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Adding SoCs

Before you Begin

Make sure that the SoC you are trying to add isn't already Supported.
Otherwise Skip this entire Guide.


This Guide will show you how to make an UEFI Port for an Snapdragon SoC.

Table of Contents

Copying Files & Modify them (Step 1)

Struckture of Files for SoCs:

Mu-Qcom/Silicon/Qualcomm/<SoC Codename>Pkg/
├── AcpiTables
│   └── <ACPI Tables>
├── Drivers
│   └── SmBiosTableDxe
│       ├── DataDefinitions.h
│       ├── SmBiosTableDxe.c
│       └── SmBiosTableDxe.inf
├── Library
│   └── <Libraries>
└── <SoC Codename>

Creating SoC Folder (Step 1.1)

In ./Silicon/Qualcomm/ are all SoC Folders located.
Copy any SoC Folder of your Chosse and Rename it to <SoC Codename>Pkg.
NOTE: You might want to copy a SoC Folder that is similar to yours.

Modify File (Step 1.2)

In this File we need to change a lot.
Lets begin with renaming the old SoC Name to your SoC Name.

After that we change the Timer & GIC Values to the right Values according to your SoC.

First, Open TimerDxe.efi from a Device's XBL with the same SoC in GHex.
After that, Search AutoGen.c in TimerDxe.efi:

Preview Preview

Once you Pressed Find Next, It will bring you to the Location where PCDs are Stored.
The Timer Values are PCDs, So you will find then there, Here for wich is wich:


Convert these 4 Timer Interrupt Hex Values in Decimal Values and Put them in the File.
It should look like this after that:

# NOTE: This is just an Example!
gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerSecIntrNum|29   # 0x1D
gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerIntrNum|30      # 0x1E
gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerVirtIntrNum|27  # 0x1B
gArmTokenSpaceGuid.PcdArmArchTimerHypIntrNum|26   # 0x1A

Now We will Update the GIC Values.
PcdGicDistributorBase and PcdGicRedistributorsBase are the two Values of the interrupt-controller Node in the DTS.

# NOTE: This is just an Example!
interrupt-controller@17a00000 {
  compatible = "arm,gic-v3";
  #interrupt-cells = <0x03>;
  #redistributor-regions = <0x01>;
  redistributor-stride = <0x00 0x20000>;
  reg = <0x17a00000 0x10000 0x17a60000 0x100000>;
             |                  |
         1st Value          2nd Value
  interrupts = <0x01 0x09 0x04>;
  phandle = <0x01>;

PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase is same Value as PcdGicRedistributorsBase.

Once the GIC Values are Correct, Update the ACPI PCD too.
Set PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision to your SoC Name Example: SM8350 -> 0x00008350

Now Update PcdCoreCount, PcdClusterCount and PcdHasLevel3Cache to the Correct Values.
These Values should be in the Internet SoC Specs.

After that we need to change SmBios Values:
from this:

gQcomPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSmbiosProcessorModel|"Snapdragon (TM) 888 @ 2.84 GHz"

to this:

gQcomPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSmbiosProcessorModel|"Snapdragon (TM) <SoC Name> @ <SoC Speed> GHz"
gQcomPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSmbiosProcessorRetailModel|"<SoC Codename>"

The SmBios Values should be correct now.
Also set PcdIsPowerOkImplemented to the right Value.
If you are not sure then set it to FALSE.

Now the last thing you need to do is Update the USE_PHYSICAL_TIMER Define at the Top.
Change it to 0 If your SoC Uses a Virtual Timer, Otherwise Set it to 1.
Like every Older SoC like SM8150 and below have an Physical Timer.
The Newer ones like SM8250 should have an Virtual Timer.

Modify SmBios (Step 1.3)

SmBios defines Device Infos from CPU and maybe also other Devices.
Windows and Linux uses these Infos to display correct Values,
Example: The CPU Name you see in Device Manager is defined in SmBios.

There are multiple Things you need to change: SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE4, SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7 and SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE17
First, Open DataDefinitions.h in Silicon/Qualcomm/<SoC Codename>Pkg/Drivers/SmBiosTableDxe/.
Now we can begin with SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE4:

It defines some CPU Values like Speed and Clusters.
Here is a template Section:

SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE4 mProcessorInfoType4_<Cluster Name> = {
  1,                               // Socket String
  CentralProcessor,                // ProcessorType
  ProcessorFamilyIndicatorFamily2, // ProcessorFamily
  2,                               // ProcessorManufacture String
     0, // ProcessorSteppingId
     0, // ProcessorModel
     0, // ProcessorFamily
     0, // ProcessorType
     0, // ProcessorReserved1
     0, // ProcessorXModel
     0, // ProcessorXFamily
     0, // ProcessorReserved2
     0, // ProcessorFpu
     0, // ProcessorVme
     0, // ProcessorDe
     0, // ProcessorPse
     0, // ProcessorTsc
     0, // ProcessorMsr
     0, // ProcessorPae
     0, // ProcessorMce
     0, // ProcessorCx8
     0, // ProcessorApic
     0, // ProcessorReserved1
     0, // ProcessorSep
     0, // ProcessorMtrr
     0, // ProcessorPge
     0, // ProcessorMca
     0, // ProcessorCmov
     0, // ProcessorPat
     0, // ProcessorPse36
     0, // ProcessorPsn
     0, // ProcessorClfsh
     0, // ProcessorReserved2
     0, // ProcessorDs
     0, // ProcessorAcpi
     0, // ProcessorMmx
     0, // ProcessorFxsr
     0, // ProcessorSse
     0, // ProcessorSse2
     0, // ProcessorSs
     0, // ProcessorReserved3
     0, // ProcessorTm
     0, // ProcessorReserved4
  3, // ProcessorVersion String
    0, // ProcessorVoltageCapability5V
    0, // ProcessorVoltageCapability3_3V
    0, // ProcessorVoltageCapability2_9V
    0, // ProcessorVoltageCapabilityReserved
    0, // ProcessorVoltageReserved
    0  // ProcessorVoltageIndicateLegacy
  0,                     // ExternalClock
  <Cluster Speed in Mhz>, // MaxSpeed
  <Cluster Speed in Mhz>, // CurrentSpeed
  0x41,                  // Status
  ProcessorUpgradeOther, // ProcessorUpgrade
  0,                     // L1CacheHandle
  0,                     // L2CacheHandle
  0,                     // L3CacheHandle
  0,                     // SerialNumber
  0,                     // AssetTag
  4,                     // PartNumber
  <Number of Cluster Cores>, // CoreCount
  <Number of Cluster Cores>, // EnabledCoreCount
  <Number of Cluster Cores>, // ThreadCount
  0xAC,                  // ProcessorCharacteristics
  ProcessorFamilyARM,    // ARM Processor Family

Depending, How much Clusters you have, You need to add these to SmBios.
For Example, Your SoC has 2 Clusters, Then you add two of these.
Change CoreCount, EnabledCoreCount and ThreadCount to the amount of Cores the Cluster has.
Then You need to Change MaxSpeed and CurrentSpeed to the Max Speed, The Cluster can.
These two Values need to be in MHz Size.

After you modified these, we move on to SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7.
Here is a template of Type 7:

SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7 mCacheInfoType7_L1IC = {
  1,      // SocketDesignation String
  0x0280, // Cache Configuration
  <Size of L1I>, // Maximum Size
  <Size of L1I>, // Install Size
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
  0,                      // Cache Speed unknown
  CacheErrorParity,       // Error Correction Multi
  CacheTypeInstruction,   // System Cache Type
  CacheAssociativity16Way // Associativity

SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7 mCacheInfoType7_L1DC = {
  1,      // SocketDesignation String
  0x0280, // Cache Configuration
  <Size of L1D>, // Maximum Size
  <Size of L1D>, // Install Size
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
  0,                      // Cache Speed unknown
  CacheErrorParity,       // Error Correction Multi
  CacheTypeData,          // System Cache Type
  CacheAssociativity16Way // Associativity

SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7 mCacheInfoType7_L2C = {
  1,      // SocketDesignation String
  0x0281, // Cache Configuration
  <Size of L2>, // Maximum Size
  <Size of L2>, // Install Size
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
  0,                     // Cache Speed unknown
  CacheErrorParity,      // Error Correction Multi
  CacheTypeUnified,      // System Cache Type
  CacheAssociativity8Way // Associativity

SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7 mCacheInfoType7_L3C = {
  1,      // SocketDesignation String
  0x0282, // Cache Configuration
  <Size of L3>, // Maximum Size
  <Size of L3>, // Install Size
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
    0, // Other
    0, // Unknown
    0, // NonBurst
    0, // Burst
    0, // PiplelineBurst
    0, // Synchronous
    0, // Asynchronous
    0  // Reserved
  0,                     // Cache Speed unknown
  CacheErrorParity,      // Error Correction Multi
  CacheTypeUnified,      // System Cache Type
  CacheAssociativity8Way // Associativity

CHAR8 *mCacheInfoType7_L1ICStrings[] = {
  "L1 Instruction Cache",

CHAR8 *mCacheInfoType7_L1DCStrings[] = {
  "L1 Data Cache",

CHAR8 *mCacheInfoType7_L2CStrings[] = {
  "L2 Cache",

CHAR8 *mCacheInfoType7_L3CStrings[] = {
  "L3 Cache",

You can get these Cache Sizes from a App in the Play Store called CPU Info (open-source).
If Your SoC dosen't have L3 for example then just remove it.

After that We move to SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE17.
There you just need to change one Value: Speed, That should be in the Specs of your SoC.
Then Moddify The Data Updates for TYPE4, TYPE7 and TYPE17 according to what you changed before in SmBiosTableDxe.c.

Modify Librarys (Step 1.4)

Now we need to modify the Librarys, these are placed under ./Silicon/Qualcomm/<SoC Codename>Pkg/Library/.
In every Librarys .inf File rename the SoC Name to yours it should be enough for now.