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Understand the Repository Structure

  • Kyma
  • Cloud Foundry

This part of the tutorial will briefly outline the structure of code directory, so you're comfortable navigating through the provided GitHub repository. If you are targeting a Cloud Foundry deployment, please ignore the Kubernetes related artifacts like Dockerfiles, which are not required for your deployment.

Hint - This chapter will not cover the files in the deploy folder, which will be explained in further detail within the respective environment-specific subfolders.

Also, check out our Explore the components chapter (click here), which describes the various SaaS application components and their tasks in greater detail (click here). For now, let us start with a brief overview, before deep-diving into the different sub-directories.

1. Overview

The code directory of our GitHub repository consists of several sub-directories containing the API (Service) Broker, the API Service, and the different application layers like User Interface, the Backend Business Application service layer, and the data models deployed in a tenant-specific and shared database container. Furthermore, you can find the Helm Charts (required for the Kyma deployment), content supporting local testing or even examples how to extend the SaaS application.

api - CAP-based API Service
app - SAP Fiori Elements UIs and App Deployer
broker - API Service Broker
db - Tenant data model
db-com - Shared data model
router - Application Router
srv - CAP-based SaaS Service
test - Unit tests, API tests and sample data

.env.sample - Environment variables for local testing
package.json - CDS build configs and dependencies for local testing

2. API Service

The api directory contains the implementation of the CAP-based API Service which can be used by SaaS consumers to upload or maintain data in their Tenant database containers. Further details can be found in a separate part of this tutorial (click here).

Hint - Using Kyma, the API Service container image is build using Cloud Native Buildpacks, therefore the directory does not contain a separate Dockerfile. Further details on the build process are provided in a separate part of the tutorial (click here)!

srv - CAP application folder

.cdsrc.json - CDS profile for productive usage
api-service.cds - CAP-based API Service definition
api-service.js - CAP-based API Service handler
server.js - Custom server.js for health-check endpoints

.cdsrc.json - CDS profile for local and hybrid testing

3. Application

Besides the html5-deployer directory (containing the HTML5 Application Deployer - find details here), the app directory contains all SAP Fiori Elements modules, which result in dynamically generated UIs, based on the OData Backend Service annotations. During the UI build process, all four UI modules are zipped and copied into a resources folder within the html5-deployer directory. This folder is created during the very first build.

Hint - In Cloud Foundry, the HTML5 Apps Deployer is not required during productive deployment but can still be used for deployments from your local development environment.

Hint - Using Kyma, the HTML5 Apps Deployer container image is build using an existing Docker Image maintained by SAP, which is referenced in the respective Dockerfile. Further details on the build process are provided in a separate part of the tutorial (click here).

html5-deployer - HTML5 Application Deployer

.dockerignore - Ignores package.json for docker build
Dockerfile - Docker image based on sapse/html5-app-deployer
package.json - Required for local testing only

ui-admin-projects - Admin UI for project management

webapp - UI5 applicaton resources

ext - Fiori Elements extensions
i18n - Translation files
utils - Reusable coding
Component.js - Component coding
index.html - For standalone usage
manifest.json - SAPUI5 manifest file

package.json - Required for build process
ui5-deploy.yaml - Required for build process
xs-app.json - HTML5 App Repository routes

ui-admin-users - Admin UI for user management
ui-public-assessments - UI for assessment management
ui-public-flp - UI for sandbox launchpad
ui-public-projects - UI for viewing project details

launchpad.html - Sandbox launchpad

The ui-public-flp UI module contains a Sandbox Launchpad. The Application Router welcomeFile property is routing to this module stored in the HTML5 Application Repository.

4. API Broker

The broker directory contains the API Service Broker implementation. In the Kyma-based scenario, the catalog.json file content (which is required to define service plans provided by the Service Broker) is part of the Helm Charts (click here), as the required details are only available upon deployment to your Kyma Cluster.

Hint - Using Kyma, the API Service Broker container image is build using Cloud Native Buildpacks, therefore the directory does not contain a separate Dockerfile. Further details on the build process are provided in another part of the tutorial!

catalog.json - Contains the provided service plan details
package.json - Node.js dependencies and start script
start.js - Custom start script for API Service Broker
(reading credentials from env variables)

5. Tenant data model

The db directory contains the definition of our Tenant data model, which is deployed to a separate isolated SAP HANA Cloud HDI (HANA Deployment Infrastructure) database containers for each and every SaaS Tenant upon subscription. Besides a CDS-based data model, the directory also contains SAP HANA native objects (e.g., hdbgrants or synonyms) for accessing the shared HDI database container. You can learn more about this in the Explore the Components chapter (click here).

Important - Make sure to run a cds build --production in case of changes to the Tenant data model before starting a deployment to Cloud Foundry or building new Docker Images of your SaaS Backend Service.

Hint - As the Tenant data model is part of our SaaS Backend Service and deployed to new Tenant database containers at runtime, there is no need to build a separate Deployment Docker Image for this component. The data model definition is stored as a .tgz file within the Backend Service and the mtxs Deployment Service (click here) allows an automated deployment to new database containers.

Important - Based on the CDS profiles used in cds watch or cds build, the Tenant data model includes or excludes sample data. For local testing using sqlite, application (e.g., Products) and master data tables (e.g., Currencies or Countries) and sample values are part of the Tenant data model. For production builds targeting SAP HANA Cloud, the application data sample values are excluded to prevent overwriting existing content.

cfg - Configuration for shared data model access
hana - Data model extension for production build
(adds reference to shared database table)

sqlite - Data model extension for local testing
(mocks shared database table locally)

csv - Sample data for mocked shared table

src - Native SAP HANA database objects

functions - Sample SAP HANA function
procedures - Sample SAP HANA stored procedure
roles - Sample SAP HANA schema roles
synonyms - Synonyms for SYS and shared container

data-models.cds - CAP Tenant data model
data-types.cds - CAP data model types
undeploy.json - Undeploy configuration

6. Shared data model

The db-com directory contains the definition of a shared data model, which is accessible from all isolated Tenant database containers. It is used for data required and shared by all Consumer Tenants. The shared data model has to be deployed separately into a dedicated SAP HANA Cloud HDI database container during deployment of the SaaS sample application.

Hint - Using Kyma, the container image deploying the shared data model to a dedicated database container, is build using Cloud Native Buildpacks, therefore the directory does not contain a separate Dockerfile. Further details on the build process are provided in a separate part of the tutorial (click here)!

csv - Sample content for shared data model

src - Native SAP HANA database objects

*_ACCESS.hdbrole - Roles for access from Tenant containers

data-model.cds - Shared CAP data model
undeploy.json - Undeploy configuration

7. Application Router

The router directory contains all files of the Application Router required by our SaaS sample application. In this case, only the xs-app.json file and a health-check is required.

Hint - The Application Router Docker Image build process makes use of the official sapse/approuter Docker Image. Further details on the build process are provided in a separate part of the tutorial (click here)!

.dockerignore - Ignore package.json for docker build
Dockerfile - Docker image based on sapse/approuter for Kyma deployment
index.js - Custom index.js for health checks and cookie purposes
package.json - Required for local testing and Cloud Foundry deployment
xs-app.json - Route definitions for productive usage

8. Annotation Files

The annotations folder in the srv directory contains all service annotations required to generate the Fiori Elements UIs of our sample application. These annotations define the capabilities of the OData Services but also set the layouts of the SAP Fiori Elements user interfaces.

Hint - As for any other changes to the SaaS Backend Service, make sure to run a cds build --production in case of any changes to the annotation files before building a new Docker Image!

admin - Admin Service annotations
public - User Service annotations

capabilities.cds - Service capability annotations
fieldControls.cds - Service field control annotations
layouts_*.cds - Fiori Elements layout annotations

labels.cds - Label annotations
valueHelp.cds - Value help annotations

Hint - Yes, these annotation files can also be part of your UI modules as you can see in other tutorials. Feel free to move them around if you feel more comfortable storing the annotations among your actual UI components.

9. Business Application Service

The rest of the srv directory contains the implementation of our Business Application or central SaaS Backend Service. This includes OData-Services (admin-service.js/cds and user-service.js/cds) for our Fiori Elements UIs, as well as the automation logic executed on the subscription of new consumer-tenants (provisioning.js). The corresponding subscription service endpoints are exposed by using the CAP mtxs (click here for further details).

Onboarding Automation

A lot of the Tenant onboarding steps have been automated using platform APIs and SAP BTP services. Start from the provisioning.js file and deep-dive into the various utilities like e.g., kyma-utils.js, creating API Rules for new subscribers by interacting with the Kyma API Server.

The Onboarding Automation is the only part of the code-line, which contains runtime specific code for both, the SAP BTP, Kyma and Cloud Foundry Runtime. Those can be found in the utils/kyma-utils.js and cf-utils.js helper files as well as in some of the other modules returning runtime-specific class instances like the following sample.


export default (process.env.VCAP_APPLICATION ? CloudFoundry : Kyma)

Hint - The SaaS Backend Service Docker Image is build using Cloud Native Buildpacks, therefore the directory does not contain a separate Dockerfile. Further details on the build process are provided in a separate part of the tutorial (click here)!

srv - CAP application folder

annotations - Covered in separate chapter
i18n - Language/Translation files
utils - Utilities (mainly for automation purposes)

alertNotification.js - Alert Notification utilities
automator.js - Tenant onboarding automation
cf-utils.js - Utilities for Cloud Foundry runtime
cis-central.js - Cloud Management Service utilities
destination.js - Destination Service utilities
kyma-utils.js - Utilities for Kyma runtime
service-manager.js - Service Manager utilities
token-utils.js - Token handler utilities
user-management.js - User management utilities

.cdsrc.json - CDS profile for productive usage
admin-service.cds - CAP Admin Service definition
admin-service.js - CAP Admin Service handler
annotations.cds - Annotation CDS file references
provisioning.js - Tenant provisioning handler
public-service.cds - CAP User Service definition
public-service.js - CAP User Service handler
server.js - Health endpoints and custom provisioning

.cdsrc.json - CDS profile for local and hybrid testing

10. Test objects

The test directory contains sample data for local development and testing purposes as well as sample unit tests.

Hint - These files should not be part of a productive deployment and are not part of the production build profile.

data - Sample data for tenant data model
(sample data used for local testing)

http - Sample HTTP requests for testing

api* - HTTP requests for API testing
tenantUpgrade.http - HTTP request for tenant upgrade

index.cds - CDS file for reference
test.js - Sample unit tests