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Shreyas Atre edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the beagle-config wiki!

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This is the Google Summer of Code 2021 project under aimed at achieving:

  • The functionality to make the most common low-level configuration changes in beagle devices easily and providing a terminal UI


Project Details

Implementation Overview

  • The main philosophy was to make it as generic as possible.
  • XDG specification gives it all for the location of the config file
  • The components are pluggable meaning that additional configuration adding takes minimum changes.
  • Unlike scripts it is considerably faster incase of areas like config-pin
  • Because it uses ioctl calls from userspace to add routes to the routing table it is much faster and gives results as expected rather than having to use scripts.
  • The overhead of FTXUI is not measured by me but can be "assumed" lightweight (or similar to other libs like ncurses).
  • FTXUI is the only external dependency. Others like connman are assumed to be present in the Debian image provided by
  • TODO: It can be coupled with graphing tools to view quick graphs from various gpio.


  • Best to my understanding all major and not obvious goals that were originally proposed have been completed. I will continue to support this project in the future, take care of any bugs, issues and will continue implementing additional features whenever required.

  • It has been a really amazing experience for me. I have learned so much in this duration. I would like to thank and Google for giving me such an amazing opportunity. I would also like to thanks my mentors Arthur, Abhishek, and Deepak for helping me out and supporting me throughout the project, also all the other mentors and organization admin, namely Cathleen, Jason, and Robert who supported me throughout the period, and making sure that I received all the required hardware on time.

Known Issues

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