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File metadata and controls

312 lines (224 loc) · 10.8 KB


TikTokPy has both a synchronous and an asynchronous API. The interfaces are the same, but the asynchronous API requires awaiting of certain functions and iterators. The following sections show example code for both.

API Context Managers

The TikTokPy API should be used as a context manager in your program:

.. tabs::

    .. code-tab:: py TikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.api import TikTokAPI

            def do_something():
                with TikTokAPI() as api:

    .. code-tab:: py AsyncTikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.async_api import AsyncTikTokAPI

            async def do_something():
                async with AsyncTikTokAPI() as api:

Internally, the API uses a Playwright BrowserContext to scrape data from TikTok. The initialization of the BrowserContext and corresponding Browser can be controlled by arguments passed to :ref:`TikTokAPI` or :ref:`AsyncTikTokAPI`. This allows for use of a proxy, custom executable location, and more. See their documentation for more information.


Get Video Information

You can get information about a :ref:`Video` with a link.

.. tabs::

    .. code-tab:: py TikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.api import TikTokAPI

            def do_something():
                with TikTokAPI() as api:
                    video =

    .. code-tab:: py AsyncTikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.async_api import AsyncTikTokAPI

            async def do_something():
                async with AsyncTikTokAPI() as api:
                    video = await

Get Video Creator Information

Given a :ref:`Video` object, you can get the :ref:`User` object corresponding to its creator.

.. tabs::

    .. code-tab:: py TikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.api import TikTokAPI

            def do_something():
                with TikTokAPI() as api:
                    video =
                    creator = video.creator()

    .. code-tab:: py AsyncTikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.async_api import AsyncTikTokAPI

            async def do_something():
                async with AsyncTikTokAPI() as api:
                    video = await
                    creator = await video.creator()

Iterate Over User Videos

Given a :ref:`User` object, you can retrieve that creator's most recent videos.

.. tabs::

    .. code-tab:: py TikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.api import TikTokAPI

            def do_something():
                with TikTokAPI() as api:
                    user = api.user(user_tag)
                    for video in user.videos:

    .. code-tab:: py AsyncTikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.async_api import AsyncTikTokAPI

            async def do_something():
                async with AsyncTikTokAPI() as api:
                    user = await api.user(user_tag)
                    async for video in user.videos:


By default, the number of videos that can be iterated over is not limited. This can be changed by specifying a video_limit in the user() call. If a limit is not specified, every video link that was grabbed from the user page will be used for video data scraping. Specifying a limit can be useful if you only want the most recent videos.

Iterate Over Popular Videos Tagged with a Challenge

TikTok refers to hashtags as "Challenges" internally. You can iterate over popular videos tagged with a specific :ref:`Challenge`.

.. tabs::

    .. code-tab:: py TikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.api import TikTokAPI

            def do_something():
                with TikTokAPI() as api:
                    challenge = api.challenge(tag_name)
                    for video in challenge.videos:

    .. code-tab:: py AsyncTikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.async_api import AsyncTikTokAPI

            async def do_something():
                async with AsyncTikTokAPI() as api:
                    challenge = await api.challenge(tag_name)
                    async for video in challenge.videos:


By default, the number of videos that can be iterated over is not limited. This can be changed by specifying a video_limit in the challenge() call. If a limit is not specified, every video link that was grabbed from the challenge page will be used for video data scraping. Specifying a limit can be useful if you only want the most recent videos.

Get Video Statistics for a User

:ref:`Video` statistics are saved in a :ref:`VideoStats` object under the stats property.

.. tabs::

    .. code-tab:: py TikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.api import TikTokAPI

            def do_something():
                with TikTokAPI() as api:
                    user = api.user(username)
                    for video in user.videos:
                        num_comments = video.stats.comment_count
                        num_likes = video.stats.digg_count
                        num_views = video.stats.play_count
                        num_shares = video.stats.share_count

    .. code-tab:: py AsyncTikTokAPI

            from tiktokapipy.async_api import AsyncTikTokAPI

            async def do_something():
                async with AsyncTikTokAPI() as api:
                    user = await api.user(username)
                    async for video in user.videos:
                        num_comments = video.stats.comment_count
                        num_likes = video.stats.digg_count
                        num_views = video.stats.play_count
                        num_shares = video.stats.share_count


You can get similar data for users and challenges with the :ref:`UserStats` and :ref:`ChallengeStats` models.

Download Videos and Slideshows

If all you want to do is download a video or slideshow from TikTok, go no further. Because slideshows are saved as images with a sound, you'll need to join these images together with the sound. I'd suggest using ffmpeg for this:


The download() function on videos can be used to download videos to a file. It doesn't work for slideshows. It requires the yt-dlp package to be installed, which can be installed with pip install yt-dlp or pip install tiktokapipy[download].

import asyncio
import io
import glob
import os
import urllib.request
from os import path

import aiohttp
from tiktokapipy.async_api import AsyncTikTokAPI
from import Video

link = ...
directory = ...

async def save_slideshow(video: Video):
    # this filter makes sure the images are padded to all the same size
    vf = "\"scale=iw*min(1080/iw\,1920/ih):ih*min(1080/iw\,1920/ih)," \
         "pad=1080:1920:(1080-iw)/2:(1920-ih)/2," \

    for i, image_data in enumerate(video.image_post.images):
        url = image_data.image_url.url_list[-1]
        # this step could probably be done with asyncio, but I didn't want to figure out how
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, path.join(directory, f"temp_{}_{i:02}.jpg"))

    urllib.request.urlretrieve(, path.join(directory, f"temp_{}.mp3"))

    # use ffmpeg to join the images and audio
    command = [
        "-r 2/5",
        f"-i {directory}/temp_{}_%02d.jpg",
        f"-i {directory}/temp_{}.mp3",
        "-r 30",
        f"-vf {vf}",
        "-acodec copy",
        f"-t {len(video.image_post.images) * 2.5}",
    ffmpeg_proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
        " ".join(command),
    _, stderr = await ffmpeg_proc.communicate()
    generated_files = glob.glob(path.join(directory, f"temp_{}*"))

    if not path.exists(path.join(directory, f"temp_{}.mp4")):
        # optional ffmpeg logging step
        # logging.error(stderr.decode("utf-8"))
        for file in generated_files:
        raise Exception("Something went wrong with piecing the slideshow together")

    with open(path.join(directory, f"temp_{}.mp4"), "rb") as f:
        ret = io.BytesIO(

    for file in generated_files:

    return ret

async def save_video(video: Video):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get( as resp:
            return io.BytesIO(await

async def download_video():
    async with AsyncTikTokAPI() as api:
        video: Video = await
        if video.image_post:
            downloaded = await save_slideshow(video)
            downloaded = await save_video(video)

        # do something with the downloaded video (save it, send it, whatever you want).

This entire process could also be done with the synchronous API, but it probably makes less sense.


If this gives you 403 errors, you will likely need to carry over a cookie and a header when you make the HTTP GET request:

async def save_video(video: Video, api: AsyncTikTokAPI):
    # Carrying over this cookie tricks TikTok into thinking this ClientSession was the Playwright instance
    # used by the AsyncTikTokAPI instance
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookies={cookie["name"]: cookie["value"] for cookie in await api.context.cookies() if cookie["name"] == "tt_chain_token"}) as session:
        # Creating this header tricks TikTok into thinking it made the request itself
        async with session.get(, headers={"referer": ""}) as resp:
            return io.BytesIO(await

Note that this does require you to pass the api instance to this function, and you will likely also need to update the slideshow function as well.

Credit to @papayyg for identifying a solution to this issue in issue Issue #35