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File metadata and controls

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Hone your tools with chef-steel!

chef-steel is a tool that can keep testing-related configurations up-to-date within one or more repos. If you work within many different repos that share a common set of testing tools (i.e. Rubocop, Foodcritic, Travis, Jenkins, etc.) it can be easy for their configuration to drift. With chef-steel you can update one or more of these configuration files from a central repository, as needed.

NOTE: This tool ain't just for Chef developers! Use it for any repo whose testing-related configurations you want to keep up-to-date.

Installing chef-steel

To begin honing your tools, install chef-steel via gem:

gem install chef-steel

chef-steel Usage

[ryanleefrantz@remington ~/git/chef-steel] (master) $ steel -h
Usage: steel [-efrvy]

Hone your tools!

    -e, --exclude-files *XFILES      One or more explicit file names (space-separated) to *exclude* from being copied from the repo
                                     Ex. -e
                                     Ex. --exclude-files metadata.rb
                                     Default: [".gitignore", "Policyfile.rb", "", "metadata.rb"]
    -f, --files *FILES               One or more explicit file names (space-separated) to copy from the repo
                                     Ex. -f .rubocop.yml
                                     Ex. --files .rubocop.yml .rspec
                                     Default: All top-level files in the repo (excluding the value if --exclude-files)
    -r, --repo                       The full URL of a repo containing config files to clone
    -v, --version                    Show version and exit
    -y, --yes                        Answer "yes" to all prompts
                                     Default: false

chef-steel has a few command line options. See above for the help output.

Each of the command line options can be defined in a config file (command line options always take precedence). chef-steel will look for /etc/steel/steel.yml and ./steel.yml, in that order, applying configuration values in a last-defined-wins manner.

See steel.yml.example for more details.

See chef-steel in Action!
