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Supporting multiple users in an app

What is multi-user scenario

We talk about multi-user scenario when an application has multiple persisted user data at the same time and so anyone can be restored to be used in the app. However only one of them can be active or opened. When an application is used more people but the application gets reset before the next user onboards then it is a single user scenario - the default how applications are generated.

Quick overview

To support multi-user scenarios you should replace the default SingleUserOnboardingIDManager to your custom implementation in the OnboardingController. This class must implement the OnboardingIDManaging protocol and is responsible to store the onboardingIDs as well to decide to create a new onboarding session or restore an existing one using the onboardingID. It is up to your application design how you support these options. In this sample a view controller will be presented to the users where the user can select one from the existing sessions or create a new one.


  • Xcode 10.1+
  • SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS 3.0 SP01+
  • Existing SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services account


  1. The Cloud Platform mobile services configuration for this application must be created on the server. Create one or import the at the Mobile Services Cockpit under the Mobile Applications / Native/Hybrid. This is a simple configuration which points to the publicly available read/write OData service at
  2. After downloading this iOS application the server parameters must be updated as well so it will connect to your server. To copy the proper URL go to the Cloud Platform mobile services cockpit, select the Multi User Sample under the Mobile Applications / Native/Hybrid. Go to the APIs tab. Under the APIs section there is a Server item with a URL. This is your applications base server URL. Open the ConfigurationProvider.plist in the Onboarding folder. Update the value of the host key to the host part of the Server URL (something like without the https:// prefix and without the '/' suffix.
  3. Add the SAPCommon.framework, SAPFoundation.framework, SAPOData.framework, SAPOfflineOData.framework, SAPFiori.framework, and SAPFioriFlows.framework to the Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries.

Steps required to support multiple users

This app already shows the working end-state of a multi-user enabled app. Here we describe the required changes and enhancements for that in more detail.

Create a new onboardingID manager

Create a new Swift class named MultiUserOnboardingIDManager and implement the OnboardingIDManaging protocol with a simple implementation first: stores the id, returns with .onboard when it is asked in flowToStart... To make it more realistic we introduce a User type which contains a name and the onboardingID. This will be managed by the MultiUserOnboardingIDManager. Auto-implement the Codable protocol to ease the persistatition and restoration. Declare a variable coder and assign the PlistCoder from SAPFoundation. This will be used to run the Codable protocol. Also declare an error type used to signal any problem.

public enum UserError: Error {
    case cannotLoad
    case internalError

public struct User: Codable {
    let name: String
    let onboardingID: UUID
// PlistCoder to ease the code/decode of User types
let coder = SAPFoundation.PlistCoder()

It is worth to create some private helper methods to store/retrieve the Users. This way the users can see user names instead of onboardingIDs and the type can be extended later on demand. Let's differentiate the keys in the user defaults with a custom prefix. Also use the swift let OnboardedUserKeyPrefix = "Onboarded_" Implement the base functionality: create and read items

// MARK: - Private methods
private func userdefaultsKey(for onboardingID: UUID) -> String {
    return "\(OnboardedUserKeyPrefix)\(onboardingID)"

private func user(for onboardingID: UUID) throws -> User {
    let key = userdefaultsKey(for: onboardingID)
    guard let userData = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) as? Data else {
        throw UserError.cannotLoad
    let user = try coder.decode(User.self, from: userData)
    return user

private func saveOnboardedUser(_ user: User) throws {
    let key = userdefaultsKey(for: user.onboardingID)
    let userData = try coder.encode(user)
    UserDefaults.standard.set(userData, forKey: key)

private func removeOnboardedUser(_ onboardingID: UUID) {
    let key = userdefaultsKey(for: onboardingID)
    UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: key)

Implement a public function which will be used to list all the items

/// Returns all the onobarded users
/// - Returns: array of users currently stored in the UserDefaults
public func allUsers() -> [User] {
    var users = [User]()
    for key in UserDefaults.standard.dictionaryRepresentation().keys where key.hasPrefix(OnboardedUserKeyPrefix) {
        let onboardingIDString = key.dropFirst(OnboardedUserKeyPrefix.count)
        do {
            guard let onboardingID = UUID(uuidString: String(onboardingIDString)) else {
                Logger.root.error("Failed to create UUID for key: \(onboardingIDString)")
            let user = try self.user(for: onboardingID)
        catch {
            Logger.root.error("Failed to load User for key: \(onboardingIDString)", error: error)
    return users

Create the UI to interact with the user

Create a UITableViewController

Create a new UITableViewController descendant Swift class and name it SelectUserViewController. This will present the list of existing onboarding sessions.

  1. Create a small new class for the presented UITableViewCells used by SelectUserViewController. Name it UserTableViewCell.
  2. The cell should have a UILabel as an IBOutlet.
  3. create a const cellID: will be used to get the cell, must be set in the storyboard as well
    static let cellID = "UserSelectorCell"
  4. Declare two properties:
    1. flowSelectionCompletion: the completion handler to call when the user selected the action
    2. users: array of Users; set by the MultiUserOnboardingIDManager with the available users and used by the tableview to present the items
  5. Create new IBAction for the add user option: addUser
  6. Remove the numberOfSections method as we only have one section
  7. In the tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) just return with the users.count
  8. uncomment the cellForRowAt: indexPath method and dequeue the cell with the id. Fill the cell with the user name blonging to that line/indexPath
    cell.userName.text = "\(users[indexPath.row].name)"
  9. implement the didSelectRowAt indexPath method to handle the user selection of items. Just call back on the flowCompletionHandler with the username and onboardingID
  10. remove any other unnecessary commented code snippet from the file

Create the UI in storyboard for the SelectUserViewController

Open the Main.storyboard

  1. Drop in a new UITablewViewController scene
  2. Set the class of the view controller to SelectUserViewController
  3. Set the Storyboard ID to SelectUserViewController
  4. Select the prototype cell and set its class to UserTableViewCell
  5. Add a UILabel to the cell and bind it to the userName outlet. Don't forget to set up the autolayout constraints properly
  6. Set the identifier of the prototype cell to UserSelectorCell
  7. drop a NavigationItem to the view controller
  8. drop a UIBarButtonItem to the right-top, set its System Item to Add in the Attributes Inspector
  9. Bind the action of this button to the addUser IBAction

Bind together the pieces to make it work

Finalize MultiUserOnboardingIDManager. When flowToStart called we present the UI where the user can select to start a new onboarding session or restore and existing one. So in flowToStart

  1. get a reference to the main storyboard and load the SelectUserViewController from it
  2. set the flowSelectionCompletion; in the closure save the selected user name and dismiss the view controller, then call the completionHandler of the flowToSelect.
  3. Create a new property where we can save the user name. When onboarding finished and the onboardingID mus tbe persisted we can attach the name to the ID creating a User and save it to the UseDefaults
var selectedUserName: String?

When the other delegate methods are called make sure to nil out the property!

  1. set the available users on SelectUserViewController
selectUserViewController.users = self.allUsers()
  1. present the view controller in a NavigationController to be able to present the buttons in the Navigation Bar. Make sure you call it on the main queue
DispatchQueue.main.async {
topViewController.present(navCtrl, animated: true)
  1. Bind the OnboardingController to the MultiUserOnboardingIDManager. By default the OnboardingController is created inside a convenience init of OnboardingSessionManager so we will modify that call In your AppDelegate find the initializeOnboarding method (it is implemented as an extension on AppDelegate) and modify the line initialization of OnboardingSessionManager by adding the parameter to the initializer (after the flowProvider parameter) , onboardingIDManager: MultiUserOnboardingIDManager()


self.sessionManager = OnboardingSessionManager(presentationDelegate: presentationDelegate, flowProvider: self.flowProvider, delegate: self.onboardingErrorHandler)


self.sessionManager = OnboardingSessionManager(presentationDelegate: presentationDelegate, flowProvider: self.flowProvider, onboardingIDManager: MultiUserOnboardingIDManager(), delegate: self.onboardingErrorHandler)

Try out what we have! When the app starts instead of starting with the standard 'Welcome screen' it presents an empty list - this will contain the onboarding sessions. Press the '+' button on the top left corner to initiate a new onboard.


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