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Points 01 Inheriting
2019-04-02 07:05:58 -0700

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If this is your first time here then it might be a good idea to review the [previous post][previous-post], and for everyone let the following sketch be a quick refresher of the portion of the graph that is being modeled...

$$ \color{#000}{\fbox{ w }}{ \color{#2E8B57}{ \xleftarrow[]{\color{#000}{X}} }} \color{#00A}{ \fbox{ u } }{ \color{#2E8B57}{ \xrightarrow[]{\color{#000}{X}} }} \color{#000}{\fbox{ v }} \\ \color{#000}{\fbox{ u }}{ \color{#FF0000}{ \xleftarrow[]{\color{#000}{O}} }} \color{#00A}{ \fbox{ v } }{ \color{#2E8B57}{ \xrightarrow[]{\color{#000}{X}} }} \color{#000}{\fbox{ w }} \\ \color{#000}{\fbox{ v }}{ \color{#2E8B57}{ \xleftarrow[]{\color{#000}{X}} }} \color{#00A}{ \fbox{ w } }{ \color{#FF0000}{ \xrightarrow[]{\color{#000}{O}} }} \color{#000}{\fbox{ u }} $$

And the relationship that Point has with the dictionary class

$$ \color{#CD8C00}{\fbox{ dict }{ \color{#00A}{\xleftarrow[]{ \color{#000}{\text{super}_{\left(key_word_args\right)}} }} \over{ \xrightarrow[\color{#000}{\text{returned value}}]{} } }} \color{#00A}{\fbox{ Point }} $$

"If the cost of each edge depends on the number of agents using it, what X and O should I pass it to the 'neighbors' dictionary?"

I believe that the total cost is a result of a function that takes points['w']['population']s travel plans for instance (a property that'll be updated iteratively) and cost (X, or Y depending upon Point). And not to get too lost in the details but both X and O could be functions.

Here's two quick examples of how that could look in Python using lambdas...

  • Masking saved cost states.
edge_cost = lambda base_cost, drivers: base_cost * drivers

travel_estimate = points['w']['neighbors']['u']
# ... > `O` ... > 0.7
edge_cost(base_cost = travel_estimate, drivers = 2)
# -> 1.4

What I'm asking of edge_cost might also be able to be expressed as $ e{\left( c, d \right)} = d \times c $, though one gotcha (if I remember correctly), is that $ {pythonLambda} {\ne} {lambda} $, because a Python lambda can be asked to do things that don't quite translate cleanly the other-way-round.

  • Differing execution/calculations of X and O, or in this case first and business class tickets.
first = lambda base_cost: base_cost + 0.5
business = lambda base_cost: base_cost + 0.2

customers = {
    'Bill': {'name': 'Bill', 'ticket': business},
    'Alice': {'name': 'Alice', 'ticket': first}}

for key, customer in customers.items():
    print("{name} ticket cost -> {cost}".format(**{
        'name': customer['name'],
        'cost': customer['ticket'](base_cost = 0.4)
# -> Bill ticket cost -> 0.6
# -> Alice ticket cost -> 0.9

These states a Point for the most part totally doesn't care about from it's frame of reference as a destination that agents leave. At most in the second of the last two examples it would only care about getting it's output by feeding a first class function call.

One way to look at is maybe a Point could be like a dispatcher (a stationary agent) who keeps a roaster of other agents in town and maybe picks up calls (if they must, and it's not a Monday), from agents about recent traveling conditions after arriving at a neighbor. Defined this way a Point could intentionally give bad information to another agent.

Maybe $v$ has never gotten along with $ S_{1} $ and will happily low-ball any travel cost estimates given to that agent, maybe $ S_{1} $ doesn't figure this out till the end n of a pay periods when their gas cost vs. compensation are not as they expected. How $v$'s' and $ S_{1} $'s personalities cause them to mess with one another I think are within the scope of a Point.

If you wish to question an edge I think it maybe helpful to re-frame an edge (define a class) as the points that are populated on an edge, so that things can be asked about those on an edge. This isn't to say that an edge must contain every point between, computers and $ \infty $ usually don't mix, but instead an edge could have a way of calculating things like distances between agents or their destination.

"But it seems to me that the point class can only model edges with a constant cost?"

Sorta; it depends upon how you use those values or choose to update them. I took some care trying to model only part of the problem because covering everything in one post can cause readers to feel a bit like Joel Miller; which is not my intent, I'd rather hope code be seen as another way to break a problem down to the atomic level if need be.

Think of Point as a starting point for organizing questions about it's state, the using of those states and final calculations are still a bit further up the stack as far as code execution depth if you want fine-grain control. Suppose in the future you want to model the rising and falling travel of costs based on hour of day or number of iterations of a parent's loop. These and other things can be done within another class that either imports or inherits the Point class.

Inheriting a Point to model something based on construction hours for example could look something like...

$$ \color{#CD8C00}{\fbox{ dict }{ \color{#00A}{\xleftarrow[]{ \color{#000}{\text{super}{\left(key_word_args\right)}} }} \over{ \xrightarrow[\color{#000}{\text{returned value}}]{} } }} \color{#00A}{\fbox{ Point }{ \color{#2E8B57}{\xleftarrow[]{ \color{#000}{\text{super}{\left(key_word_args\right)}} }} \over{\color{#00A}{ \xrightarrow[\color{#000}{\text{returned value}}]{} }} }} \color{#2E8B57}{\fbox{ Construction }} $$

Above is just a sketch to show an overview of the relationships that are being built with the code bellow

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
# ... Above _unlocks_ some compatibility _magics_
#     for running within Python 2 or 3

import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

from __init__ import Point
# ... Import the `Point` class from the
#    `` file within the same directory.

class Construction(Point):
    Construction aids in modeling costs that rise and fall based on current hour

    ## Arguments

    - `hours` could be a dictionary, eg. `{12: 0.6, 14: 0.8, ...}`

    def __init__(self, hours, current_hour, address, neighbors, **kwargs):
        super(Construction, self).__init__(address = address,
                                           neighbors = neighbors,
        self.update(hours = hours, current_hour = current_hour)

    def cost_modifier(self, cost):
        Returns cost plus current hour's cost if available
        if self['current_hour'] not in self['hours'].keys():
            return cost

        return cost + self['hours'][self['current_hour']]

    def how_much_to(self, address):
        Returns adjusted cost for given `neighbors` `address` from `cost_modifier`
        base = self['neighbors'][address]
        return self.cost_modifier(cost = base)

    def cheapest(self, routes = {}):
        Returns `dict` of `{address: cost}` adjusted with `how_much_to`
        headings = {}
        for address in super(Construction, self).cheapest(routes).keys():
            headings.update({address: self.how_much_to(address)})

        return headings

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raise Exception("No Construction points detected.")

Note, a near identical version of points/ is available for download.

Inheriting from Point we gain the super powers of pre-processing cheapest within the scope of Construction.cheapest method. Yes that also means there's now some for loop stacking, but the above is just an example of using the scope stacking that Python almost expects of authors, while also addressing one way to have changing cost calculations done by a point.

In other-words, to those yelling at their monitor, right now the focus is optimizing for developer's time and not code execution time; releasing pandas or other libraries and optimizing code can wait till the problem is fleshed-out from components with well defined inputs and outputs.

Or in other-other-words try not to get too attached to the inner code because that should change as a project grows.

Importing the Construction point if saved under points/ could then look like...

from import Construction

Adding a fourth point c to the points dictionary defined previously might then look like...

    'c': Construction(
        address = 'w',
        neighbors = {'v': O, 'w': X},
        current_hour = 6,
        hours = {9: 0.1, 10: 0.3,
                 11: 0.4, 13: 0.6,
                 14: 0.7, 15: 0.85,
                 16: 0.3, 17: 0.2}

City planners kinda dropped the ball by having construction on both out-bound routs, but that kinda models life.

... and updating points['c']'s neighbors could look like...

Z = 0.1
for address in points['c']['neighbors'].keys():
    points[address]['neighbors'].update({'c': Z})

Which then would require some adjustments to the for loop that was being used to iterate over points such as...

hours_start = 1
hours_end = 24
hours_step = 1
days = 2

day_count = 0
for i in range(hours_start, (hours_end * days) + 1, hours_step):
    for address, point in points.items():
        # ... This `try`/`except` syntax is some times
        #     called "asking forgiveness", where as
        #     using `if` for setting `current_hour`
        #     would be called "asking permission" ;-)
            current_hour = point['current_hour']
        except KeyError:
            current_hour = 'NaN'
            if current_hour >= hours_end:
                point['current_hour'] = hours_start
                day_count += 1
                point['current_hour'] += hours_step

            cheapest_routs = point.cheapest()
            print("{d} {h} {p} cheapest routes -> {r}".format(
                d = day_count, h = current_hour,
                p = address, r = cheapest_routs))

Indeed I've just nested even more loops, I've address one way of mitigating this overall problem in with a [Hybrid_Iterator][hybrid-iterator-post] class that calculates new states whenever a process calls next(), something that is called implicitly by for loops.

Right now what is important to grasp from the adjusted model is that we now have a way to consistently mask the initialized cost values within a point based off some other state that is updated. And that regardless of if a Point is a normal point or special point like Construction, the cheapest of routs methods are what is called by what ever process asking the questions of points.

# ... Example _snippets_ of output
0 6 c cheapest routes -> {'w': 0.2}
0 NaN u cheapest routes -> {'w': 0.2, 'v': 0.2}
0 NaN w cheapest routes -> {'c': 0.1}
0 NaN v cheapest routes -> {'c': 0.1}
0 7 c cheapest routes -> {'w': 0.2}
# ...
1 12 c cheapest routes -> {'w': 0.2}
1 NaN u cheapest routes -> {'w': 0.2, 'v': 0.2}
1 NaN w cheapest routes -> {'c': 0.1}
1 NaN v cheapest routes -> {'c': 0.1}
1 13 c cheapest routes -> {'w': 0.8}
# ...

I think this is a good time for another pause for digestion, hopefully these pointers have helped ya plan out a course.

If you run into writter's block for [Agents][agents-post] I've started writing a structure for what I'm looking to model, perhaps it'll inspire you to write something better for your own projects.

{% capture previous_post %}{%- post_url 2019-04-02-points-00-preface -%}{% endcapture %} [previous-post]: {{ previous_post | relative_url }}

{% capture agents_post %}{%- post_url 2019-04-07-agents-00 -%}{% endcapture %} [agents-post]: {{ agents_post | relative_url }}

{% capture hybrid_iterator_post %}{%- post_url 2019-04-03-priority-buffer-00 -%}{% endcapture %} [hybrid-iterator-post]: {{ hybrid_iterator_post | relative_url }}