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File metadata and controls

135 lines (79 loc) · 4.47 KB


About these dotfiles

This repository contains the user configuration (i.e. "dotfiles") for the following tools:

The install and update scripts also install:

  • Volta (JavaScript tool manager)

This project is to be used on Unix-like systems such as Linux or macOS.

Author's note

These configurations represent my personal preferences. I sync them between the various machines I use. MacOS, Arch Linux (Yes, I use Arch, btw) and the occasional Debian-based distro tend to be the main operating systems on those devices. If this setup is to your liking, feel free to use it as a starting point for your own config. Because these dotfiles have to work on both macOS and various Linux distros they are quite generic and environment-agnostic.



Protip: Try these scripts out in a virtual machine or suitable Docker image first.

The git configration and setup methods are based on the following tutorial: Simplest Way to Sync Dotfiles and Config Using Git by Victor Augusteo

Note: Make sure that zsh is installed and set as your default shell.

Choose one (A or B) of the following setup options:

A) Automatic setup with script

Run the install script:

curl -o- | zsh

You're done!

B) Manual setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone --bare --recursive $HOME/.dotfiles/.gitrepo

  2. Check out the cloned bare branch:

    /usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/.gitrepo --work-tree=$HOME checkout HEAD --force

  3. Pull the submodules:

    /usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/.gitrepo --work-tree=$HOME submodule update --init --recursive

  4. (optional) Install the vim plugins with Vundle:

    vim +PluginInstall +qall

  5. Start a new terminal emulator with Zsh:


  6. (optional) Try an update to see if you get more changes

    cd ~ && dotfiles-update

Post-setup (optional)

Install Node, NPM and Yarn

Use Volta that came installed with the scripts to install Node.js and Yarn globally:

volta install node
volta install yarn


The update script can be run with a handy alias:

cd ~ && dotfiles-update

Or directly:

zsh ~/.dotfiles/scripts/update.zsh

Everything should be up-to-date.


dotfiles is an alias for git in the user's home directory (~). It should be used instead of the git command to make changes to the dotfiles' git repository.

The alias is needed because this repository's .git/ directory does not exist in the working directory (~), but in ~/.dotfiles/ as .gitrepo/ instead.

Check your .zshrc for the alias.


  1. Go to your home folder:

    cd ~
  2. Update the repo to make sure that you have the latest changes. This also pulls in the latest changes from the git server (i.e. GitHub):

  3. Edit a dotfile, such as this README for example.

  4. Save your changes and commit them:

    dotfiles status    # Make sure that everything is correct.
    dotfiles add .     # Add the changes to git's staging area.
    dotfiles commit    # Commit the changes.
    dotfiles push      # Push the changes to the git server.

That's how you can use these dotfiles.
