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File metadata and controls

1590 lines (1303 loc) · 66.8 KB
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SBN analysis code conventions (with examples and explanations)
Explained code conventions as guidelines for SBN authors and reviewers.

Quick links to the introductory sections:

Quick links to the summary sections:

[N] Naming conventions

Rationale: naming should:

  • be predictable to facilitate code discovery and automatic maintenance
  • facilitate the understanding of the code
  • not replace the documentation
  • bear consistent style

[NL] Libraries and packages

Naming of libraries can be almost completely automated by cet_build_tools. A "package" is a branch of the source tree in a repository.

[NL.01] [+++] It is required that the implicit rules are followed for all code that is built under cet_build_tools.

[NL.02] [++] It is encouraged that the same implicit rules are followed for all code in SBN repositories.

[NL.03] [++] It is encouraged that only one library is generated per source code directory (i.e. per package), and that if multiple libraries are desired, they be placed in their own subdirectories (sub-packages).

[NL.04] [+++] Use of CamelCase and single string (no - nor _ ) in package and library names is required.

A summary of cet_build_tools naming convention

  • Plugin library name (module, service, tool) matches its main file name and the plugin class: contains a class (art module plugin) called PCAngleKinkFinder (its namespace is not constrained).
  • Library name matches the directory where the source code is stored, and it encodes the path of the source within the repository; for example, code in sbncode/TPCReco/KinkExp is all wrapped up in a single library sbncode_TPCReco_KinkExp (

[NS] Source files

[NS.01] [++] cet_build_tools is somehow biassed toward using .cc suffix for C++ files, and it is encouraged that this suffix be used for source files containing the definition of art plugin classes (modules, services, tools);

[NS.02] [+++] for the other files, it is required to stick to the existing convention in the source directory or its parent, if any is present.

[NS.03] [++] names of source files with a main algorithm or class are encouraged to match the one of that algorithm or class, e.g. sbn::Track source should be called Track.h/Track.cxx.

[NS.04] [+] suggested suffixes:

  • C++ headers: .h
  • C++ source: .cxx
  • C++ template implementation: .txx

[NC] Capitalization

[NC.01] [++] "CamelCase" is encouraged for composite names (e.g. PhotonLibrary).

[NC.01] [+++] Plugin name is required to match the file it is defined in (this is a cet_build_tools build system requirement).

[NV] Variables and other identifiers

Variable names should be designed with a code reader in mind, even at the cost of some additional key strokes, and then to minimize possible name collisions or ambiguities.

[NV.01] [+++] Use of a descriptive control variable is required in any loop longer than five lines. They should suggest the meaning and purpose of the variable rather than its format, which is already described by its type. Descriptive names do not need to be long: in a known formula, V and R are proper variable names for a voltage and a resistance if unambiguous in the scope, although caution should be taken when using i as a real number because of the tradition of i being an integral index.

[NV.02] [−−] Declaration of identifiers starting with an underscore is discouraged (even to denote private class members).

[NV.03] [−−−] declaration of identifiers starting with two or more underscores (e.g. __i) is forbidden.

[NV.04] [−−−] Use of identifiers with different capitalization in the same scope is forbidden except if the capitalization follows a physics formula, where it is still discouraged. For example, double const F = G * m * M / (d*d); is acceptable, but double const F = G * m1 * m2 / (d*d); should still be preferred.

[NV.05] [++] Private data member names are encouraged to start with f and use CamelCase (e.g. double fTrackLength). This pattern should be reserved exclusively for such private data member. Conversely, public data members and local variables should instead follow the more general guideline expressed above (i.e. simple camelCase, e.g. trackLength).

Identifiers example
for (auto i: interactions) // * `i` not clear
                           // * `auto` obscures the type
                           // * each object copied
  for (auto p = 0; p < i.NParticles(); ++p) // `p` not clear
      auto part = i.GetParticle(p); // inconsistent indentation
                                    // again copy
      /* ... useful code here ... */
  }          // what is this brace closing?
}            // what is this brace closing?

should become:

for (simb::MCTruth const& interaction: interactions)
  for (int iPart = 0; iPart < interaction.NParticles(); ++iPart)
    simb::MCParticle const& part = interaction.GetParticle(iPart);
    /* ... useful code here ... */
  } // for all particles
} // for all interactions

Names don't need to be that long, as long as they are meaningful.

Summary of identifier name recommendations


context name style example
local variable camelCase nearestTrackIndex
function camelCase findNearestTrack
class/struct name CamelCase IsolatedTrack
public member variable camelCase nTracks
private member variable f + CamelCase fNTracks
global variable CamelCase GlobalVariablesAreEvil
namespace short, lower case track
library name CamelCase TrackFinder

[NA] CAF-Specific Naming Conventions

[NA.01] [++] When adding branches or data products to the CAF files, it is encouraged to follow the standards for nomenclature and numbering already existing in the file. For example: initialize empty variables to -5 when appropriate, when adding a vector of objects, add also an int indicating vector size, etc.

[NA.02] [+++] Use of k and CamelCase for names for Cuts and Vars in CAFAna macros is required.

[NA.03] [++] The use of namespaces to tag the names/versions of the cuts is encouraged. For example:

namespace SBNworkshop2020 {

  Cut kEnergy;
} // namespace SBNworkshop2020

instead of Cut kEnergy_SBNworkshop2020.

[NA.04] [+++] Names of cuts and vars for a frozen analysis are required to end with a corresponding _tag unless they are defined in a namespace; for example: kEnergyCut_2020PAC.

[NA.05] [+++] When editing cuts and vars from frozen analyses, it is required that the editor create a new copy of the cut or var and leave the old one in use for future comparisons.

[NA.06] [++] Storing cuts and vars in sensibly corresponding scripts i.e. keep numu analysis cuts in Cuts/NumuCuts.cxx and MC cuts in Cuts/TruthCuts.cxx etc. is encouraged

[NA.07] [++] Removing unused CAF branches is encouraged.

[C] Coding

[CO] Organization, layout and style

Rationale: protect the modularity of the code and control the dependency tree.

[CO.01] [++] One header and source file per class is encouraged. Exceptions apply for implementation details (that may be branched out in a separate file in a Details subdirectory, or left in the main file) and for simple helper functions and classes.

[CO.02] [+++] The required indentation is via spaces (2 per level suggested). Indentation must be uniform: either 2, 3 or 4 characters per level everywhere, on every line of the code and for every level of indentation. In case of modification of existing code violating this requirement, it is encouraged that the indentation be standardized first (with a commit solely devoted to reindentation), and it is otherwise required that the existing indentation be exactly followed otherwise.

[CO.03] [−−] The use of editor-specific directives to describe the indentation settings is discouraged because of the editor-specificity.

[CO.04] [++] The use of K&R style of brackets is encouraged.

Specific for CAF libraries and tools

[CO.21] [+++] CAFMaker_module.fcl is intended to access art data products, create StandardRecord objects, and call filling functions only.

[CO.22] [+++] All computations for filling CAF branches and calculations are required to live in the corresponding Fill<specifier>Vars.cxx script.

[CO.23] [−−−] StandardRecord is intended to hold the structure of CAF files only. Any dependence to LArSoft packages in StandardRecord is forbidden.

[CS] Source file metadata

Rationale: we want every piece of code associated to one or more authors, both to facilitate its use and maintenance by allowing to ask to its authors, and as a recognition and acknowledgement.

[CS.01] [+++] Every source file is required to report in a header the author(s) and possibly a contact mean (e-mail is suggested).

[CS.02] [++] Doxygen format is encouraged:

 * @file   TrackBloating/TrackBloatAlg.h
 * @brief  Algorithm to double the memory required by a track.
 * @author Mark Johnson (, John Markson (

[CS.03] [++] Authors other than the ones in the headers are encouraged to report their name (and contact) upon major additions (including rewritten algorithm implementations) in a C++ comment; it is encouraged that this information be added in the Doxygen documentation of the function or class being modified with the same @author syntax as for the file header.

[CE] Error handling and message logging

Rationale: users should be immediately reported errors stemming from faulty configuration or input. Code should prioritize reporting dangerous or dubious conditions over automatic mitigation.

[CE.01] [++] The liberal use of assert() or C++ concept constructs is encouraged to document assumptions that the code is making and is not (formally) verifying; e.g. a function documented to require as argument a non-empty list of tracks may include as first line a assert(!tracks.empty());.

[CE.02] [++] C++ exceptions are encouraged as tools for reporting error; using cet::exception as base of exceptions where available is encouraged as a recognizable pattern and because of the convenience of the class.

The text above is the original thought by G. Petrillo. C. Backhouse proposes the exact opposite. Which practice is best for us should be considered under discussion.

[CE.03] [−−] "Catch-all" constructs (catch (...)) are strongly discouraged as they have repeatedly been found to hide essential errors.

[CE.04] [++] Messages reporting unusual conditions are encouraged to be routed into specific streams for easy filtering; examples include the use of mf::LogError/mf::LogProblem when messagefacility library is available, or std::cerr.

[CE.05] [++] Within art jobs, message facility library is strongly encouraged for message logging.

[CE.06] [−−] Likewise, the use of C++ output stream to console (std::cout, std::cerr) is strongly discouraged unless the code is expected to be run in an environment where message facility is not available. In that case, it is still suggested that template output classes be used.

[CE.07] [−−−] Inclusion of <iostream> in a header file is forbidden: if output to C++ standard streams is really needed, it should be placed into the implementation file rather than in the header.

[CE.08] [++] When using message facility (or Python logging module), the encouraged usage of the channels is:

  • DEBUG level: messages that may help tracking bugs; but keep in mind that users might be enabling debugging messages to investigate a specific part of the code, and having other parts overwhelm the log will just make the log both huge and unusable. A good compromise is to provide in the log enough information to roughly identify where an issue is, but expecting that if further investigation is needed, the investigator will have to edit and instrument the source code.
  • INFO level: one-time (terse) configuration messages, summary messages at the end of the job, and possibly a per-event or per-run one-line summary (e.g. 67 tracks produced from 1267 hits in C:0 T:1.). Additional verbosity should be regulated via configuration parameters and disabled by default.
  • WARNING level: exceptional conditions that might compromise the result. An example of message not belonging to a warning: Track point out of fiducial volume.. Tracks are coming in and out of the fiducial volume all the time, so that is not an exceptional condition; an algorithm should either handle the situation in a documeted way, or otherwise throw an exception.
  • ERROR level: exceptional conditions which compromise the result. Most often, rather than an error message, an exception should be throw.
  • FATAL level: avoid; throw an exception instead.

When in art, if there is the risk that an error or warning message be spawn too frequently, consider to route it in a different message category. It is then possible for the users to set a limit so that a few messages are logged, but then additional ones are progressively discarded.

[CE.09] [+++] When a module fails to load a data product that is specified by configuration, it is assumed that there is either a configuration error or a defective input, and as such the module is required to emit a fatal error. This behaviour can be optionally disabled by a flag as an additional configuration parameter or, in alternative, by a parameter listing the mandatory input, where missing data not in the required categories does not trigger a fatal error. In these cases it is recommended that the number of missing data products be tracked and reported at the end of the job.

[CC] Configuration and experiment-specific features

Rationale: code must work for all SBN experiments with the least possible changes, ideally limited to configuration files. The explicit lack of support for one of the experiments is still preferable to code that gives for that experiment wrong results.

[CC.01] [−−−] Presence in the code of constants describing the specific detectors are strongly discouraged in the experiment code repositories, and forbidden in the repositories with SBN-shared code. Configuration parameters, via FHiCL or other objects at class construction or via member function calls, should be used instead.

[CC.02] [+++] If it proves unfeasible to support a feature for a specific experiment, the attempt to use that feature with that experiment is required to trigger a fatal error.

[CC.03] [++] The use of LArSoft services is strongly encouraged when they provide the needed features. The loss in flexibility is offset by the wider testing of that code and the promise of interoperability with other experiments, including the other SBN ones. Examples of this include the detector geometry description and the properties and timings of the detectors.

[CL] LArSoft and art

[CL.01] [++] In general, the use of the practices recommended by art is encouraged.

[CL.02] [++] The encouraged form for reading a data product from art::Event depends on the case. The most common ones are:

  • if no art associations are needed:
    auto const& hits = event.getProduct<std::vector<recob::Hit>>(fHitTag);
  • if associations are needed, and therefore art::Ptr or art::Handle:
    auto const hitHandle = event.getValidHandle<std::vector<recob::Hit>>(fHitTag);
    std::vector<recob::Hit> const& hits = *hitHandle;

[CL.03] [++] The use of art::InputTag in place of plain std::string for identifying data products is strongly encouraged. Example:

// ... at declaration ...

  std::string fTRKHMproducer;
// ... at initialization ...
    fTRKHMproducer= p.get<std::string>("TRKHMproducer", "");

// ... at utilization ...
  art::InputTag thm_label = (fTRKHMproducer.size() ? art::InputTag(fTRKHMproducer) : fTRKproducer);

should be:

// ... at declaration ...

  art::InputTag fTRKHMproducer;
// ... at initialization ...
    fTRKHMproducer= p.get<art::InputTag>("TRKHMproducer", {});

// ... at utilization ...
  art::InputTag thm_label = fTRKHMproducer.empty()? fTRKproducer: fTRKHMproducer;

[CL.04] [−] Alternatives to art::FindManyP are suggested if possible. For example, if there is the prescription that associations are ordered, like in art::Assns<recob::Cluster, recob::Hit>, and sequential iterations are needed, art::for_each_group_with_left() or util::associated_groups_with_left() (lardata/Utilities/ForEachAssociatedGroup.h) are suitable and more efficient. Also, if art::Ptr objects are not needed, art::FindMany will yield vectors of C pointers instead. Furthermore, if only one associated element is expected, using art::FindOneP (or art::FindOne, slightly more complicate to use) will implicitly check that assumption and will fail if there are more than one objects associated to the same key object (which is a good failure, since it highlights a wrong expectation). art::FindOneP returns a art::Ptr to the object associated to a key, and that pointer is null if no such object exists. For example, Pandora may associate timing information (anab::T0) to a track (recob::Track). To retrieve the timing for a collection of tracks:

  art::FindManyP<anab::T0> fmT0(tracks, event, fT0Label);

// in a track loop:

    std::vector<art::Ptr<anab::T0>> const& t0s =;
    if (!t0s.empty())
      track_t0 = t0s.front()->Time() / 1e3 /* ns -> us */;

is better written as:

  art::FindOneP<anab::T0> fmT0(tracks, event, fT0Label);

// in a track loop:

    art::Ptr<anab::T0> const& t0 =;
    if (t0)
      track_t0 = t0->Time() / 1e3 /* ns -> us */;

or as:

  art::FindOne<anab::T0> fmT0(tracks, event, fT0Label);

// in a track loop

    cet::maybe_ref t0 =;
    if (t0)
      track_t0 = t0.ref().Time() / 1e3 /* ns -> us */;

[CL.05] [+] The use of art::ProductToken is suggested for simple data product reading.

[CL.06] [++] The use of consumes() calls in module constructors is encouraged.

[CL.07] [++] The use of configuration validation is encouraged as it adds greatly to both usability and robustness.

[CL.08] [++] When data structures indexed by a plane or TPC are needed, the containers provided by geo::GeometryCore::makePlaneData() and similar are encouraged and should be preferred over a nested array.

[CL.09] [++] For iteration through TPC, planes etc., the use of geo::GeometryCore::IterateXxxx() methods (e.g. IteratePlanes()) is encouraged.

[CF] Language features

C++ is now a relatively fast-paced standard, adding both language features and library components every three years. We are a bit behind that, in part because of the constraints from art and of supporting two different compilers (GCC and Clang).

[CF.001] [++] In general, motivated adoption of well-supported new features is encouraged; still, if the feature is considered too obscure a clarification comment is suggested. An example:

unsigned int n = 0;
for (Data_t const& elem: data) {
    (void) elem; // prevent "unused variable" warnings

(replace (void) elem; with std::ignore = elem; if you prefer).

auto keyword

Rationale: The auto keyword has the magic ability of decreasing with its sole appearance the readability of the code by a few marks. It should be used judiciously (and sparsely).

[CF.005] [−−] In general, the use of auto is discouraged

[CF.006] [+] The auto keyword can be safely used when the underlying type is obvious from the code in the same line or the previous one. In doubt, spell the type out instead.

auto examples
  • well known standard functions:

    std::vector<int> values = getValues();
    auto iValue = values.begin(), vend = values.end();

    and also:

    auto vertices = std::make_unique<std::vector<double>>();

    In the last case, std::make_unique() is a standard C++ function returning an instance of std::unique_ptr whose template type is spelled out in the same line.

  • statements that already spell out the type elsewhere:

    auto const& vertices
      = event.getProduct<std::vector<recob::Vertex>>(vertexTag);

    In this case art::Event::getProduct() (which should be reasonably well known anyway) returns the type written in its template argument.

  • in lambda types, of course, auto is acceptable when no other option is available:

    auto elem = [&data](std::size_t i){ return data[i]; };
    auto combine = [](auto a, auto b){ return a + b; };

    but (usually) not:

    auto elem = [&data](auto i){ return data[i]; };

    if the type of i is known in advance.

  • returning an implementation detail object with a standard interface is an acceptable use of auto provided that the interface is well documented; but using a stable type offering that interface is still endorsed. For example (as a class member function):

     * @brief Returns the sequence of particles.
     * The return value is a object that can be iterated in a range-for loop
     * and supports `begin()`, `end()`, `size()` and `empty()` calls.
     * Example of usage:
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.cpp}
     * for (recob::MCParticle const& particle: filter.getParticles())
     * { ... }
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    auto getParticles() const;


Rationale: namespaces are a tool to provide context to "foreign" identifiers (cf. Track vs. recob::Track). Language rules automatically allow omitting them in many situations, and they actually increase the understandability of the code. Shortcuts to omit them should be considered critically because they make it harder for non-experts to interpret the code and increase the chances of unexpected behaviour.

[CF.011] [−−] Importing a namespace (e.g. using namespace std;) is discouraged; it is strongly discouraged in global scope; an exception is namespaces containing exclusively user-defined literal operators (e.g. using namespace std::string_literals);

[CF.012] [−−−] using namespace directives are nevertheless always thoroughly forbidden in global scope of header files. You may import specific symbols at local scope (i.e. within the body of your class) if absolutely necessary for readability (using Iterator_t = std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>>::const_iterator;) or for functionality (e.g. using std::begin, std::end;).

[CF.013] [++] In header files, it is encouraged that functions and variables that are considered implementation details be enclosed in a namespace; a standard choice is a specific namespace for that functionality, the namespace details, or both nested (e.g. sbn::details::vtxStubs). A similar recommendation still holds for code in implementation files (non-header).

Variables and parameters

[CF.021] [+++] It is required that variables be defined in the lowest scope they are needed in, and as close as where they are needed as possible. For example:

std::vector<std::vector<int>> allProtons;
std::vector<int> allInitialStateCounts; // BAD: counters should be unsigned
std::vector<int> protons;               // BAD: not needed in this scope
int nInitialState;                      // BAD: not initialized
                                        // BAD: a counter should be unsigned
                                        // BAD: not needed in this scope
for (simb::MCTruth truth: mcTruthVec) { // BAD: unnecessary copy
  nInitialState = 0;
  for (int iPart = 0; iPart < truth.NParticles(); ++iPart) {
    if (truth.GetParticle(iPart).StatusCode() != 0) { // BAD: cryptic code
                                                      // BAD: redundant nesting
      if (truth.GetParticle(iPart).PdgCode() == 2212) { // redundant nesting?
                                                        // BAD: repetitive code
      } // if proton
    } // if final state particle
  } // for all particles
  allProtons.push_back(protons); // BAD: copy of a vector
} // for each truth

is better served as:

std::vector<std::vector<int>> allProtons;
std::vector<unsigned int> allInitialStateCounts;
for (simb::MCTruth const& truth: mcTruthVec) {
  std::vector<int> protons;
  unsigned int nInitialState = 0;
  for (int iPart = 0; iPart < truth.NParticles(); ++iPart) {
    simb::MCParticle const& part = truth.GetParticle(iPart);
    if (part.StatusCode() == 0) continue; // not a primary
    if (part.PdgCode() != 2212) continue;
  } // for all particles
} // for each truth

(here iPart is declared int rather than std::size_t because that is the type (erroneously) used by simb::MCTruth interface).

[CF.022] [+] The use of a single collection of structured elements is suggested over multiple collections of simple elements, when no other performance issue is involved. For example:

std::vector<double> time(MaxHits, 0.0);
std::vector<float> charge(MaxHits, -5.f);
for (recob::Hit const& hit: hits) {
  std::size_t const id = hitToID(hit); = hit.PeakTime(); = hit.Integral();

is better written as:

struct HitInfo_t {
  double time = 0.0;
  float charge = -5.f;
std::vector<HitInfo_t> hitInfo(MaxHits);
for (recob::Hit const& hit: hits) = { hit.PeakTime(), hit.Integral() };

This improves the ahderence of the code to the concepts it represents (the relation of times and charges). It is easier to pass to other functions, and the result is easier to expand with more information (e.g. hit amplitude). It is less error-prone (it prevents mismatching between charge and time elements), although the constructor syntax in the example has its own risks, relying of a known order for HitInfo_t data members (C++20 will allow naming each element to prevent this mismatch). It may also be more efficient (here just a single allocation rather than two), but it may prevent speed optimization too.

C++ best practices

[CF.051] [−−−] Pointer variables never own their memory. The use of new operator is forbidden. Data arrays should be stored in collections like std::vector. Dynamic memory should be allocated via std::make_unique(). In case of interface with external libraries which do not follow this rule and return a pointer owning memory, if that memory is requested to be freed with delete, immediately wrapping it into a std::unique_ptr is encouraged and encapsulation in a custom handle object suggested.

[CF.052] [++] More in general, resources that need to be acquired and eventually released are encouraged to be managed by a specific object following the RAII pattern, that is an object that automatically books the resource on construction and releases on destruction.

[CF.053] [++] It is encouraged that the most information be given to the compiler pinning down the intended features of the code. That includes constantness (next point), attributes (e.g. [[fallback]]), the override keyword.

[CF.054] [+++] It is required that the type and constantness of the variables be reflecting its quantity. For example, an item count should be an unsigned int, an index of STL array or vector should be std::size_t (because that is the native type of std::vector::operator[] parameter), or std::ptrdiff_t or, better yet, a gsl::index (the type of indices is a known C++ issue).

[CF.055] [++] It is encouraged that "variables" that are not expected to be changed be always declared constant, so that accidental changes are spotted by the compiler (e.g. int const nParticles = mcTruth.NParticles();).

[CF.056] [++] The use of temporary variables is strongly encouraged to avoid code repetitions that are both questionable in terms of performance (although compilers may be "smart" enough to figure it out) and a maintenance liability. The strong recommendation still holds, even stronger, when adding lines to existing code which does not support this pattern yet. For example:

for (recob::Hit const& hit: hits) {
  // BAD: repetition of complex code
  x += geom.Wire(hit.WireID()).GetCenter<geo::Point_t>().X();
  y += geom.Wire(hit.WireID()).GetCenter<geo::Point_t>().Y();
  z += geom.Wire(hit.WireID()).GetCenter<geo::Point_t>().Z();

should be:

for (recob::Hit const& hit: hits) {
  geo::Point_t const& wireCenter
    = geom.Wire(hit.WireID()).GetCenter<geo::Point_t>();
  x += wireCenter.X();
  y += wireCenter.Y();
  z += wireCenter.Z();

and likewise

protonRecoLen = sr.reco.trk[iTrk].len;

protonTrueE = sr.reco.trk[iTrk].truth.p.startE; // BAD: repetition of complex code
protonTrueLen = sr.reco.trk[iTrk].truth.p.length;
protonTrueContained = sr.reco.trk[iTrk].truth.p.contained;

should be:

caf::SRTrack const& track = sr.reco.trk[iTrk];
protonRecoLen = part.len;

caf::SRTrueParticle const& truePart = track.truth.p;
protonTrueE = truePart.startE;
protonTrueLen = truePart.length;
protonTrueContained = truePart.contained;

[CF.057] [−−−] The use of const_cast and reinterpret_cast is forbidden except when interfacing with broken external library code, in which case a large and thorough comment is required.

[CF.058] [−−] The use of dynamic_cast is discouraged, as there is usually a way to design interfaces without the need for this type of cast. Plain C-style casts are also discouraged in favor of the more expressive (and easier to recognise and understand) static_cast.

[CF.059] [−−−] The use of labels and goto statement are forbidden except for the specific purpose of jumping out of deeply-nested loops when all other alternatives have been considered and judged worse.

[CF.060] [+] Initialization syntax with braces is suggested as it is the most universally applicable (a famous exception is the initialization of a std::vector of numbers with its size, which ends up being ambiguous: std::vector{ 3, 1 } contains two elements, 3 and 1, while std::vector(3, 1) contains three elements, all set to 1; likewise, std::vector{ 3 } contains one element, 3, while std::vector(3) contains three elements initialized to 0).

[CF.061] [+++] Logic operators are required to be spelled symbolically (&&, ||, !) rather than in word (and, or, not), as it is a better known syntax. Digraphs and trigraphs are forbidden.

Examples of C++ best practices
Examples of resource manager objects
resource manager class library and header replaces
memory: dynamic object allocation std::unique_ptr <memory> new T
memory: sequence of data std::vector <vector> new T[n]
memory: delayed object initialisation std::optional <optional> new T
input file std::ifstream <fstream> FILE* f = open(...)
output file std::ofstream <fstream> FILE* f = open(...)
ROOT histogram or tree TFileService "art_root_io/TFileService.h" new TTree ...
critical section/mutex std::scoped_lock <mutex> mtx.lock()
gDirectory TDirectoryChanger icarusalg/Utilities/ROOTutils.h gDirectory = ...
Examples of variable types for quantities
description suggested types notes
counter unsigned int integral number, start from 0 up
detector coordinate double needs dynamic range >10⁷
array index int, gsl::index used in C-style arrays
array index std::size_t only used to index std::vector
ADC sample unsigned short int reduced size, no sign bit
timestamp in nanoseconds from 01/01/1970 long long int double loses precision!
time manipulation in LArSoft detinfo::timescales quantities not straightforward to use yet

References vs. pointers

Rationale: references and pointers share the same performance, but have different features that make them appropriate for different usage patterns: a reference, compared to a pointer:

  1. can't be copied or reassigned to a different object
  2. can't point to the null memory address (while a pointer can be nullptr)

[CF.101] [++] As consequence, use of pointers is endorsed only if a variable is allowed to point to "no object" (nullptr), or if reassignments are required (note that a class holding a reference data member becomes itself non-copiable — and non-moveable — by default). For example:

auto iTrack = sr.reco.trk.begin();
auto const tend = sr.reco.trk.end(), 
caf::SRTrack const* shortestTrack = &*iTrack;
for (; iTrack != tend; ++iTrack) {
  if (iTrack->len < shortestTrack->len) shortestTrack = &*iTrack;

(reassignment required). Or:

struct TrackQuality {
    QualityParams_t const fParams;
    TrackQuality(QualityParams_t params): fParams(std::move(params)) {}
    bool isGood(caf::SRTrack const& track, QualityParams const* params = nullptr) const
      { return isGoodAccordingTo(track, params? *params: fParams); }
    static bool isGoodAccordingTo
      (caf::SRTrack const& track, QualityParams const& params);

Here TrackQuality::isGood() can choose between using its own parameters set or one passed by the caller, so its params argument is supported to be nullptr. The static function TrackQuality::isGoodAccordingTo() on the other end requires a params object, so its interface does not allow it to be nullptr. It should be noted that a better implementation for the above is to have two overloads of isGood(): isGood(caf::SRTrack const& track) const and isGood(caf::SRTrack const& track, QualityParams const&) const, and that the concept of an optional parameter is properly rendered by the aptly named std::optional data type.

[CF.102] [+] Mixed use is also suggested when suitable for the use case. For example, we may want an object to hold a reference to an object, but to be copiable. In this case, a possible pattern is:

class Matcher {
    geo::GeometryCore const* fGeom;
    Matcher(geo::GeometryCore const& geom): fGeom(&geom) {}
    // ...

which forces the caller to provide an object, but it stores it as pointer so that it stays copiable and moveable. Again, a copiable reference-like object (std::reference_wrapper) is also provided by std::ref() and std::cref() (defined in <functional> header).

Memory usage and avoiding unnecessary copy of data

Rationale: copying large chunks of data has deleterious effects, and has been a common cause of excessive use of memory (for example, a temporary copy of a 1-GB data structure may be almost negligible in the overall memory balance, but it may make a remote job cross a 2 GB memory hard limit and have the job killed). There are well known patterns that prevent unnecessary copies.

[CF.111] [++] It is required to avoid copies of return values. For example:

auto digits = event.getProduct<std::vector<raw::RawDigits>>(WaveformTag); // BAD

should become

auto const& digits
  = event.getProduct<std::vector<raw::RawDigits>>(WaveformTag);

to avoid copying the returned vector.

[CF.112] [+++] Function arguments of large non-trivial types are required to be declared as constant references (with "large" being indicatively larger than 32 bytes, or any involving dynamic memory allocation):

class HitProcessor {

  std::vector<recob::Hit> fRefHits; ///< Local copy of reference hits.
  /// Constructor: starts from initial hits.
  HitProcessor(std::vector<recob::Hit> initialHits);
  /// Returns the collection of compined hits.
  // BAD: will always copy the return value:
  std::vector<recob::Hit> combinedHits() const { return fRefHits; }
  /// Combines the specified `hits` with the existing ones.
  // BAD: will always copy the argument `hit`:
  void combineWith(std::vector<recob::Hit> hits);

should become:

class HitProcessor {

  std::vector<recob::Hit> fRefHits; ///< Local copy of reference hits.
  /// Constructor: starts from initial hits.
  HitProcessor(std::vector<recob::Hit> initialHits);
  /// Returns the collection of compined hits.
  std::vector<recob::Hit> const& combinedHits() const { return fRefHits; }
  /// Combines the specified `hits` with the existing ones.
  void combineWith(std::vector<recob::Hit> const& hits);

(the constructor is explained in a later point). Most typically the use of combinedHits() would be along the pattern:

std::vector<recob::Hit> const& combHits = hitProc.combinedHits();

The bad example, returning the vector by value, will always copy the hits. Likewise, in the bad example the argument of combineWith() will be always copied when calling that method, while in the good one it will not be copied by the method call (the method implementation may still copy it though).

Conversely, fundamental data types (e.g. int, double) and small data structures (e.g. std::complex<double>) should always be passed by value, as the reference overhead is larger than the copy one.

[CF.113] [+] The suggested pattern for initialization of large data member from function arguments (and constructor's, where it is endorsed) is to copy the value into the function parameter, and then move it. The implementation of the constructor in the previous example following that pattern would be:

HitProcessor::HitProcessor(std::vector<recob::Hit> initialHits)
  : fRefHits(std::move(initialHits)) {}

(std::move() is defined in <utility> header). This usually guarantees optimal performance even when the calling code pass a temporary vector (e.g. HitProcessor hitProc { generateHits() };). If in doubt, though, fall back to the constant reference rule above.

[CF.114] [++] Allocation of the memory for a data structure in advance is encouraged if its final size is known. For example:

std::vector<recob::Hit> normalizedHits;
// BAD: many reallocations in case of large number of hits
for (recob::Hit const& hit: hits)

would be better as:

std::vector<recob::Hit> normalizedHits;
for (recob::Hit const& hit: hits)

Otherwise, each time normalizedHits needs to be expanded, say from size M to size N, the code may be forced to first allocate room for N objects (after which, M + N are allocated), then copy the N original elements, then delete them.

Checked vs. unchecked element access (i.e. at() vs. [])

Rationale: data collection objects like std::vector offer both a checked access ( which throws an exception if the requested element is not included in the collection, and an unchecked one (data[index]) whose behaviour is undefined in such case. Most often, the unchecked access should be preferred because faster, but it is important to avoid indices out of range. Conversely, the choice of one over the other conveys the underlining consideration.

[CF.121] [++] Unchecked access is encouraged if the element is already known to be included; this can be achieved by a specific check. For example:

for (std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
    float const charge
      = processData(,; // BAD: `i` in `data` by construction
    if (charge > 0.0) = charge;   // BAD: redundant check

should be

if (charges.size() != data.size()) {
    throw cet::exception("") << "Inconsistent charges ("
      << charges.size() << " vs. " << data.size() << " expected)\n";
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
    float const charge = processData(charges[i], data[i]);
    if (charge > 0.0) charges[i] = charge;

[CF.122] [++] Unchecked access is encouraged also when the element is expected by protocol to be present, in which case documenting the expectation (e.g. with an assertion) is also encouraged. If that applies to charges of the example above, because for example the documentation explicitly asserts that data is assumed to have the same size as charge, the snippet may become:

assert(charges.size() == data.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
    double const charge = processData(charges[i], data[i]);
    if (charge > 0.0) charges[i] = charge;

User class design

[CF.151] [−−] As a consequence of the resource management pattern described above ("RAII"), the use of destructors in classes is strongly discouraged; they should be unnecessary and omitted entirely (except for a polymorphic base class, where the definition should always be virtual ~BaseClass() = default;).

[CF.152] [+] For objects that will exist in large collections, and especially for data structures, an ordering of data members from the largest to the smallest is suggested, to avoid waste of memory due to data alignment. For example:

struct TrackData { // BAD data alignment
  bool contained { false }; /// If `true`, track is fully contained.
  double energy { 0.0 };    /// Estimated energy [GeV]
  unsigned int nHits { 0 }; /// Number of hits along the track from all planes.
}; // TrackData

is likely to take 24 bytes, while reordering it as

struct TrackData {
  double energy { 0.0 };    /// Estimated energy [GeV]
  unsigned int nHits { 0 }; /// Number of hits along the track from all planes.
  bool contained { false }; /// If `true`, track is fully contained.
}; // TrackData

would reduce the size to 16 bytes.

[CF.153] [++] The initialization of data members containing configuration information is encouraged to happen in the constructor initializer list, and their constantness is also recommended if the class does not need to be copyable. For example:

class EnergyEstimatorAlg {
  double fChargeThreshold; ///< Minimum charge for a hit to be included.
  EnergyEstimatorAlg(double chargeThr)
    { fChargeThreshold = chargeThr; }
  // ...

should rather be:

class EnergyEstimatorAlg {
  double const fChargeThreshold; ///< Minimum charge for a hit to be included.
  EnergyEstimatorAlg(double chargeThr)
    : fChargeThreshold{ chargeThr }
  // ...

if the class does not need to be copied or moved, and the same but without const if the class does need to be copied or moved.

[CF.154] [+++] It is required that all member functions that do not modify the object be declared const. It is also recommended that class methods changing the class data members be factored so that the parts that do not change that data be on their own (const) member function. For example: an object with a collections of tokens (fTokens) allows to insert a separator after each instance of a certain token value, and makes the token next to the separator capitalised (capitalize()):

void Parser::insertSeparatorAfter(Token_t const& sep, std::string const& key) {
  iterator it { fTokens.cbegin() };
  const_iterator tend { fTokens.cend() };
  while (it != tend) {
    if (it->key() == key) {
      iterator new_it = fTokens.insert(++it, sep)
      it = ++new_it;
      tend = fTokens.cend();
      if (new_it != tend) capitalize(*new_it);
    else {
  } // while

This implementation can be factorised in a incremental search and an insertion/capitalization:

Parser::const_iterator Parser::findNextToken
  (std::string const& key, const_iterator first) const
  auto const matchKey = [&key](Token_t const& t){ return t.key() == key; };
  return std::find_if(first, fTokens.end(), matchKey);

iterator Parser::insertSeparatorBeforeAndCapitalize
  (const_iterator token, Token_t const& sep)
  iterator const newToken = std::next(fTokens.insert(token, sep));
  if (newToken != fTokens.cend()) capitalize(*newToken);
  return newToken;

void Parser::insertSeparatorAfter(Token_t const& sep, std::string const& key) {
  const_iterator next { fTokens.cbegin() };
  while (true) {
    const_iterator const itKey = findNextToken(key, next);
    if (itKey == fTokens.cend()) return;
    next = insertSeparatorBeforeAndCapitalize(std::next(itKey), sep);
  } // while

This approach is closer to "one function for one task" philosophy. As a side effect, we gain a lookup functionality (findNextToken()) that can be reused in other methods. But the main gain is the guarantee that non-const iterators are used only when the modification of the content is needed (insertSeparatorAndCapitalize()), and in addition we can't accidentally change the content of the object while looking for the key: the code is more robust. This specific example is simple enough that the advantage is not impressive, but in more complex functions this may make a difference.

[CF.155] [++] The assignment of a initialization value to all non-const data members in their declaration in the class is encouraged. For example:

struct Vector3D {
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  Vector3D(): x{ 0.0 }, y{ 0.0 }, z{ 0.0 } {}

would be instead:

struct Vector3D {
  float x { 0.0 };
  float y { 0.0 };
  float z { 0.0 };

(in this simple case, the constructor can be omitted; in many other cases, it can at least be "defaulted": Vector3D() = default;). This reduces the consequences of forgetting the initialization of a data member, for example when adding a new one to the class and there are many constructors. It also allows aggregate initialization, e.g. Vector3D const xAxis { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };, which would not be possible with only the default (argumentless, or "nullary") constructor specified. Note that const data members can follow the same pattern, but it's less critical because the compiler will ensure they are initialized at construction.

[CF.156] [++] The assignment of a known value to all data members of a class is encouraged. For example:

struct Data {
  short ADC[16]; // BAD (probably): not initialized
  int channel;   // BAD: not initialized

should probably be:

struct Data {
  short ADC[16] {}; // all initialized to `0`
  int channel { InvalidChannel };

unless there are good reasons not to initialize ADC counts.

[CF.157] [−−−] Empty constructors (with empty body and and no initialization list) are forbidden. For example:

struct FilterEfficiency {
  unsigned int fTotal;
  unsigned int fPassed;
  FilterEfficiency() {} // BAD: no pro, and deters initialization of data members

will make fTotal and fPassed uninitialised. The class should not have any default constructor, and it should initialize its members explicitly as shown in the previous point unless it is a documented intention to have them uninitialized.

[CF.158] [++] Moderate use of delegated constructors is encouraged for maintainability. For example:

struct WireInfo {

  geo::WireID const fWireID;
  raw::ChannelID_t const fChannel { raw::InvalidChannelID };
  bool fHasHits { false };
  WireInfo() = default;
  WireInfo(geo::WireID wireID, raw::ChannelID_t channel);
  WireInfo(recob::Hit const& hit)
      : WireInfo(hit.WireID(), hit.Channel())
      { fHasHits = true; }

[CF.159] [+] For a newly defined data structure, the use of struct is suggested if there is no "invariant" to be preserved (e.g. for a list of points: struct { std::vector<geo::Point_t> points; };, any point is good), of class otherwise (e.g. a list of points sorted by z coordinate, class { std::vector<geo::Point_t> fPoints; /* ... */}; and then the interface to manage it with it staying sorted).

[CT] Libraries and tools

Rationale: libraries evolve fast and what was best practice may become obsolete or detrimental. But it often also becomes an acquired pattern that is hard to break. Here are some of the current patterns that should be replaced by newer ones.

[CT.001] [++] ROOT itself is providing the classes underlying geo::Point_t and geo::Vector_t as a replacement of ROOT's TVector3. Adopting the new classes is encouraged, although it requires some more careful thinking of what the vectors are (displacements or coordinates). Some explanation of the reasons behind this recommendation and a migration guide are provided in LArSoft wiki.

[CT.002] [--] The function std::pow() can compute arbitrary powers, but it's sub-optimal when used with integral exponents: its implementation typically uses logarithms, which makes it both slower and less precise. The most common place where it is used is as square function, often to compute 2D or 3D distances:

double const d = std::sqrt(std::pow(x - R.X(), 2) + std::pow(y - R.Y(), 2) + std::pow(z - R.Z(), 2));

The encouraged practice is:

  • for simple variables, just write the product (e.g. x*x or even x*x*x)
  • for more complicate expressions, cetlib provides cet::square(), cet::cube() and std::pow<N>() (#include "cetlib/pow.h"); e.g. cet::square(x - R.X()).
  • for distances, if the algorithm really requires them, use std::hypot(x - R.X(), y - R.Y(), z - R.Z()) (available also in the 2D version)
  • if looking for the shortest distance, you can stick to the square of the distance, with again cetlib/pow.h to the rescue:
    double const d2 = std::sum_of_squares(x - R.X(), y - R.Y(), z - R.Z());
    Avaialble also a 2D version, and a cet::diff_of_squares().

[CQ] Quantity types and their units

Rationale: clarity and predictability are essential when interpreting data values, and relying heavily on conventions facilitate it.


[CQ.01] [+++] The required units for data quantities are described in StandardRecord documentation in sbnanaobj. Existing exceptions should be treated as a bug rather than a precedent.

Data types

[CQ.11] [++] The following C++ data types are encouraged for storage of some quantities:

Unit type data type
momentum, energy, energy density float
charge, charge density float
space coordinate
(added precision reduces rounding errors of geometry calculations)
time, relative to a reference within the event double
absolute time
(achieves (barely) nanosecond precision on UTC times)
long double

[D] Documentation

[DF] Functionality documentation

Rationale: plain-English documentation should allow the use of an algorithm without falling back to interpret the code, and should especially include the assumptions and considerations that are relevant to the users and are not expressed by the code.

[DF.01] [++] Encouraged for algorithm classes and function to include also

  1. description of their function (e.g. "applies proton ID algorithm based on track range")
  2. explanation of the input format (e.g. "recob::Track objects with track fit")
  3. explanation of the requirements and assumptions on the input (e.g. "tracks are expected to have been corrected for space charge effects")
  4. an explanation of the features of the output (e.g. "a list of ana::ParticleID objects is returned, one for each input track, in the same order; if the algorithm could not be applied, the track is assigned a negative score value")
  5. plus a reference to external documentation (e.g. SBN DocDB document) describing the physics of it when it applies

[DF.02] [+++] Encouraged inline documentation in Doxygen format, attached to the object being described (for example, to a class definition instead than to the file where the definition is stored). Example:

/// Time utilities
namespace times {
  /// Nanosecond-precision absolute timestamp.
  struct Timestamp {
    std::int32_t seconds; ///< Seconds past from the Epoch in UTC time scale.
    std::uint32_t nanoseconds; ///< Nanoseconds from the start of the last second.
     * @brief Adds the specified number of nanoseconds to this timestamp.
     * @param delta number of nanoseconds to add (may be negative)
     * @return this same timestamp (updated)
     * If `delta` is negative, the resulting timestamp will be earlier than before.
    Timestamp& addNanosecond(std::int64_t delta);
    /// Returns how much this timestamp is ahead of the `reference` one [ns]
    constexpr std::int64_t operator- (Timestamp const& reference) const;

  }; // Timestamp
   * @brief Sends the timestamp `ts` to the specified output stream.
   * @return the output stream `out`
   * The printed format is `"<seconds>.<nanoseconds> s"`.
  std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, Timestamp const& ts);
} // namespace time

The Doxygen style (e.g. /// vs. //!) should match the one already in use in the library. If no previous documentation is present, the style /// is encouraged.

[DC] Tracking of changes

Rationale: discovery of major changes to the functionality of the code or "relevant" changes of working parameters should be achievable without a systematic comparison the different versions of the code.

[DC.01] [+++] Each repository contains in its main directory a file; the start of the file includes information about the format, like the pattern used for each entry and the tag for breaking changes.

[DC.02] [+++] Authors are required to update the log when...

  • A new algorithm is added: mentioning the purpose of the new feature, e.g.
    [20210805] New algorithm `BloatTracks` available.
  • A change in parameters that may affect future results:
    [20210804] Changed hit finding threshold for `GausHit` (see issue #235)
  • A change makes existing samples unreadable or misinterpreted:
    [20210825] **BREAKING CHANGE** From now on all distances are returned in inches.

[DC.03] [+++] In the last case, the change is defined as breaking and the entry is required to explicitly state that with a standard tag (**BREAKING CHANGE** is the recommendation).

[DC.04] [+] A simple format like in the examples above is suggested, given that the purpose of this file is as a fast lookup to discover where to find additional information. Information about the author of the change can be tracked down via GIT so a reference is just suggested.

[DC.05] [++] Information about the release version, especially for breaking change, is strongly encouraged but it is the duty of the release manager rather than of the author, as it is the compilation of a overview of the breaking changes in time.

[L] Linking and building

[LB] Build diagnostics ("warnings")

Rationale: compilation warnings have proven to be a powerful tool in early detection of program mistakes. Experience shows that a single ignored warning both creates a habit, and makes it harder to spot additional ones.

[LB.01] [+++] Building warnings must be addressed. This is a requirement, although reviewers are not required to take the extra steps to verify it (i.e. checking the compilation output from the automatic build or downloading and building it themselves). The build system is set to give a medium level of diagnostics, and to treat all of them as errors, except for the deprecation one, which is supposed to allow a bit of time to maintainers to cope with interface changes: compilation will fail in the presence of diagnostics messages. Successfully completing a compilation in general makes the code compliant with the previous requirement.

[LB.02] [++] If the compiler reports as problematic an intended behaviour, it is strongly encouraged that the code be reviewed with other people to identify whether the report is correct (hint: it usually is). If the review concludes the diagnostic message is spurious, it is allowed to "acknowledge" it without removing its cause, for example in case of compiler bugs.

[LB.03] [+++] When it is assessed that a diagnostic message should be locally disabled, the required approach is to use #pragma directives specific to the diagnostics (that may be complicated by dependency on the compiler, e.g. Clang vs. GCC) and, in case of compiler bug, the fencing of the workaround in #if preprocessor directives that pin down the version of the buggy compiler; e.g.

#if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ <= 7)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
// ...
#if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ <= 7)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop

In this example, though, if the variable detected as unused is really unused, and for some reason its definition is still desired, the correct acknowledgement is to attribute [[maybe_unused]] to that variable. A not uncommon situation requiring this gymnastic is for variables of staged and conditional initialization, when the compiler is not able to determine that the variable would be used only in the code paths where it is initialized (-Wmaybe-uninitialized) -- beware that this is usually a sign of a flawed design.

[LB.04] [+++] The resolution of deprecation warnings on new code is required.