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Quix product 2023 changelog archive

This is the changelog for the current year. Changelogs for previous years can be found here.

2023-12-02-fe-bugs | 11 DECEMBER 2023


  • Organization Homepage
    • Sorting environments in Project cards based on status - moved “non-ready” environments to the bottom
  • Applications
    • IDE no longer scrolls to the top after committing changes to a file
  • Deployments
    • Improved “skipped” message in Messages tab - (we made it sound like we threw your topic messages in the bin)
  • Code Samples
    • If searching with a filter applied yields no results: empty state message and CTA changed to clear applied filters
    • Enabled “+ Add new” button in topic input field
    • Various loading spinners on CTAs to improve click-action feedback
  • YAML
    • Improved supplementary message on syncing with 0 changes to inform user that no changes are made during sync
    • Editing YAML retains carat position (if you click on the YAML section you want to edit before you click edit, then we take you there)


  • Organization Homepage
    • Prevent “undefined” repository issue when switching in and out of projects too quickly
    • Prevent “login required” error in ungated experience
  • Data Explorer
    • Waveform was disappearing if you came from Live data
  • “Topic created” notifications weren’t taking the user to the Topics page
  • Deployments
    • Deployment dialogue sliders for CPU and Memory were using the wrong increments
    • CPU and Memory metrics weren’t cleared when switching to a stopped deployment
    • Destinations were appearing as Transformations in Lineage views
  • Pipeline
    • Changing topic on a deployment wasn’t updating the pipeline view
    • Adding replays from placeholders didn’t use the correct topic
    • Link for Public URL on deployment cards weren’t pointing to the Public URL
  • Applications
    • Uploading and replacing file wasn’t working
    • Progress bars on replays in the Lineage tab weren’t moving
    • Heartbeat connection was not reconnecting after disconnection, and it was calling a V1 endpoint
    • Topics being created when user was adding variables
  • YAML
    • YAML was appearing in edit mode when YAML was loading
    • Switching environments when viewing the YAML was not updating the environment variables in the variables tab
    • Error in sync dialogue was clipping code
  • Various component-interaction console errors
  • Error messages in various dialogues were persisted
  • Updated tab names related to domain changes
  • Various UI width fixes

2023-12-01-f1 | 7 DECEMBER 2023


  • Deleting old trial workspaces 7 days after disabling

2023-12-01-freetier | 6 DECEMBER 2023


  • Increase quotas for free and base tier
  • Update trial expired email and delete trials according to that
  • Remove unneeded IDE PVCs possibly costing lot

2023-11-03-promocode | 16 NOVEMBER 2023


  • Data explorer: Multi-clause selection for “where” and “group by”
  • Replays: Ability to specify start/end timestamps
  • Promotional code redemption feature added to the billing page


  • Improved performance of Topics page using virtual scrolling and reducing the amount metrics subscriptions.
  • Added new option on Topics page to filter out External topics from the list
  • Improved performance of Topics synchronization with external brokers.
  • Introduced a tooltip that displays backend error for environments that failed to create
  • Improved various CTA loading states
  • Improved general performance when running/stopping deployments
  • Maintain the selected side nav option when switching between environments
  • Platform domain migration from .ai to .io
  • Several improvements for BYOC installations
  • Added * feature to permissions system Scopes


  • Fixed a bug building deployments that use Open Computer Vision library
  • Fixed a bug where IDE Sessions were not detecting errors when installing Python dependencies
  • Fixed a bug where some environments get stuck in a Pull-and-push mechanism indefinitely
  • Fixed intermittent “Session ApplicationID not found” errors when using online IDE
  • Fixed a bug where binary storage for Persisted streams was not working properly for stream/parameters Id’s containing special characters
  • Broker test validation was not detecting some permissions issues reading Topic descriptions
  • Topic synchronization exceptions on the Environment creation were letting the environment in an Error state
  • Billing page was not visible for some Admin users
  • Topic Replication Factor was not populated correctly when synchronizing topics from external brokers
  • Deployment details weren’t updating the url when navigating through lineage
  • Some drawers weren’t closing when a user clicked away
  • Branches created externally were not immediately selectable from the change branch dialog of an environment.
  • Some Git errors were not cleaned properly after recovering connectivity with the server.
  • Topics dropdown icon was misaligned
  • Unable to open an application that was renamed
  • Disabled replays for streams with no data
  • Fixed docs links throughout the platform

2023-11-02-brokers-hf | 10 NOVEMBER 2023


  • Broker configuration test was not detecting a lack of read permissions on topics.
  • Creation of the environment was failing in some cases when Topics synchronization was enabled.

2023-11-01-brokers | 2 NOVEMBER 2023


  • Disabled billing/prices for BYOC users
  • Updated behavior of run button in applications for ungated users
  • Code samples progression stepper updated
  • Brokers
    • Updated copies of broker setup guides
    • Added default cluster sizes for Redpanda and Aiven
    • Added new toggle to config panel for managed and self-hosted Redpanda connections
    • Added file validation to only allow users to upload zip, pem, or cert files for the CA certificate
    • Re-enabled cluster size toggles for Redpanda and Aiven
    • New default values for topic configuration based on broker types
  • Redacted logs that contain secrets
  • Made the PAT token field skinnier


  • Data explorer
    • Search field was clearing when switching to live
    • Removed redundant query to telemetry
  • Applications
    • Run config was out of sync with env variables
    • “Branch to edit” button was selecting the wrong commit
    • Converting a hidden variable to a secret was not displaying in redeploy deployment dialogue
    • Output topic was visually missing in deployment dialogue
  • Deployment details
    • Lineage disappears when websocket connections fail
  • YAML
    • -1 retention in topics was setting as -60000.
  • Platform
    • Workspaces were stuck in “creating”/”updating” status
    • Topic quota logic caused external topics and topics that failed to create to count towards organization quotas
    • StreamPackageType changed so icons for data types in messages weren’t being displayed correctly
    • Changing to a locally-created branch was not displaying backend errors
    • Resolved various console errors caused by Front-End component interactions

2023-10-04-redpanda | 25 OCTOBER 2023


  • Environments
    • Brand new RedPanda and Aiven broker settings setup on the environment creation


  • Environments
    • Fixed a bug where the High-Performance selection was forcing users to Enter payment for non-trial tiers
  • Data Explorer
    • Adding new parameters in the persisted data query was cleaning Table view incorrectly.
  • Pipeline
    • Fixed a bug where the Deployments URLs were not working on the Pipeline view

2023-10-03-byoc-hf | 19 OCTOBER 2023


  • Replay Service
    • Tags present in a Parameter and Event at the same time were not replayed correctly on the Events side.
  • Data Explorer
    • Fixed exception “The channel has been closed” in some race conditions during Topic closing.
    • Tags on events were not returned correctly when there were duplicate tag names

2023-10-02-byoc | 18 OCTOBER 2023


  • Onboarding
    • Project/environment creation
      • 1 step onboarding auto-creates a project and environment and sends user directly to pipeline with 1 click
      • optional advanced setup takes users to regular project & environment creation flow
    • “Upgrade” button on premium storage to allow users to sign up to serverless and select premium storage during onboarding


  • Environment creation
    • Improved copy of storage settings → “Data and streaming services” and introductory text
      • Tooltips on storage option cards to add usage context
      • “Premium storage” → “High performance”
    • Behaviour of tab key-press on input fields
  • Data explorer
    • Live view now preserves previously selected options
    • Improved general performance and stability of underlying Live data services to support high volumes of data and subscriptions.
  • Applications
    • Branch dropdown UX improvements
    • Improved overall performance of commit history component
  • Deployments
    • Escaping Build arguments coming from environment variables to remove vulnerabilities
    • Delete deployment dialogue alignment
  • Topics
    • Topic configuration can be updated now via YAML file.
  • Secrets
    • General UX enhancements on secrets management panel
    • Conflict error handling to prevent users from overriding each other’s changes
    • Secret key on YAML is now called “SecretKey” instead of usual “Value”
  • Projects
    • Removed “retry” button in YAML for failed syncs, and replaced with “roll back” or “sync to latest” (the latter for when a user corrects their yaml and wants to sync again)
    • Improved YAML parsing to maintain the order of elements during merging and syncronization.
    • YAML variables definition in the code can now be composed by a combination of text or multiple variables. (ex: “{variable1}-sometext-{variable2}”)
    • Loader on branch dropdown when switching branches for an environment
    • New organization homepage Projects/Environments counters
  • Other
    • Autofocus behavior improvements to input fields on onboarding
    • Improved FE performance by changing the way angular components are interacted with
    • Topic component now saves input if a user clicks away from field (previously changes were cleared and confusing users)
    • Added advanced configuration to the Replay service API allowing special reading and writing tunning for some specific use cases.
  • Internal:
    • Several improvements to enable BYOC releases
    • Social signup removed for BYOC users
    • Improved Build Service startup time
    • Upgraded service base images to remove vulnerabilities
    • Removed some spammy logs on Deployment service and Workspace service.
    • Improved Git error handling during merges
    • Attached metadata information to the list of files returned by Git service


  • Pipeline
    • Fixed a bug where topic metrics were frozen in certain stressed situations.
  • Applications
    • Run button in run configuration was not running the application if there were no changes to topics
    • Branch dropdown is now disabled when an operation is in progress to avoid branch-switching issues
    • Cross button during add/rename file was not saving changes
  • Deployments
    • Fixed UI crashes when deployment metrics are broken
    • Fixed a bug that was preventing to edit state management configuration
    • Replica warnings were not updating when changing topics
    • Edit deployment modal was showing latest commit regardless of version deployed
    • Fixed a bug where topic metrics were not unsubscribed when switching environments
    • Variables of type Secret that are not Required are no longer raising an exception if the secret is missing in the environment.
  • Replays
    • Replay configurations are now persisted in the platform reloading them automatically after service shutdown.
  • Projects
    • Don’t stop project deletion if the repo has already been deleted
  • Data Explorer
    • Messages were disappearing when a filter was applied on Live data
    • Some data explorer timestamps were being displayed 1/1000th of a second behind
  • Other
    • Various fixes to external URLs on platform
    • Fixed some incorrectly handled errors on Streaming Writer service
    • Fixed an issue causing “Exceeded memory limit for $group" exception when querying persisted data with a big number of parameters (>3000).
  • Internal
    • Fixed some issues related to tokens and permissions of the platform
    • Fixed some CORS issues on Portal backend
    • Fixed an issue in the Update versions service where the workspace update was failing during Creation or Deletion of the workspace.

2023-10-01-deployment-hf | 3 OCTOBER 2023


  • Added unsaved changes dialogue to YAML variables
  • Pipeline cards for deployments now show number of replicas


  • Deployment dialogue was overwriting deployment config with default values when editing
  • “+ New environment” for users whose trials have run out was not showing correct dialogue
  • Fixed enable buttons on organization homepage for:
    • environment cards
    • project card context menus
  • Removed unnecessary calls to secrets endpoint
  • Messages in data explorer were looking like they were disappearing

Second release under tag release/2023-10-01-deployment-hf-2:

  • Settings page was broken for V1 workspaces

2023-09-07-ws-service-fix | 29 SEPTEMBER 2023


(Internal) Workspaces with no services should properly re-install

2023-09-06-ungated-fixes | 28 SEPTEMBER 2023


  • Added Repository level scope to the permission system


  • Updating the Ungated Experience user menu and banner
  • Added spinners on git operations in the IDE
  • Message tab subscriptions is only enabled when you open the Messages tab
  • Increased Trial tier quotas to allow 2 projects, 4 environments, 8 cores, 16 GB memory, 40 replicas


  • Deep links to deployments weren’t working sometimes
  • Unable to use URLs in environment variables free text when adding
  • Topic subscriptions not updating when switching environments
  • Renaming entry-point file removes entry-point status
  • Retention period was not updated correctly when the retention periods higher than 30 days.

2023-09-05-v2-hf | 26 SEPTEMBER 2023


  • Hide “Users” tab for ungated experience
  • Removed business exception on getting Users
  • Removed RegEx on application creation


  • “Sign up for free” button was not logging users out
  • YAML empty state misaligned
  • Minor typos

2023-09-05-v2 | 25th SEPTEMBER 2023


  • V2 is now default for everyone
  • Modal to format application name and path from Code Samples
  • Applications can be created in subfolders
  • Temporary token is available to all users


  • Increased Premium tier resources and SSD disk types on Serverless
  • Improved Memory and CPU consumption of Replay service on big workloads (Replay service)
  • Improved Memory and CPU consumption of Streaming Reader service on big workloads (Live data explorer)
  • Added Start and End date-times properties to Replay service API
  • Added deployment name to browser tab
  • Decreased opacity of expired tokens to improve visibility
  • Quix V2 (IaC):
    • Improved build system to not rebuild images that belong to the same repository (aka Project)
    • Git errors handling improvements. The service now cleans automatically connectivity errors after a successful Fetch.
    • Increased Secrets security encryption to 256 bits
    • Added menu in environment settings
    • Refresh branches button in branch dropdown during environment creation
    • Added RegEx to secrets management
    • FE valiation on public URL to align with K8s limits
    • Back arrow when creating an environemnt from project settings takes you back to project settings (previously was sending users to org homepage)
    • Deployment environment variables will now reflect the variables related to the specific commit reference
  • Internal:
    • Several improvements to enable BYOC releases
    • Increase K8s Requests to 25% of the limit of the Deployment
    • Upgrade Quix Streams version to 0.5.6 in all the services
    • Some adjustments applied to the tier Quotas


  • Streaming permission added (legacy) in addition to Stream
  • Fixed a bug deleting tags and branches that contain “/” character
  • Fixed a bug where user Profile was not saved correctly on old users
  • Fixed a bug where Persisted topics were not persisting data from the beginning of the Kafka topic
  • Sync topics in external kafka was always sending “true”
  • Quix V1
    • Unable to deploy from a branch
  • Replay service
    • Fixed a bug where Close stream event was not being sent at the end of the replay
    • Fixed a bug where Parameter definitions were not sent in some use cases
    • Fixed a bug where target StreamId was not assigned property when replaying multiple streams
  • Quix V2 (IaC):
    • Delete a Project was not deleting secrets
    • Historical commits weren’t showing as read-only
    • Fixed issues regarding tags and missing applications
    • Minor typos
  • Internal:
    • Some bug fixes applied to the Workspace services update system
    • Several small fixes on the permission system to handle some edge cases

2023-09-03-secrets-hf-2 | 11 SEPTEMBER 2023


  • PAT in URL feature was breaking FE because of a google tag in the URL
  • Adding V2 feature back to prod
  • Replays were not sending parameter definitions in subsequent replays
  • Logic for multiple replays were not working

2023-09-02-secrets-hf | 11 SEPTEMBER 2023


  • Google tag in URL was causing FE to break
  • Quota for Early adopter trial was incorrect

2023-09-01-secrets | 7 AUGUST 2023


  • Onboarding for V2 on mobile & desktop
  • Secrets Management:
    • Save your password and sensitive data in Quix and use them securely in your Builds and Deployments.
    • New variable type Secret where you can assign a Secret and send it securely to your deployment without exposing it to any user of the platform.
  • Ungated Experience:
    • Portal accepts PAT as a URL parameter to log in
    • New banner and “Sign up” CTA
    • Modified profile image, name, and context menu options
    • Snack bar appears for unauthorised actions
    • Requires “Guest” flag on user - Configuration details for setup can be found here (link coming soon)
  • Trial length set to 30 days (previously 90)
  • Added the ability to send Variables to the Docker Build process as dockerfile arguments (ARG)
  • New Backend Permission system as a base for the new ungated experience and future Frontend permission system
    • Includes changes to all services to validate operations


  • Improved the Build logs information shown on the Deployment details page
  • Maintained deployment logs for services stopping and starting to give better visiblity in deployment details
  • Disabling of inputs in creation modals when form is in progress
  • Signup page now accepts as redirects to the sign up page
    • /signup
    • /sign-up
    • /self-sign-up
  • V2 Closed Beta:
    • SSH Key per Repository. Now we are creating a different SSH Key per Repository to avoid issues with providers like GitHub.
    • Added new dialogs and notifications to inform the user about communication problems between Git service and the Git repository (ie. connectivity issues, permissions, etc)
    • Improved behaviour of file tree in Applications IDE
    • Improvement of Git error displayed in the environment creation flow
    • Added RegEx to Yaml variables
    • Removed side options in Applications list page and changed “New application” CTA options
    • Improved visibility of Git credentials and PR UX
    • Creading Applications from Code Samples displays modal to format name and application path
    • You can now use a forward slash “/” in tags and branch names
  • Internal:
    • Added a new updater service system that simplifies the release process
    • Increased resources for some of the Workspace services by default to improve the stability for standard workspaces, and Added some Requests configuration for Premium workspaces
    • New Quota system introducing new quotas per organization
    • New payment modal explaining serverless when a user clicks on payment CTAs


  • V2 Closed Beta:
    • Several fixes and enhancements in the Git Service implementation
    • YAML/Sync
      • Order of the items on the YAML synchronization when merging environments
      • Fixed an issue where a Syncronization process can fail while editing a deployment with an existing UrlPrefix
      • Disabled “New Yaml” button for empty state in protected environments
    • Applications
      • Variables disappearing in some use cases
      • URLs were not being encoded in network requests
      • Incorrect source branch selected in branch creation modal
      • Added scroll to environment variable section
      • Fixed issue with renaming files
      • Restart session was leaving us in a session-less state wen switching branches
    • Deployments
      • CPU and memory limits were showing incorrect values when using replicas
      • Edit deployment modal was not loading tags created in a session
      • Renamed applications and their respective tags weren’t appearing in edit modal
      • “In use” column was not showing any usage values
      • Fixed various buttons not opening replay/persisted streams etc in deployment details and lineage
      • Removed the “Next” button in deployment dialogue when there are no more steps
      • Package types were showing as “undefined” in deployment messages
      • Added backend validation to URL prefix lengths to prevent going above Kafka limit
  • Fixed some stability issues and logs improvements on Replay service
  • Deleting files in V1 Projects was returning
  • Removed some V1 page calls going to V2 endpoints
  • Fixed various RegEx loops around the platform
  • Various padding changes:
    • For longer names to improve visibility of options and CTAs falling off the end
    • Dodgy alignment of error messages, and CTAs
  • Disabled and added tooltips to various unavailable options in context menus throughout the platform, and removed obsolete ones
  • Fixed empty state appearing when pipeline was loading
  • General typos
  • Removed errors persisting in some modals (More fixes in this area to come FYI)
  • Code sample icons going missing

2023-08-03-IaC-2-hf-2 | 10 AUGUST 2023


  • Live messages were not working on Data Explorer when navigating from Deployment details
  • Fixed an issue on the Streaming Writer service when using the same stream Id on different topics.
  • Fixed an issue when edit an existing deployment causing the environment variables not being loaded in the UI

2023-08-02-IaC-2-hf | 3 AUGUST 2023


  • Latest commit number wasn’t appearing in the add/edit deployment details for V1
  • Commit number dropdown wasn’t appearing in the add/edit deployment details for deployments from Code Samples in V2

2023-08-01-IaC-2 | 3 AUGUST 2023


  • Icons for Quix and other git providers in Environment creation
  • Applications:
    • Migrated ngx-monaco-editor to V2
    • Adding/deleting tags no longer requires page refresh
    • Code is automatically committed when pressing the Run button
    • app.yaml is now a protected file
    • Renaming of files and character validation
    • Refresh button to get latest changes from git
    • Confirmation dialogue when deleting a branch
    • Dependencies are installed upon opening the application
  • Inviting a user to an organization now displays a “pending” or “error” status
  • README files are selected by default in Code Samples
  • Deployments are no longer auto-focused after deploying (it was getting annoying)
  • Minor enhancements in dropdown behavior during query selection in the data explorer
  • Background colours for Applications and YAML when an env is protected or out-of-sync
  • Improved error handling of the Git Service
  • Better handle of auth0 exceptions when creating a user
  • Added the ability to modify an Application of a Deployment from YAML file
  • Pull requests are now made under the user that is logged into the portal (previously it was all under “root”)


  • Fixed various issues in the IDE regarding:
    • errors in console logs
    • running incorrect versions of the code
    • “save changes” dialogue
    • editor complaining when files contain emojis
  • Multiple modals appearing in the YAML
  • Replay name and stream ID is now prepopulated when generating a replay from Persisted Streams
  • Page View events were missing in PostHog
  • Minor UI changes to elements not displaying correctly
  • Deleting deployments from the Deployments page was redirecting to the Pipeline
  • Deployments with no topics were blending in with the Pipeline background
  • Backend:
    • Users weren’t being deleted from Gitea when deleting in Portal
    • Fixed some issues when installing requirements.txt in python
    • Deleting an organisaion with an admin endpoint was throwing an exception
    • Quix reports weren’t working since last release
    • In some cases, we were raising out-of-sync incorrectly while using the platform
    • Confluent partnership Id was not sent properly when using the platform

2023-07-03-IaC-post-fixes | 19 JULY 2023


  • Fixed an issue regarding Code Samples library builds. Some of the builds were not present in the history retrieved from the Git repository.
  • Fixed an issue Installing requirements of an IDE session when the Git Service under the hood was previously restarted.
  • Fixed Streaming Writer logging issues
  • Fixed some issues when running Projects in v1
  • Empty YAML state was allowing to press the buttons in Protected mode
  • When synchronizing from YAML some Deployments version was shown as full SHA commit reference in deployment details.
  • Link to Git on Manage Git Credentials was pointing to an incorrect url
  • Link to Latest Commit in IDE was not updating file list.

2023-07-03-IaC | 19 JULY 2023


  • Quix as Code (aka Streaming Pipelines as Code)
    • Protected environments - UI signals, snackbars
    • Yaml and context menu
      • Synchronization (bi-directional)
      • Sync status
      • Empty state - Generate from pipeline, create new
      • YAML variables
    • Environment
      • Synchronization (bi-directional)
      • Sync status
      • Top nav environment selection and context menu
      • Branch selection
        • Branch creation dropdown
      • Merge
        • Direct merge
        • Pull request
      • Applications (IDE)
        • New IDE Sessions architecture for faster and more reliable response times
  • Git
    • New Quix managed Git service using Gitea
    • External git - users can now connect to their own git repository
  • Project settings
    • Configure which branch is used for which environment
    • Generate Gitea credentials for Quix-managed repositories
  • User Menu
    • Git credentials for Quix-manages repositories
  • Added Non-QuixStreams formats compatibility in all our observability services.


  • Added pickle, pkl, ctf, files to the no-render list in the IDE
  • Git repo cards are now disabled while environment creation is in progress (you could click around them before)
  • JSON string of a parameter can be viewed in the Data Explorer table view
  • Topics containing non-quix format data is now viewable
  • Updated the tag order of code samples in filters
  • Topic cards in the deployment details now show a “creating” status if the topic isn’t ready yet
  • Clicking “Edit code” in a code sample takes you directly to a newly created application (V2 ONLY)
  • Added “” property to some of our services to track Quix Kafka usage on external providers like Confluent.
  • Added the ability to set special Quotas per Organization
  • Improved internal Quix reports with more information
  • Deployment details
    • Replica display is now based on deployment type (job/service). Running a job multiple times no longer displays replicas of previous jobs.


  • Fixed some issues on Deployments when using special characters inside environment variables values
  • You can no longer edit your own roles
  • Deployment details: Logs
    • Build logs will no longer appear in the deployment logs when you switch tabs
    • Deployment logs weren’t being displayed when changing tabs because of a error in the network call
  • Various fixes for long names escaping containers
  • UI fixes for Firefox users

2023-07-02-skip-hf | 11 JULY 2023


  • Fixed issue regarding skip button context

2023-07-01-posthog | 6 JULY 2023


  • PostHog is now enabled for our portal
  • “Skip” button is available during the onboarding questions
  • Streaming Reader Packages subscriptions is now rate limited to 10 packages per second


  • Fixed several issues regarding replaying persisted streams
  • Fixed an issue when editing a user was changing profile context

2023-06-03-build-hotfix | 15 JUNE 2023


  • GPG key bug fixed

2023-06-02-frontend-hotfix | 1 JUNE 2023


  • Hidden environment variables for firefox were not hiding anymore (firefox removed the support for the class we were using)
  • Project tags shown as “missing” in deployment details (added call to get tags when navigating to the deployment details)
  • Replica warning tooltip was using replication factor, not partitions
  • Pipeline was breaking when we had undefined values in draft projects

2023-06-01-post-billing-fixes | 13 MAY 2023


  • Prevent binary files from being loaded in the front end IDE (no more weird symbols)
    • Prevents Simulink files from being corrupted
  • Disabled premium storage for trial users
  • Updated premium storage prices
  • Increased disk memory on Build service to allow bigger images


  • Preventing deployment logs leaking into another deployment
  • Fixed a bug in Replay service that was causing some streams not being replayed
  • Data explorer
    • group-by was assigning multiple groups under one group
    • Visualising a persisted stream was staying in a loading state (local storage wasn’t updating)
  • Migrating users that fell out of the previous migration to trial because they didn’t have any tier in the database
  • Preventing error messages from being displayed for disabled users (the disabled state means a user cannot do anything on the platform but the back end didn’t like it and was showing toasters)

2023-05-02-billing | 24 MAY 2023


  • New Invoice billing system + Trial updates
    • Trial - It is fixed to 90 days or $300 credits ($330 for current Free users ) whichever runs out first
    • Serverless - users who upgrade with payment card with Stripe that sends monthly invoices to user based on usage
    • Disable account improvements based on the new Trial and Invoice billing requirements
    • New Billing page with new design and support for the new Invoice billing system
    • Improvements on the migrations process of the current Free users (Free → Trial)
  • New workspace settings page with:
    • General settings, Broker Settings, API & tokens
    • Workspace details: workspace name, ID, creation date, broker type, and storage.
    • Broker Credentials
    • API and Streaming tokens
  • Topic Retention can now be specified in bytes (topic size)
  • New real-time deployments metrics system for more
  • New deployments Replica selector on Deployments detail page
  • Ability to select between Broker timestamps and Data timestamps in the Message explorers
  • Binary parameter support in Persisted data explorer
  • New Workspace dropdown menu with recently visited workspaces


  • Redesigned top-right profile menu with Users, PAT Tokens and password change options
  • Refactored PAT tokens page and dialogs
  • Enhanced headers and menus of the platform to accommodate features coming in the subsequent releases
  • Improved real-time Deployment logs behavior
  • Replica increase warnings for topics with fewer partitions than the deployment replica number
  • Replaced “SDK” with “Quix Streams” in the whole platform
  • Deployment details UI/UX improvements
  • ZIP download option on Persisted Data Explorer
  • Mobile carousel for onboarding
  • Improvements to highlight when a Tag is missing in Git
  • Online IDE enhancements (new deployment component, improved Setup session and others)
  • Several UI fixes in the whole platform
  • Removed license agreement modal (we send this in the emails)


  • CPU values are divided by 1000 each time you edit and cancel a deployment.
  • Fixed several issues on the Online IDE file explorer
  • Stop a deployment is waiting now for the completion of the stopping process
  • Updating a deployment while a deployment was stopping was causing the deployment update get stuck in Building state.
  • After a deployment update some builds were cleaned incorrectly.
  • Branch selection was not selecting the last commit when a reference of a specific commit/tag is set.
  • Setting console/messages/data lineage to display run config values (instead of environment values)
  • Fixed several issues regarding Users/Admin roles.
  • Billing page is stuck to the loading state when the organization is not consuming credits.
  • Several minor fixes in Persisted Data Explorer when querying and interacting with the UI
  • Several fixes applied in Replay service feature
  • Fixed several tooltips of the platform
  • Applying character limits to input fields
  • Local storage of workspace and organization has been improved

2023-05-01-HF | 11 MAY 2023

  • Fixed “Delete user” button showing edit user dialogue

2023-04-01 | 13 APRIL 2023

  • 90 day free trial and upgrade button

2023-02-03-hubspot-hotfix | 4 APRIL 2023

  • Frontent code was not connecting new user activity from marketing side to SaaS.

2023-02-03-HF2 | 10 MARCH 2023

  • Resolving issues regarding signups
  • Resolving exception handling in services
  • Preventing users from deleting the last user (themselves)

2023-02-03-HF1 | 6 MARCH 2023


  • Removing payment values for free users for broker settings in onboarding and workspace creation


  • Overlapping UI on long topic retention values
  • Topic errors leaking to other modals
  • Branch names being truncated in new branch modal
  • Library stepper intractable on library page

2023-02-03 (self-hosted kafka) | 2 MARCH 2023


  • New Self-hosted kafka broker workspace configuration. Connect your own Kafka to Quix.
  • New Onboarding with new broker configuration options


  • New left side menu preparing the UI for future features
  • New authentication system for future on-prem solutions
  • Topic configuration improvements
  • API tokens improvements
  • Create new topics in topic dropdown component for project deploy modal
  • Switchers are now non-interactable in loading state
  • Topic errors are now exposed on Topics view
  • Small UI / UX improvements


  • Tooltip now disappears when no longer hovering on element
  • Improved pipeline view behaviour
  • Topic speed metrics are now more reliable
  • Error state topics are no longer displayed in Persisted Streams
  • Disabled email address field on user details edit
  • Disabled visualise button for persisted streams with no data

2023-02-01-HOTFIX-3 | 14 FEBRUARY 2023

  • Fixed Library showcase (it was missing)

2023-02-02 | 13 FEBRUARY 2023

  • Dev Rel Docs and Library

2023-02-01-HOTFIX | 8 FEBRUARY 2023

  • Fixed user being unable to signup to PROD using password and email (Direct Signup) - some issue with google recaptcha

2023-02-01 | 7 FEBRUARY 2023


  • Updated links for portal Quix Docs site:
  • Direct Sign up
  • Increase state limit for deployments (100GB for paid tiers and 1000GB for Quix tier)


  • Projects
    • Downloading a branch (It used to download master instead of the branch)
    • IDE History view now shows the file the history is for (previously showed last viewed file)
    • Changes in env variables now reflected in deploy modal
  • Library
    • Adding an external source
    • Solved problem with “Quick start” and “Mobility” filters
  • Deployment details
    • Variable name validation now on input (previously on CTA click)
    • Adding and editing Topic metrics now update and display in mini-pipline section
    • Missing Parameter names
  • Data Explorer
    • Waveform view performance
    • Better waveform display; Pausing and playing no longer causes lines to jump around
    • Parameters and data displayed after reconnecting to web-socket
    • No red click and drag on waveform view (it wasn’t doing anything)
  • Other
    • Disabled GTM tracking on Dev
    • Deployment from IDE redirects to Deployment details
    • Topic dropdown now shows all available topics and only filters when you start typing
    • Google reCaptcha can now be disabled without issue
    • Now able to invite users to platform

2023-01-01 | 30 JANUARY 2023


  • Workspace “Disable” option
  • “In use” field for Topics to show where they’re being used
  • Modal for credit tier limit
  • Update status component for deployment status
  • Persisted streams icon is disabled when no persisted streams are available
  • Upgrade request button for users - allowing them to notify us with an upgrade request in one click


  • Deploy dialog now shows correct save and commit version
  • Updated upgrade information in workspace - upselling
  • Topics created upon deployment of code (Like Project behaviour)
  • Preventing diagram flicker when editing topic from deployment pipline
  • Improved deployment status accuracy
  • Fixed ReGex for topic names
  • Speed indicator being stuck at 100mb/s
  • Topics table scroll going beyond header
  • Inconsistent table sorting
  • Topic error persisting in loading dialog after topic is deleted

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