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Exercise 4 - Consume a SOAP Web Service

In the following exercise you will learn how to call a SOAP web service and how to embed this into your inventory application by using it as part of a determination. The SOAP web service that we are going to use is a demo web service available on the SAP Gateway Demo system ES5.

Download the WSDL

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  1. Create a text file with the extension .XML locally on your computer
  2. Copy the content of the WSDL file into that file. The WSDL can be found here: Link to WSDL or here raw data

Create the Service Consumption Model

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In this step we will create a service consumption model based on the WSDL file that you have downloaded in the previous step.

Click to expand
  1. Navigate to the folder Business Services > Service Consumption Models

  2. Right-click on the folder Service Consumption Models and choose New Service Consumption Model

    New Service Consumption Model

  3. The New Service Consumption Model dialogue opens. Here enter the following data:

    Name: ZRAP620_SC_GETPRICE_###
    Description: Product price from ES5
    Remote Consumption Model: Web Service (to be selected from the drop down box)

    Press Next

    Service Consumption Model

  4. The WSDL file of the SOAP web service that you want to consume must be uploaded in file format. If you have not yet downloaded the WSDL file you have to do this now.

    • Click Browse to select the WSDL file that you have downloaded earlier in this exercise
    • Prefix: ZRAP620###

    Web Service Consumption Proxy

    Opposed to the prefix that we have chosen for OData Service Consumption Proxy we have to choose a leading Z.
    If not, we get an error message that states:
    Package ZRAP620_### is a customer package, object RAP620### is in SAP namespace. Use a valid combination of object name
    Web Service Consumption Proxy

  5. Selection of transport request

    • Select a transport request
    • Press Finish
  6. Service Consumption Model

    The Web Service does only have one service operation get_price.

    Please note
    The wizard provides code samples for each service operation. The code can be copied using the the Copy to clipboard button. We will not do this since in this exercise since we have provided a detailed code sample (see below) which is however based on the code snippet mentioned above.

    Web Service Consumption Proxy

  7. Activate your changes

    Press the Activate your changes button to generate the service consumption model alongside with all dependend objects.

  8. Check generated objects

    When refreshing your package in the Project Explorer you will notice that several objects have been generated. For those that are used to the generation of SOAP Web Service proxies in on premise systems they will look familiar.

    Web Service Consumption Proxy

Add and implement a determination

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We will use the SOAP web service to retrieve the price of a product.

Click to expand
  1. Add a determination in the behavior definition
  • Open your behavior definition ZRAP620_R_INVENTORYTP_###
  • Add the following code snippets
    • to add a determination for the field Price
    • Make the field Pricealso read-only
    field ( readonly )
       Price, //determined via determination
   determination GetPrice on modify { field ProductID; }

Web Service Consumption Proxy

  • Select the determination name GetPrice and press CTRL+1 for a quick fix
  • Double click on the quick fix Add missing method for determination GetPrice in local handler class ...

Web Service Consumption Proxy

  1. Add the following code in the implementation of the method GetPrice.

    Coding explained
    The following code is using large parts of the code snippets provided by the service consumption model. It has however been adjusted to fit our needs.

    1. The destination is not retrieved by calling the method cl_soap_destination_provider=>create_by_cloud_destination( ) but by using the method cl_soap_destination_provider=>create_by_url( ). This is because the destination service is not available in the ABAP trial systems in SAP Cloud Platform.
    2. Instead of using an inline declaration for destinationand proxy these variables are defined beforehand. This way we can avoid that the destination and proxy object are created several times in case multiple inventories are to be created.
    3. The data retrieved from the SOAP call is used to update the inventory data via EML.

    Do not forget to search and replace the placeholder ### with the unique number that you have chosen beforehand.

  METHOD GetPrice.
    DATA destination  TYPE REF TO if_soap_destination.
    DATA proxy TYPE REF TO zrap620###co_epm_product_soap.
    DATA reported_inventory_soap LIKE reported-inventory.
    "Ensure idempotence
    READ ENTITIES OF zrap620_r_inventorytp_### IN LOCAL MODE
      ENTITY Inventory
        FIELDS ( Price ProductID )
        WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys )
      RESULT DATA(inventories).

    DELETE inventories WHERE Price IS NOT INITIAL.
    CHECK inventories IS NOT INITIAL.

    DELETE inventories WHERE ProductID =''.
    CHECK inventories IS NOT INITIAL.



          IF destination IS INITIAL.
            destination = cl_soap_destination_provider=>create_by_url( i_url = '' ).
          IF proxy IS INITIAL.
            proxy = NEW zrap620###co_epm_product_soap(
                             destination = destination

          DATA(request) = VALUE zrap620###req_msg_type( req_msg_type-product = -ProductID ).
              input = request
              output = DATA(response)

          -Price = response-res_msg_type-price .
          -CurrencyCode = response-res_msg_type-currency.
          "handle response

        CATCH cx_soap_destination_error INTO DATA(soap_destination_error).
          DATA(error_message) = soap_destination_error->get_text(  ).
        CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO DATA(ai_system_fault).
          error_message = | code: { ai_system_fault->code  } codetext: { ai_system_fault->codecontext  }  |.
        CATCH zrap620###cx_fault_msg_type INTO DATA(soap_exception).
          error_message = soap_exception->error_text.
          "fill reported structure to be displayed on the UI
          APPEND VALUE #( uuid = -uuid
                          %msg = new_message( id = 'ZCM_RAP_GENERATOR'
                                              number = '016'
                                              v1 = error_message
                                              "v2 = messages[ 1 ]-msgv2
                                              "v3 = messages[ 1 ]-msgv3
                                              "v4 = messages[ 1 ]-msgv4
                                              severity = CONV #( 'E' ) )
                           %element-price = if_abap_behv=>mk-on

    ) TO reported_inventory_soap.
          "inventory entries where no price could be retrieved must not be passed to the MODIFY statement
          DELETE inventories INDEX sy-tabix.


    "update involved instances
    MODIFY ENTITIES OF zrap620_r_inventorytp_### IN LOCAL MODE
      ENTITY Inventory
        UPDATE FIELDS ( Price CurrencyCode )
        WITH VALUE #( FOR inventory IN inventories (
                           %tky      = inventory-%tky
                           Price  = inventory-Price
                           CurrencyCode  = inventory-CurrencyCode
                           ) )
    REPORTED DATA(reported_entities).

    "fill reported
    reported = CORRESPONDING #( DEEP reported_entities ).

    "add reported from SOAP call
    LOOP AT reported_inventory_soap INTO DATA(reported_inventory).
      APPEND reported_inventory TO reported-inventory.


  1. Activate your changes.

⚠ Adapt the behavior definition and the behavior projection

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⚠ Caution:
The code changes described in the following are currently necessary as a workaround to avoid a short dump
Statement "INSERT " is not allowed with this status.
that will be raised because the generated code uses the strict( 2 ) statement.

Before we can test the service we have to adapt the code of our behavior definition and our behavior projection.

Click to expand

This is because the generator uses the following statement.

strict (2);

The use of the strict(2) ; statement inforces several checks at runtime which for example forbids the use of insert <db_table> from table <internal table>.
The underlying framework of the SOAP proxy runtime however performs such statements. To work around this problem we have either to comment out the strict statements completely or at least to use the strict ; mode rather than the more restrictive strict (2) ; mode.

The code of your behavior definition and the behavior projection should read as follows:

Behavior projection

//strict ( 2 );
strict ;
use draft;

define behavior for ZRAP620_C_INVENTORYTP_### alias Inventory
use etag

  use create;
  use update;
  use delete;

  use action Edit;
  use action Activate;
  use action Discard;
  use action Resume;
  use action Prepare;

Behavior definition

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managed implementation in class ZRAP620_BP_InventoryTP_### unique;
//strict ( 2 );
strict ;
with draft;

define behavior for ZRAP620_R_INVENTORYTP_### alias Inventory
persistent table zrap620_inven###
draft table zrap620_dinv###
etag master LastChangedAt
lock master total etag LocalLastChangedAt
authorization master ( global )

  field ( readonly )
  Price, //determined via determination
  InventoryID, //semantic key

  field ( numbering : managed )


  draft action Edit;
  draft action Activate;
  draft action Discard;
  draft action Resume;
  draft determine action Prepare;

  determination CalculateInventoryID on save { create; }
  determination GetPrice on modify { field ProductID; }

  mapping for ZRAP620_INVEN###
    UUID = UUID;
    InventoryID = INVENTORY_ID;
    ProductID = PRODUCT_ID;
    Quantity = QUANTITY;
    QuantityUnit = QUANTITY_UNIT;
    Price = PRICE;
    CurrencyCode = CURRENCY_CODE;
    Description = DESCRIPTION;
    OverallStatus = OVERALL_STATUS;
    CreatedBy = CREATED_BY;
    CreatedAt = CREATED_AT;
    LastChangedBy = LAST_CHANGED_BY;
    LastChangedAt = LAST_CHANGED_AT;
    LocalLastChangedAt = LOCAL_LAST_CHANGED_AT;

Test the service

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Evantually we can test our service implementation using the SAP Fiori elements preview.

Click to expand
  1. Test service with Fiori Elements preview.

    • Open the service binding ZRAP620_UI_INVENTOR_O4_### (either via Ctrl+Shift+A or via navigation in the Project Explorer)
    • Select the entity Ìnventory.
    • Press the Preview button

    Open the Fiori Elements preview

  2. Create a new inventory entry and select a valid product id using the value help

    • Select a valid ProductID via the value help (e.g. HT-1011)

      Create inventory with valid product name

  3. Press the Create button

    • When pressing the Create button the determination for the price will call the SOAP service

    • The inventory will be created with the price and the currency retrieved from the backend

      Inventory with product price

  4. Create an inventory entry with an invalid ProductID (e.g. www).

    Enter an invalid ProductID, e.g. HT-1011a

    Inventory with product price

    The error message that we have configured if the SOAP call will not be able to find the ProductId in the backend Product not found. Try e.g. HT-1000 :) will not become visible since we have enabled a validation in the UI.


^Top of page

In this session you have learned how you can use SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP environment to implement a side-by-side extension scenarios for an SAP S/4 HANA system using the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model.

You have retrieved data from the SAP S/4HANA system using OData and SOAP based communication to implement

  • a value help to select a product for an inventory entry
  • a determination for the price of a product

In a licensed SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP Environment system you would also be able to create a service consumption model for RFC function modules.