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File metadata and controls

164 lines (129 loc) · 4.65 KB

Register general Artifacts for Deployment in AI Core

Before you start to train the model, you need to register different setup details and credentials for your AI Core instance.

Create a resources/ directory at the root level of your folder and copy the following files into resources/:

  • Service key of your AI Core instance
  • Service key of your Object Store instance. This service key contains the credentials to access the Amazon S3 bucket which the Object Store created behind the scenes.
  • A JSON file with the details of your GitHub repository like the repository URL. You are going to onboard this repository in a later step.
  • A JSON file with your Docker secret. Make sure to use a Docker Hub Personal Access Token (PAT) instead of your normal Docker Hub password. The AI Core instance needs this secret to pull the docker images from your Docker Hub repository later on for training and serving.

Follow the first few steps inside the main.ipynb file. In the following steps the AI API Python SDK is used to interact with the AI Core instance and the AI API.

Connect to your AI Core instance

Read the credentials from your AI Core service key file and create an AI API client.

with open(aic_service_key_path) as ask:
    aic_service_key = json.load(ask)

ai_api_client = AIAPIV2Client(
    base_url = aic_service_key["serviceurls"]["AI_API_URL"] + "/v2",
    auth_url=  aic_service_key["url"] + "/oauth/token",
    client_id = aic_service_key['clientid'],
    client_secret = aic_service_key['clientsecret']

Onboard your Git repository

You need a git repository on GitHub that contains the workflow files that will be used for training and serving. Onboard this repository by doing the following:

with open(git_setup_file_path) as gs:
		setup_json = json.load(gs)

repo_json = setup_json["repo"]

response =
				"name": repo_json["name"],
				"url": repo_json["url"],
				"username": repo_json["username"],
				"password": repo_json["password"]

Register an application

Register an application for your onboarded repository.

app_json = setup_json["app"]
response =
				"applicationName": app_json["applicationName"],
				"repositoryUrl": app_json["repositoryUrl"],
				"revision": app_json["revision"],
				"path": app_json["path"]

Docker secret

To register your Docker secret, do the following:

with open(docker_secret_file_path) as dsf:
    docker_secret = json.load(dsf)

response =
        "name": docker_secret["name"],
        "data": docker_secret["data"]

Create a resource group

Now, create a resource group. Think of it as a scope for your registered artifacts.
        "resourceGroupId": resource_group

Register Amazon S3 bucket secret

To download the training dataset that your store in the Amazon S3 bucket created by the Object Store, the AI Core instance has to be able to access this bucket. Therefore, register the secret for the bucket:

with open(s3_service_key_path) as s3sk:
    s3_service_key = json.load(s3sk)

default_secret = {
    "name": connection_name,
    "type": "S3",
    "endpoint": s3_service_key["host"],
    "bucket": s3_service_key["bucket"],
    "pathPrefix": path_prefix,
    "region": s3_service_key["region"],
    "data": {
        "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": s3_service_key["access_key_id"],
        "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": s3_service_key["secret_access_key"]
    body = default_secret,
    resource_group = resource_group

Register training data as an artifact

In order to execute the training workflow later on, you further need to register the training data as an artifact for the AI Core instance:

with open(training_workflow_file) as twf:
    training_workflow = yaml.safe_load(twf)

scenario_id = training_workflow['metadata']['labels']['']

artifact = {
        "name": resource_group,
        "kind": Artifact.Kind.DATASET,
        "url": f"ai://{connection_name}/data",
        "description": "The training data set.",
        "scenario_id": scenario_id

artifact_resp = ai_api_v2_client.artifact.create(**artifact)
print(f"Artifacts registered for {scenario_id} scenario!")

assert artifact_resp.message == 'Artifact acknowledged'