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186 lines (162 loc) · 8.5 KB




KsEditor is a JavaScript-based visual editor for KsScript language. All you need is drag/create components to let JavaScript generate code autoly.


Browser Requirement

This editor developed using a quantity of new feature of ES6+(ECMAScript 6.0 and higher version). So we highly recommend using lastest Google Chrome browser. Otherwise, We are not responsible for anything strange that happens (>人<;).

Priority Requirement

You must allow your browser to download multiple files at the same time when using the Export feature.

Monitor Resolution Requirement

This editor developed base on monitor with resolution 1920*1080 and 2560*1440. Therefore it's better to use the two resolutions for best experience.

Components Introduction

Component Introduction Ks Support Example
Common Action A action contains most of widgets, including Line, BGM, BG, FG, Adjuster YES common action
Line Action A action to configure lines of character. Properties font color, font size, line spacing can be configured here YES Line action
BG/FG Action A action to configure background image and forground image(Picture of character in most case) YES Bg/Fg action
BGM Action A action to configure background music YES BGM action
Video Action A action to configure and play video NO Video action
Selector Action Configuring a select action to provide several choices for player. In every select item, you can configure BG, BGM. Also, you can provide special Line contents for this select YES Selector action
Judge Action A action to trigger events specified by Event ID according to judge conditions set(can be multiple) YES Judge action
Adjuster Action Manually adjust some value via this action YES Adjuster action Adjuster action

Generated Code Example

The following is a example of generated code

    [action id="1" nextActionId="2" roundId="1"]
        [bg src="test" layer="Background1"]
        [fg src="test" layer="Foreground1"]
        [bgm src="test" volume="90" loop action="play"]
        [adjuster id="adjuster-1"]
            [pair name="Sorrow" value="1"]
            [pair name="Angry" value="-1"]
            [pair name="Hate" value="1"]
            [pair name="Swordcraft" value="0"]
            [pair name="Mount" value="0"]
            [pair name="Wrestling" value="0"]
        [line actor="女の子" line="おはようございます" voice="test" fsize="16" linespacing="18" fcolor="0xe75050ff"]
        [line actor="" line="おはよう" voice="test" fsize="16" linespacing="18" fcolor="0xe75050ff"]
    [action id="2" nextActionId="3" previousActionId="1" roundId="1"]
        [bg src="test" layer="Background1"]
        [fg src="test" layer="Background1"]
    [action id="3" nextActionId="4" previousActionId="2" roundId="2"]
        [line actor="女の子" line="いい天気ですね" voice="test" fcolor="0x34f948ff"]
        [line actor="" line="はい、とても気持ちです" voice="test" fcolor="0x34f948ff"]
    [action id="4" nextActionId="5" previousActionId="3" roundId="2"]
        [bgm src="test" loop action="play"]
    [action id="5" nextActionId="6" previousActionId="4" roundId="2"]
        [video src="test" volume="100" action="play"]
    [action id="6" nextActionId="7" previousActionId="5" roundId="3"]
        [select type="horizontal"]
            [option text="通路1" bg="test" bgm="test"]
                [adjuster id="adjuster-2"]
                    [pair name="Sorrow" value="2"]
                    [pair name="Angry" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Hate" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Swordcraft" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Mount" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Wrestling" value="0"]
                [line actor="" line="君は誰?" voice="test"]
                [line actor="朋也" line="大丈夫ですか?" voice="test"]
            [option text="通路2" bg="test" bgm="test"]
                [adjuster id="adjuster-3"]
                    [pair name="Sorrow" value="-2"]
                    [pair name="Angry" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Hate" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Swordcraft" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Mount" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Wrestling" value="0"]
                [line actor="朋也" line="誰?" voice="test"]
                [line actor="女の子" line="...." voice="test"]
    [action id="7" nextActionId="8" previousActionId="6" roundId="3"]
        [judge id="judge-1"]
            [event evtid="10001"]
                [adjuster id="adjuster-4"]
                    [pair name="Sorrow" value="4"]
                    [pair name="Angry" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Hate" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Swordcraft" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Mount" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Wrestling" value="0"]
            [event evtid="10002"]
                [adjuster id="adjuster-5"]
                    [pair name="Sorrow" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Angry" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Hate" value="-2"]
                    [pair name="Swordcraft" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Mount" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Wrestling" value="0"]
            [group id="group-1"]
                [pair name="HP" value="50"]
            [group id="group-2"]
                [pair name="MP" value="50"]
                [pair name="HP" value="20"]
    [action id="8" nextActionId="9" previousActionId="7" roundId="4"]
        [adjuster id="adjuster-6"]
            [pair name="Sorrow" value="-7"]
            [pair name="Angry" value="6"]
            [pair name="Hate" value="6"]
            [pair name="Swordcraft" value="27"]
            [pair name="Mount" value="14"]
            [pair name="Wrestling" value="-16"]
    [action id="9" previousActionId="8" roundId="4"]
        [events id="events-1"]
            [event evtid="10002"]
                [adjuster id="adjuster-7"]
                    [pair name="Sorrow" value="4"]
                    [pair name="Angry" value="6"]
                    [pair name="Hate" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Swordcraft" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Mount" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Wrestling" value="0"]
            [event evtid="10000"]
                [adjuster id="adjuster-8"]
                    [pair name="Sorrow" value="15"]
                    [pair name="Angry" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Hate" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Swordcraft" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Mount" value="0"]
                    [pair name="Wrestling" value="0"]

Translating Ks Code to Unity Asset

Here we provide a way to achieve this goal by using scene named Translator.

  1. Usage of スクリプト翻訳

    1. Input file name(located in Chapter.ks folder and with extension .ks) or full path.
    2. Click button スクリプト翻訳
    3. The unity asset will be generated in the folder Chapter
  2. Usage of すべてを翻訳

    By clicking this button, all you should do is wait. Then the unity asset will be generated in the folder Chapter or the folder of current file seleted


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