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Idea & Benefit

Shreyas Atre edited this page Aug 21, 2021 · 1 revision


As we all know, nearly all of the user operations in Linux can be done using shell commands, scripts, and Linux Userspace API for advanced users. But all that being said for an average user and sometimes in production, these steps can be repetitive and time-consuming. For example- Simply sharing a network i.e. editing iptables and enabling forwarding on the host pc is an uphill task without a script provided. However running scripts could be dangerous. This explains that using a compiled program instead can implement safe and proper security.

Enabling the PRU and loading the firmware is much daunting and unless anybody goes through their usage, Documentations will be difficult. Hence I propose beagle-config, a terminal-based UI application that brings down the steep curve and enables anybody to configure their beagle device as they wish.

Further details can be found here


  • Having a seamless one-click experience to configure is enjoyed by any user, be it a production or a robotics team.
  • Provides a configuration file to the users. Remembers defaults and helps in accidental modification to low-level configurations.
  • A configuration / functionality can always be added in the future.
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