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executable file
167 lines (109 loc) · 5.36 KB


File metadata and controls

executable file
167 lines (109 loc) · 5.36 KB

Getting Started


The module can be downloaded using python pip.

Command: pip install django-admin-kit


The app name admin_kit should be put at the top of installed apps in django settings file.




This is because, Admin Kit overrides Django change_form template. Then register the admin_kit app in root urls file with name admin_kit


from django.conf.urls import url
import admin_kit

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^admin_kit/',, name="admin_kit"),

Start the server and hit /admin_kit/ping url response. You will get a PONG response if configured correctly.

This ping url is enabled only in DEBUG Mode


We will have a walk through of different features that Admin Kit provides.

Duplicate Button

This is a default feature that is added right after successfull configuration of the app.


This button is similar to Add Another button, but it initializes the fields with previously filled data. It is also compatible with django-nested-admin<nested_admin:quickstart>

To disable this feature set KIT_DISABLE_DUPLICATE = True in settings file.


The duplicate button is only on Inline Admin Models like Staked Inline <django.contrib.admin.StackedInline>, Tabular Inline <django.contrib.admin.TabularInline> or nested_admin fields<nested_admin.NestedModelAdmin>.

Multi Select Field

Admin Kit provides Multi Select field where you can specify choices. It uses admin_kit.models.MultiSelectField.

In file


from admin_kit.models import MultiSelectField

class Book(models.Model):
    GENRES = (
        ('thriller', 'thriller'),
        ('sci-fi', 'sci-fi'),
        ('fictional', 'fictional'),
        ('fantasy', 'fantasy'),
        ('philosophy', 'philosophy')

    genres = MultiSelectField(verbose_name='Valid Genres', choices=GENRES)

In Admin Panel


Ajax Binding

The core feature of Admin-Kit is the support for easier ajax behaviour. It binds the form-field with user defined view through ajax.

Setting up this behaviour is 2 step process.

  • Step 1: API Creation

    Create an file in the app. And create a class that inherits admin_kit.ajax.Ajax and has run(self, request) method. This method is executed, which acts as an API.

    And register this class using method. The first argument is the key through which the model links to class and second is the class itself.

    For our example lets fill the choices from an API. Create an with below code.

    import admin_kit
    class GenresAjax(admin_kit.ajax.Ajax):
        def run(self, request):
            GENRES = (
                ('thriller', 'thriller'),
                ('sci-fi', 'sci-fi'),
                ('fictional', 'fictional'),
                ('fantasy', 'fantasy'),
                ('philosophy', 'philosophy')
            return GENRES'genres', GenresAjax)

    Internally, the return type of run method is json formatted and acts as an API.

    You can get the response by hitting admin_kit/ajax/genres. Here genres in the url is same as the key name used for registering in file.


    The data was rendered by Chrome Extension JSON View

  • Step 2: Model Binding

    In our file modify genres field with below code

    genres = MultiSelectField(verbose_name='Valid Genres', ajax_source='genres')

And thats it!! you will get the same behaviour, but now the choices are filled from your function. For every change in value, it calls run method from your ajax class. Thus you can process the return based on the request.

You can also access the user selected values and target the values to a specific field. To learn them please go through our documentation<documentation>


  • While using ajax behaviour make sure the model field is from admin_kit.fields. If you try to use ajax attributes like ajax_source or kit_config in fields from django.models, you will get an error
  • As the project is new, currently it only has MultiSelectField. In further releases, newer fields will be integrated.