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File metadata and controls

199 lines (154 loc) · 7.3 KB


This app uses the following technologies:

It is recommended to have basic knowledge of those technologies before working with this project.

Project structure

  • app: Project code
  • dist: Compiled code for production
  • docs: This documentation
  • public: Public files to be served by this app
  • gulpfile.js: Compilation and project management scripts
  • tsconfig.json: Typescript compiler configuration
  • package.json: npm project configuration

App structure

  • config: Global configuration for the app
  • controllers: HTTP API controllers
  • validators: Validators for controllers
  • models: DB models
  • policies: Access control and permission functions to be used in controllers
  • services: Services that run independently to the API or can be used by it
  • libraries: Base libraries for the project
  • migrations: Database migration files
  • db.ts: Database initialization
  • server.ts: Server initialization
  • routes.ts: Routes definition. This file automatically loads the routes from the API in controllers and serves public files from ../public
  • main.ts: Application starting point, useful for initializing the services, specially for those that require to be started with a certain order
  • declarations.d.ts: Special Typescript declarations for the project
  • seedData.ts: DB initial data population script

API Models

Model files

  • Models are defined in app/models.
  • The file name must be the model name in singular with the first letter in uppercase. (PascalCase)
  • The module must export a class that extends Model from 'sequelize-typescript'.

Model definition

  • The name of the table for the model must be in singular and lower case.
  • The model definition follows the 'sequelize-typescript' style: documentation.

Models and associations will be automatically loaded on app startup, it is only needed to import the model where required.


import {
} from "sequelize-typescript";
import { User } from "./User";

  tableName: "profile",
export class Profile extends Model<Profile> {
    type: DataType.STRING,
    allowNull: true,
    defaultValue: null,
  timeZone: string;

    type: DataType.ENUM("en", "es"),
    allowNull: true,
  locale: "en" | "es";

  @ForeignKey(() => User)
  userId: number;

  @BelongsTo(() => User)
  user: User;

API Controllers

Controller files

  • The controller files go into app/controllers/v1.
  • The file name must be the controller name in singular with the first letter in uppercase. (PascalCase)
  • The module must export a constant instance of the controller as default.

Controller definition

  • The controller must be a class that extends Controller or ModelController.
  • In the controller must be defined (name that will be part of the controller route).
  • When extending ModelController, In the constructor, the model associated with the controller must be assigned to this.model.
  • The method routes(): Router must be defined assigning the routes to the controller routes, along with the desired "policies".

Check out the Controller and ModelController class definition for examples on how to define the routes function and other useful controller implementations.


import { ModelController } from "@/libraries/ModelController";
import { User } from "@/models/User";

class UserController extends ModelController<User> {
  constructor() {
    super(); = "user";
    this.model = User;

  routes(): Router {
    // Example routes
    // WARNING: Routes without policies
    // You should add policies before your method
    this.router.get("/", (req, res) => this.find(req, res));
    this.router.get("/:id", (req, res) => this.findOne(req, res));"/", (req, res) => this.create(req, res));
    this.router.put("/:id", (req, res) => this.update(req, res));
    this.router.delete("/:id", (req, res) => this.destroy(req, res));

    return this.router;

const controller = new UserController();
export default controller;

Default Controller Rest API

  • GET /api/v1/<modelName>: Gets a list of all the items of the model (JSON Array). The total number of objects is at the http header "Content-Count".
  • GET /api/v1/<modelName>/<id>: Gets a item of the model (JSON)
  • POST /api/v1/<modelName>: Creates a new item of the model (Expects JSON in body, returns JSON)
  • PUT /api/v1/<modelName>/<id>: Modifies a preexisting item of the model (Expects JSON in body, returns JSON)
  • DELETE api/v1/<modelName>/<id>: Removes a preexisting item of the model (HTTP 204)

Query params

  • where: Accepts JSON following a modified Sequelize query format. More details in the Where query format section.

  • limit: number, max number of results to get

  • offset | skip: number, offset for the results to get, useful for pagination

  • order | sort: string or an Array of Arrays, specifying ordering for the results, format: [["<column name>", "<ASC | DESC>"], ...]

  • include: JSON(Array< Object | string >): Specify the relations to populate, the members of the array can be strings with the name of the model to populate, the name of the model with a dot and a filter name, the name of the property for the association, or a object with a key of the same format as before that denotes an array with the same format of the parent one (recursive). Examples:

    include=["Profile", {"Children.ordered": ["ChildrenProfile"]}]
    include=[{"user": ["profile"]}]


GET{"name":{"$like":"Alfred"}}&limit=10&offset=20&include=["Profile"]&order=[["lastName", "ASC"]]

Where query format

Flugzeug query format is based on the Sequelize query format, but limited and adapted for security.

The contents of the where query param should be a JSON where the keys are either:

  • The name of the parameter that we want to query in the Model, or

  • One of the following supported operators:

    Operator Sequelize equivalent
    $eq Op.eq
    $gte Op.gte
    $lte Op.lte
    $not Op.not
    $notIn Op.notIn
    $startsWith Op.startsWith
    $endsWith Op.endsWith
    $substring Op.substring
    $notLike Op.notLike
    $between Op.between
    $notBetween Op.notBetween
    $and Op.and
    $or Op.or

You can get more details on how to write queries in the Sequelize Querying documentation.