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Load.js is a library that allows browser based JavaScript files to automatically download other JS files and resources.


Your code is broken down into packages. Multiple packages can be stored in the same file, but a package can only be in one file. These packages also have dependencies, either to other code packages, resources, or external libraries.

The script tools/ then reads the code, searching for the functions that create these packages. This information is stored in a so called deps.json file (although it can have any name), which Load.js uses to import those packages.


ES6 promises in the browser (which you can pollyfil) should be the only requirement, however the Python scripts have not been tested on anything except Linux.



<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src='Load.js'></script>
            window.onload = function() {
                load.lie("deps.json", "printer");


"use strict";

load.provide("printer", function(self) {
    var message = load.require("message");
    return {};


"use strict";

load.provide("message", function(self) {
    return "Hello world!";

The deps.json file is generated as follows:

tools/ . > deps.json

Other Package Types

There are two other package types that can be used:

  • Resources: These are simply text files, requiring a package (via load.requireResource("/path/to/file.txt")) of this type gets you a string with its content, rather than trying to execute it as JS.
  • Binary Resources: Like regular resources, only they get returned as a Blob, rather than a string. This requires support for binary XHR requests in the browser.
  • External libraries: These are scripts that are not neatly divided into packages (their loss), they are included via load.requireExternal(name, url, deps), which returns nothing. The arguments are as follows:
    • name: A string package name, for example "jquery". Two packages (external or not) with the same name are the same package.
    • url: The path to the library, this will be put into a script tag before the package containing the call is imported.
    • deps: An array of package names to act as the dependencies of this external library. These can be the names of other external resources.

Tools path [rel] [obj] [indent]

This generates the deps.json file and writes it to stdout, with the following options:

  • path: The path to (recursivley) generate dependancies for.
  • rel: The paths output will be relative to this directory, set it to the location deps.json is being written to.
  • obj: Will be merged with the root json object, copying over any properties it has.
  • indent: If this is set to an integer, pretty printing will be enabled, with an indent of that many spaces. deps.json pack

This takes a deps.json and a package name, and outputs (to stdout) a JS file with all the packages in it, set up so that nothing else needs to be downloaded. This file automatically imports and executes the specified package, and does not require any other libraries (besides Promise).

Load.js's package (load) must be in the deps file.

An internal library which contains LoadState, a port of load.js. Instead of adding files to the head of a HTML page, this object calls functions on a given LoadHandler object. This is what powers



JS Script and Resource Loader







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