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Zamirathe committed Mar 23, 2015
1 parent 0a85e5f commit 5490e3d
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,052 additions and 0 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Unturned 3 is property of Smartly Dressed Games.
You are not allowed to change, mix or redistribute Unturned 3
unless permission is explicitly given by Smartly Dressed Games.
Copyright (C) 2015 Smartly Dressed Games

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You are free to share and adapt it for any purpose as long as you give appropiate
credit and license any derivations under the same license as the original.
See for the human-readable summary
and for the full license.

Rocket, as a modification to Unturned 3 is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
You are free to share it as long as you give appropiate credit, don't use it
for commercial purposes and dont distribute modified versions.
See for the human-readable summary
and for the full license.

If you want to use Rocket for comercial purposes, please contact us at

The RocketAPI is licensed under GPLv2.
All plugins are automatically sub licensed under the same license.
Copyright (C) 2015 Rocket Foundation

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# ZaupShop
A simple shop using the chat line. This allows you to have a shop for players to use Uconomy currency to buy items and vehicles. Buying vehicles is turned off by default.

There are 3 commands: /shop, /cost, and /buy.
/cost and /buy are meant to be used by everyone that has permissions for them. Just put the command in the permissions file for the group.
/shop is meant for admins only, but is not limited to that. You can add groups to have the ability to use this command by adding shop in their group of commands and one or more of the following: shop.add (adding to the shop), shop.rem (removing from the shop), shop.chng (changing costs), or shop.* (all 3) to the group permissions.

/buy <i or v>.<item name or id>/[amount] (optional) – This will use the same name to id find as /i. i stands for item, v stands for vehicle. Amount is only available for items and is optional, default is 1.
/cost <i or v>.<item name or id> – Same as above but will display the user the cost of asked for item/vehicle.
/shop <add/rem/chng>/<i or v>.<itemid>/<cost> – This is the most complicated as it has multiple options. add (Adding), rem (Removing), chng (Change cost), i for Item and v for Vehicle and is required, itemids only (no names) for this command and one is required. Cost is not required for rem, but is required for the other two.

Only /shop can be run from both the console and in game.


This will run off the same database as Uconomy, but just create 2 new tables for the items and vehicles in the shop to be stored in. The tables are created blank. An admin, or someone with ability to use /shop, will have to add the items/vehicles. These can only be added one at a time through the command. If you can access the table with something like phpmyadmin, feel free to add them in mass that way.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions UconomyBasicShop.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
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{ABF4C55C-D1AC-4A28-A08F-8A99042990BD}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
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179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions UconomyBasicShop/CommandBuy.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
using System;
using Rocket.RocketAPI;
using SDG;
using UnityEngine;
using unturned.ROCKS.Uconomy;

namespace UconomyBasicShop
public class CommandBuy : Command
public CommandBuy()
this.commandName = "buy";
this.commandHelp = "Allows you to buy items from the shop.";
this.commandInfo = this.commandName + " - " + this.commandHelp;

protected override void execute(SteamPlayerID playerid, string msg)
if (!RocketCommand.IsPlayer(playerid)) return;
SteamPlayer splayer = PlayerTool.getSteamPlayer(playerid.CSteamID);
string[] perms = RocketPermissionManager.GetPermissions(playerid.CSteamID);
bool perm = false;
foreach (string p in perms)
if (p == "buy")
perm = true;
if (!perm)
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, "You don't have permission to use the /buy command.");
string message;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
message = "Usage: /buy <v or i>.<name or id>/<amount> (optional).";
// We are going to print how to use
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
byte amttobuy = 1;
string[] components0 = Parser.getComponentsFromSerial(msg, '/');
if (components0.Length > 1)
amttobuy = byte.Parse(components0[1]);
string[] components = Parser.getComponentsFromSerial(components0[0], '.');
if (components.Length < 2)
message = "Usage: /buy <v or i>.<name or id>/<amount> (optional).";
// We are going to print how to use
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
ushort id;
switch (components[0])
case "v":
if (!UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.CanBuyVehicles)
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.BuyVehiclesOff);
string name = "";
if (!ushort.TryParse(components[1], out id))
Asset[] array = Assets.find(EAssetType.Vehicle);
Asset[] array2 = array;
for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
VehicleAsset vAsset = (VehicleAsset)array2[i];
if (vAsset != null && vAsset.Name != null && vAsset.Name.ToLower().Contains(components[1].ToLower()))
id = vAsset.Id;
name = vAsset.Name;
if (name == null && id == 0)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.CouldNotFind, components[1]);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
else if (name == null && id != 0)
name = ((VehicleAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.Vehicle, id)).Name;
decimal cost = UconomyBasicShop.Instance.ShopDB.GetVehicleCost(id);
decimal balance = Uconomy.Instance.Database.GetBalance(playerid.CSteamID);
if (cost <= 0m)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.VehicleNotAvailable, name);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
if (balance < cost)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.NotEnoughCurrencyMsg, Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName, name);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
Player player = PlayerTool.getPlayer(playerid.CSteamID);
if (!VehicleTool.giveVehicle(player, id))
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, "There was an error giving you " + name + ". You have not been charged.");
decimal newbal = Uconomy.Instance.Database.IncreaseBalance(playerid.CSteamID, (cost * -1));
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.VehicleBuyMsg, name, cost, Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName, newbal, Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName);
message = "You bought " + name + " for " + cost.ToString() + " " + Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName + ".";
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
if (!UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.CanBuyItems)
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.BuyItemsOff);
name = null;
if (!ushort.TryParse(components[1], out id))
Asset[] array = Assets.find(EAssetType.Item);
Asset[] array2 = array;
for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
ItemAsset vAsset = (ItemAsset)array2[i];
if (vAsset != null && vAsset.Name != null && vAsset.Name.ToLower().Contains(components[1].ToLower()))
id = vAsset.Id;
name = vAsset.Name;
if (name == null && id == null)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.CouldNotFind, components[1]);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);

else if (name == null && id != null)
name = ((ItemAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.Item, id)).Name;
cost = UconomyBasicShop.Instance.ShopDB.GetItemCost(id) * amttobuy;
balance = Uconomy.Instance.Database.GetBalance(playerid.CSteamID);
if (cost <= 0m)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.ItemNotAvailable, name);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
if (balance < cost)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.NotEnoughCurrencyMsg, Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName, amttobuy, name);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
player = PlayerTool.getPlayer(playerid.CSteamID);
if (!ItemTool.tryForceGiveItem(player, id, amttobuy))
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, "There was an error giving you " + name + ". You have not been charged.");
newbal = Uconomy.Instance.Database.IncreaseBalance(playerid.CSteamID, (cost * -1));
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.ItemBuyMsg, name, cost, Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName, newbal, Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName, amttobuy);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions UconomyBasicShop/CommandCost.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
using System;
using Rocket.RocketAPI;
using Rocket.Logging;
using SDG;
using UnityEngine;
using unturned.ROCKS.Uconomy;

namespace UconomyBasicShop
public class CommandCost : Command
public CommandCost()
this.commandName = "cost";
this.commandHelp = "Tells you the cost of a selected item.";
this.commandInfo = this.commandName + " - " + this.commandHelp;

protected override void execute(SteamPlayerID playerid, string msg)
if (!RocketCommand.IsPlayer(playerid)) return;
SteamPlayer splayer = PlayerTool.getSteamPlayer(playerid.CSteamID);
string[] perms = RocketPermissionManager.GetPermissions(playerid.CSteamID);
bool perm = false;
foreach (string p in perms)
if (p == "cost")
perm = true;
if (!perm)
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, "You don't have permission to use the /cost command.");
string message;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
message = "Usage: /cost <v or i>.<name or id>.";
// We are going to print how to use
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
string[] components = Parser.getComponentsFromSerial(msg, '.');
if (components.Length < 2)
message = "Usage: /cost <v or i>.<name or id>.";
// We are going to print how to use
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
ushort id;
switch (components[0])
case "v":
string name = null;
if (!ushort.TryParse(components[1], out id))
Asset[] array = Assets.find(EAssetType.Vehicle);
Asset[] array2 = array;
for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
VehicleAsset vAsset = (VehicleAsset)array2[i];
if (vAsset != null && vAsset.Name != null && vAsset.Name.ToLower().Contains(components[1].ToLower()))
id = vAsset.Id;
name = vAsset.Name;
if (name == null && id == 0)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.CouldNotFind, components[1]);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
else if (name == null && id != 0)
name = ((VehicleAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.Vehicle, id)).Name;
decimal cost = UconomyBasicShop.Instance.ShopDB.GetVehicleCost(id);
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.VehicleCostMsg, name, cost.ToString(), Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName);
if (cost <= 0m)
message = "There was an error getting the cost of " + name + "!";
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
name = null;
if (!ushort.TryParse(components[1], out id))
Asset[] array = Assets.find(EAssetType.Item);
Asset[] array2 = array;
for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
ItemAsset iAsset = (ItemAsset)array2[i];
if (iAsset != null && iAsset.Name != null && iAsset.Name.ToLower().Contains(components[1].ToLower()))
id = iAsset.Id;
name = iAsset.Name;
if (name == null && id == null)
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.CouldNotFind, components[1]);
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);
else if (name == null && id != null)
name = ((ItemAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.Item, id)).Name;
cost = UconomyBasicShop.Instance.ShopDB.GetItemCost(id);
message = String.Format(UconomyBasicShop.Instance.Configuration.ItemCostMsg, name, cost.ToString(), Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.MoneyName);
if (cost <= 0m)
message = "There was an error getting the cost of " + name + "!";
RocketChatManager.Say(playerid.CSteamID, message);

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