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BingMaps Package

The Bing Maps APIs include map controls and services that you can use to incorporate Bing Maps in applications and websites. In addition to interactive and static maps, the APIs provide access to other geospatial features such as geocoding, route and traffic data and spatial data sources that you can use to store and query data that has a spatial component, such as store locations.

How to get credentials:

  1. Sign in
  2. Add new API subscription.


Get latitude and longitude coordinates for a location by specifying values such as a locality, postal code, and street address.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
adminDistrict String The subdivision name in the country or region for an address. This element is typically treated as the first order administrative subdivision, but in some cases it is the second, third, or fourth order subdivision in a country, dependency, or region. Example: WA
locality String The locality, such as the city or neighborhood, that corresponds to an address. Example: Seattle
postalCode String The post code, postal code, or ZIP Code of an address. Example: 98178
addressLine String The official street line of an address relative to the area, as specified by the Locality, or PostalCode, properties. Typical use of this element would be to provide a street address or any official address. Example: 1 Microsoft Way
countryRegion String The ISO country code for the country. Example: AU
includeNeighborhood Select One of the following values: 1: Include neighborhood information when available.0 [default]: Do not include neighborhood information.
include Select The only value for this parameter is ciso2. When you specify include=ciso2, the two-letter ISO country code is included for addresses in the response.
maxResults Number Specifies the maximum number of locations to return in the response. A string that contains an integer between 1 and 20. The default value is 5.


Use the following URL template to get the location information associated with latitude and longitude coordinates.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
includeEntityTypes List Specifies the entity types that you want to return in the response. Only the types you specify will be returned. If the point cannot be mapped to the entity types you specify, no location information is returned in the response.
point Map A point on the Earth specified by a latitude and longitude. Example: 47.64054,-122.12934
includeNeighborhood Select Specifies to include the neighborhood in the response when it is available.
include Select The only value for this parameter is ciso2. When you specify include=ciso2, the two-letter ISO country code is included for addresses in the response.


Use the following URL templates to get latitude and longitude coordinates that correspond to location information provided as a query string.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
query String A point on the Earth specified by a latitude and longitude. Example: 47.64054,-122.12934
includeNeighborhood Select Specifies to include the neighborhood in the response when it is available.
include Select The only value for this parameter is ciso2. When you specify include=ciso2, the two-letter ISO country code is included for addresses in the response.
maxResults Number Specifies the maximum number of locations to return in the response.


Get elevation values (in meters) for a set of locations, a polyline path or area on the Earth.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
points List A set of coordinates on the Earth to use in elevation calculations. The exact use of these points depends on the type of elevation request. Example: [35.89431,-110.72522,35.89393,-110.72578,35.89374]
bounds String Specifies the rectangular area over which to provide elevation values. A bounding box defined as a set of WGS84 latitudes and longitudes in the following order: south latitude, west longitude, north latitude, east longitude. Example: bounds=45.219,-122.234,47.61,-122.07
rows Number Specifies the number of rows and columns to use to divide the bounding box area into a grid. The rows and columns that define the bounding box each count as two (2) of the rows and columns. Elevation values are returned for all vertices of the grid.
cols Number Specifies the number of rows and columns to use to divide the bounding box area into a grid. The rows and columns that define the bounding box each count as two (2) of the rows and columns. Elevation values are returned for all vertices of the grid.
samples Number Specifies the number of equally-spaced elevation values to provide along a polyline path.
heights String Specifies which sea level model to use to calculate elevation.


Get a static map. You can also display a route on a static map, and you can request static map metadata. Static map metadata includes the absolute (latitude and longitude) and relative (with respect to the map) coordinates and size of pushpins as well as the map area and center point.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
query String A query string that is used to determine the map location to display.
mapLayer String A display layer that renders on top of the imagery set. Must be: TrafficFlow
zoomLevel Number The level of zoom to display. An integer between 0 and 21.


Get metadata for imagery that is hosted by Bing Maps. The imagery metadata returned includes URLs and dimensions for imagery tiles, ranges of zoom levels, and imagery vintage information.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
imagerySet Select The type of imagery for which you are requesting metadata. Must be: Aerial - Aerial imagery. AerialWithLabels - Aerial imagery with a road overlay. Birdseye - Bird’s eye (oblique-angle) imagery. AerialWithLabelsOnDemand. BirdseyeWithLabels - Bird’s eye imagery with a road overlay. BirdseyeV2 - The second generation Bird’s eye (oblique-angle) imagery. BirdseyeV2WithLabels - The second generation Bird’s eye (oblique-angle) imagerywith a road overlay. CanvasDark - A dark version of the road maps. CanvasLight - A lighter version of the road maps which also has some of the details such as hill shading disabled. CanvasGray - A grayscale version of the road maps. Road - Roads without additional imagery. Uses the legacy static tile service. RoadOnDemand - Roads without additional imagery. Uses the dynamic tile service. OrdnanceSurvey - Ordnance Survey imagery. This imagery is visible only for the London area.
centerPoint Map A point on the Earth where the map is centered. Example: centerPoint=47.610,-122.107
include Select Specifies to provide additional information about the imagery as part of the response. The only option for this parameter is ImageryProviders. When this parameter value is specified, information about the imagery providers is returned in the response.
orientation Number The orientation of the viewport to use for the imagery metadata. This option only applies to Birdseye imagery.
uriScheme Select Specifies the scheme that image URL in the response should use. Musy be http or https
zoomLevel Number The level of zoom to use for the imagery metadata.


Get a walking, driving or transit route by specifying a series of waypoints. A waypoint is a specified geographical location defined by longitude and latitude that is used for navigational purposes. The route includes information such as route instructions, travel duration, travel distance or transit information.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
waypoints List Specifies two or more locations that define the route and that are in sequential order.
avoid Select Specifies the road types to minimize or avoid when a route is created for the driving travel mode.
distanceBeforeFirstTurn Number Specifies the distance before the first turn is allowed in the route. This option only applies to the driving travel mode.
heading Number Specifies the initial heading for the route.
optimize Select Specifies what parameters to use to optimize the route. Must be: distance,time,timeWithTraffic,timeAvoidClosure
routeAttributes Select Specify to include or exclude parts of the routes response.
routePathOutput Select Specifies whether the response should include information about Point (latitude and longitude) values for the route’s path. Must be: Points, None
tolerances List Specifies a series of tolerance values. Each value produces a subset of points that approximates the route that is described by the full set of points. A set of comma-separated double values.
distanceUnit Select The units to use for distance in the response. Must be: mi, km
dateTime DatePicker A string that contains the date and time formatted as a DateTime value.
timeType Select Specifies how to interpret the date and transit time value that is specified by the dateTime parameter. Must be: Arrival, Departure, LastAvailable
maxSolutions Number Specifies the maximum number of transit or driving routes to return.
travelMode String One of the following values: Driving, Walking, Transit


Return a driving route to a location from major roads in four directions (West, North, East and South). You can use this block for routes in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Field Type Description
key credentials Your API key
destination Map Specifies the final location for all the routes.
exclude Select Specifies to return only starting points for each major route in the response. When this option is not specified, detailed directions for each route are returned. The only value for this parameter is routes.
routeAttributes Select Specify to include or exclude parts of the routes response. Must be: excludeItinerary, routePath
routePathOutput Select Specifies whether the response should include information about Point (latitude and longitude) values for each route’s path. Must be: Points, None
distanceUnit Select The units to use for distance. Must be: mi, km