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Deploy and Run the Application on Cloud Foundry


Prepare your sample for deploying on Cloud Foundry: Prerequisite-for-sample.

Add Identity Authentication and Authorization Management

  1. Create ias-config.json file in your project root folder with the following content and replace the <unique-id> with a unique value to identify your IAS app in IAS Tenant:

            "authorization": {
            "provided-apis": [
                  "name": "incidents-api",
                  "description": "api exposed by incident mgmt app"
            "display-name": "incident-ias-<unique-id>"
  2. Check if the following dependencies and dev dependencies have been added to the package.json:

        "dependencies": {
        "@sap/ams": "^1.14.2",
        "@sap/cds": "^7.0",
        "@sap/xssec": "^3.3.5",
        "hdb": "^0.19.0",
        "passport": "^0"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@sap/ams-dev": "^0.8.3"
  3. Change the auth.kind to ias in package.json for the production profile:

      "cds": {
        "requires": {
          "[production]": {
            "auth": {
              "kind": "ias"

Deploy on Cloud Foundry

  1. Update the mta.yaml with the following content
  • Change the dependency incident-management-auth in resources from xsuaa service instance:

    - name: incident-management-auth
      type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
          tenant-mode: dedicated
          xsappname: incidents-${org}-${space}
        path: ./xs-security.json
        service: xsuaa
        service-plan: application
  • To ias service instance:

      - name: incident-management-auth
          path: ./ias-config.json
          service-plan: application
          service: identity
        type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
  • Add the following configurations to the incident-management-srv module

    • Change incident-management-auth service binding with incident-management-srv to:

      - name: incidents-management-srv
        type: nodejs
        path: gen/srv
        - name: incident-management-auth
               credential-type: "X509_GENERATED"
    • Update your buildpacks section by adding OPA buildpack

          - nodejs_buildpack
    • Add AMS_DCL_ROOT to properties section

        AMS_DCL_ROOT: "ams/dcl"
    • Delete incident-management-auth binding from incident-management-destination-content

      - name: incident-management-auth
            name: incident-management-auth-key
    • Delete incidents_incident_management_auth destination from incident-management-destination-content

      - Authentication: OAuth2UserTokenExchange
        Name: incidents_incident_management_auth
        ServiceKeyName: incident-management-auth-key incidents


    Check if the module incident-management-destination-content in mta.yaml looks like this:

    - name: incident-management-destination-content
        - name: incident-management-destination-service
            content-target: true
        - name: incident-management_html_repo_host
              name: incident-management_html_repo_host-key
              - Name: incidents_incidents_management_html_repo_host
                ServiceInstanceName: incident-management-html5-app-host-service
                ServiceKeyName: incident-management_html_repo_host-key
              existing_destinations_policy: ignore
          no-source: true
  • Update incident-management-srv-api in incident-management-destination-service

    • Add HTML5.IASDependencyName: incidents-api

          - Authentication: NoAuthentication
            HTML5.IASDependencyName: incidents-api
            Name: incidents-management-srv-api
            ProxyType: Internet
            Type: HTTP
            URL: ~{srv-api/srv-url}
          existing_destinations_policy: update
  1. Update app/incidents/xs-app.json with the following code:

       "welcomeFile": "/index.html",
       "authenticationMethod": "route",
       "routes": [
           "source": "^/odata/(.*)$",
           "target": "/odata/$1",
           "destination": "incident-management-srv-api",
           "authenticationType": "ias",
           "csrfProtection": false
           "source": "^/resources/(.*)$",
           "target": "/resources/$1",
           "authenticationType": "none",
           "destination": "ui5"
           "source": "^/test-resources/(.*)$",
           "target": "/test-resources/$1",
           "authenticationType": "none",
           "destination": "ui5"
           "source": "^(.*)$",
           "target": "$1",
           "service": "html5-apps-repo-rt",
           "authenticationType": "ias"

    Change the authenticationType of incident-management-srv-api and html5-apps-repo-rt from xsuaa to ias

  2. Build the mtar.

    mbt build
  3. Log in to your SAP BTP subaccount and choose your Cloud Foundry space where you want to deploy your application.

    cf login -a <api-endpoint>
  4. Deploy on Cloud Foundry.

    cf deploy mta_archive/<mtar_name>.mtar

After successful deployment, you can go to SAP BTP Cockpit -> your subaccount and your space and see your application as well as bound services.

Check Your IAS Application and Uploaded AMS Policies.

  • Log in to your IAS Tenant and go to Applications & Resources.

  • Search and select your application with incident-ias-<unique-id> (in this case its incident-ias-staging).

  • Check the uploaded dcl policies under Authorization Policies. Alt text

  • Assign users to your policies. Alt text

Set Up Application to Application Communication

The application has app2app navigation configuration where the CAP back end with IAS-based authentication exposes an API that is configured as a dependency of the SAP Biuld Workzone’s IAS application. The IASDependencyName is then defined in the GACD Destination Deployer module configuration.

Update OpenID Connect Configuration

  • Log in to your SAP Cloud Identity Services admin console.
  • Go to Applications & Resources.
  • Search for your application bound to your CAP backend (in this case its incident-ias-staging).
  • Go to Trust -> OpenID Connect Configuration -> Advanced Settings -> Access Token Format. Choose JSON Web Token and Save.

Set Up Communication

  • Log in to your SAP Cloud Identity Services admin console.

  • Go to Applications & Resources.

  • Search for your IAS application bound to your CAP backend (in this case it's incident-ias-staging).

  • Verify that the endpoint exposed by your application is listed in Application APIs -> Provided APIs.

  • Search and select your SAP Build Work Zone Workzone application in SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition -> Application APIs -> Dependencies. Choose Add a dependency.

  • Give the dependency the same name as the one you provided in the destination service configuration property in the mta.yaml.

     HTML5.IASDependencyName: incidents-api
  • For each application, select the IAS application bound to your CAP backend (in this case, it's incident-ias-staging).

  • Select the exposed endpoint (in this case, its incidents-api), and choose Save.

Access Your Application

To access the application in launchpad, proceed to Integrate with SAP Build Workzone, standard edition.