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noshluk2 edited this page Jul 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Mobile Robotics with ROS2 wiki! From side-bar access all projects individually and in more detail to run on your systems .

Project #1: Multi Turtlesim Driving:

This project involves controlling multiple turtlesim robots simultaneously using ROS2. The project demonstrates the use of ROS2 topics, services, and parameters.

Project #2: Patrolling TB3s and Gazebo Worlds:

This project focuses on patrolling tasks using TurtleBot3 robots in a simulated environment. The robots patrol a designated area in a Gazebo world, demonstrating the use of ROS2 and Gazebo integration.

Project #3: Mathematics for Mobile Robotics:

The project includes nodes for calculating acceleration, moving the robot in a circular path, and making the robot move to a specific goal in the x-y plane.

Project #4: MicroROS Controlled Differential Drive Bot:

This project is currently under development.

Project #5: Line Follower and Maze Solving Robots:

The project consists of two key tasks: maze solving and line following, both performed by a Turtlebot3 robot in a simulated environment. The tasks are carried out using ROS2 for communication between different components, and OpenCV for image processing in the line-following task.

Project #6:Autonomous Turtlebot3 SLAM BOT:

This project focuses on the mapping and navigation of a maze by a Turtlebot3 robot in a simulated environment. The project tasks are carried out using ROS2 for inter-node communication. The project leverages the SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) toolbox for mapping, and the Navigation2 stack for autonomous navigation.

Project #7:Autonomous 2D Lidar RPI4 based Robot:

This project is currently under development.

Project #8:Behaviour Trees and State Machines:

This project is currently under development.

Project #9:Rtabmap and 3D Point Clouds:

This project is currently under development.