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FAQ & HowTo's

SBFspot edited this page Oct 17, 2017 · 2 revisions
  • HowTo add Ambient Temperature to your graphs

Adding a Wunderground weather station enables live temperature data to be combined with your live generation or consumption data. Read more...

  • I'm using SQLite, but I'd like to change to MySQL

Migrating your data from SQLite to MySQL is easy. Execute this command:
Linux: sqlite3 SBFspot.db .dump | grep "^INSERT INTO" | sed 's/"//g' | mysql -u SBFspotUser -p --database SBFspot
Windows: TODO

  • I have a server running MariaDB, can I use this one?

Yes, MariaDB is a "drop in" replacement for MySQL. SBFspot/MySQL will run without issues with MariaDB.