(EIdent("\_")) }, complexType) complexType Allows any type. Must format as _ : Type to comply with expression parsing.
haxe.macro.Expr.MetadataEntry EMeta(metaEntry, { expr: EConst(EIdent("\_")) }) metaEntry Allows any metadata. Must format as @:meta _ to comply with expression parsing.


Allowed Return Types

The following is the full list of allowed return types for metadata.

Type DecoratorSubjectType Case Description
Any N/A The metadata can be used anywhere.
haxe.macro.Expr DExpression(e: Expr) The metadata can only be used on an expression.
haxe.macro.Expr.TypeDefinition DTypeDefinition(td: TypeDefinition) The metadata can only be used on type definitions.
haxe.macro.Expr.Field DField(f: Field) The metadata can only be used on class fields.
haxe.macro.Expr.TypeParamDecl DTypeParam(tp: TypeParamDecl) The metadata can only be used on type parameters.



A typed metadata that has code in its function body is called a "decorator". A decorator's code is run for every entry of the typed metadata.



To retrieve information about the subject of the decorator, Context.getDecoratorSubject is a new Context function that may be used.

class Context {
	// ...
	public static function getDecoratorSubject(): DecoratorSubject { ... }

DecoratorSubject is a new typedef from the Context module containing the MetadataEntry that triggered the call and the target.

typedef DecoratorSubject = {
	entry: MetadataEntry,
	type: DecoratorSubjectTarget

DecoratorSubjectTarget is a new enum containing all the possible metadata targets and their "Expr" data structure.

import haxe.macro.Expr;

// Prefix with "D" to prevent conflicts with `haxe.macro.` classes?
enum DecoratorSubjectTarget {
	DExpression(e: Expr);
	DTypeDefinition(td: TypeDefinition);
	DField(f: Field);
	DTypeParam(tp: TypeParamDecl);


Custom Decorator Validator

Decorators do not need to return a value. If null is returned, the decorator will not affect its subject. Developers can use this to write their own logic for ensuring their metadata is used correctly.

If one's metadata should only be used on a SPECIFIC type of expression or a SPECIFIC type of field, this is where that can be enforced.

// Only works on property fields
@:metadata function propMeta(): haxe.macro.Expr.Field {
	switch(Context.getDecoratorSubject().type) {
		case DField(f): {
			switch(f.kind) {
				// Do something with property
				case FProp(_, _, _, _): {  }
				// Let the user know the metadata was used incorrectly!
				case _: Context.error("This metadata should only be used on properties.", Context.getDecoratorSubject().entry.pos);
		case _: throw "Impossible";

	return null;


Subject-Modifying Decorator

If a decorator's function returns an non-null instance of its return type, that instance will replace the decorator's subject at compile-time.

function makeZero(): haxe.macro.Expr {
	return macro 0;

// ---

trace(@:makeZero "Hello!"); // Main.hx:1: 0
@:metadata function changeName(n: String): haxe.macro.Expr.TypeDefinition {
	return switch(Context.getDecoratorSubject().type) {
		case DTypeDefinition(td): { = n;
		case _: throw "Impossible";

// ---

class MyClass {
	public function new() {}

function main() {
	final c = new YourClass();

A metadata that works on any subject can be smart and perform different actions based on the type of subject it was used on.

	Adds a meta to any subject.
@:metadata function markWithMeta(name: String): Any {
	return switch(Context.getDecoratorSubject().type) {
		case DExpression(e): {
				expr: TMeta({ name: name, pos: e.pos }, e),
				pos: e.pos
		case DTypeDefinition(td): {
			if(td.meta == null) td.meta = [];
			td.meta.push({ name: name, pos: td.pos });
		case DField(f): {
			if(f.meta == null) f.meta = [];
			f.meta.push({ name: name, pos: f.pos });
		case DTypeDefinition(tp): {
			if(tp.meta == null) tp.meta = [];
			tp.meta.push({ name: name, pos: Context.makePosition({min: 0, max: 0, file: ""}) });


Impact on existing code

There will only be an impact on existing code if untyped metadata generate errors.

Otherwise, the API additions do not cause any breaking changes, and there should be no impact on existing code.



There might be of a performance penalty since all metadata have to look up if they're typed?



Metadata can be typed checked manually, but requires a lot of unnecessary boilerplate. See Motivation.

Decorators on expressions, fields, and variables can be replicated using @:build macros, which are significantly slower and require writing boilerplate for checking all expressions/fields.

There is currently no alternatives for decorators on type definitions.


Unresolved questions

Should a new metadata syntax be used: @.myMeta? This would ensure all new metadata could be typed properly.

If no @. syntax, should untyped metadata throw an error? While it would be a major breaking change, it would be nice restrict metadata usage using conditional compilation (wrap with #if js for example) instead of using something like @:metadataPlatform. Maybe it could be a warning? Maybe errors can default to on, but turn off with a define (or vise versa)?

How should colons be handled? If the current built-in Haxe metadata is going to be typed, there should probably be a way to set a metadata to use a colon to ensure compatibility. However, it might be prefered to encourage/enforce that users are only make typed metadata without a colon? For the time being, @metadataCompileOnly answers this question by requiring a colon but not generating rtti.

Should MetadataEntrys field field be Ref<haxe.macro.Type.ClassField> or haxe.macro.Expr.Field? Would it be possible to type the field that early?