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Using MASSpy with Docker

MASSpy comes in deployable Docker container, allowing for quick access to an isolated Python environment prepackaged the MASSpy software, all within a virtual machine that can run in a variety of environments.

The following guide demonstrates how to setup a Docker container for MASSpy. It assumes that the Docker Daemon and Client have already been installed. The guide can be broken down into three key steps:

  1. obtaining-the-image: An image for the MASSpy Docker container must be either obtained from an online registry or by built.
  2. creating-the-container: Once obtained, a container must be created from the image.
  3. running-the-container: After the container is built, the final step is to run the container and get started using MASSpy!

Important: In order to use the Gurobi Optimizer or the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio, the Docker image must be built locally from a Dockerfile and a "context" containing certain files. See the secion below on building-the-image.

About Docker

Interested in learning more about Docker? Read more about containerization and getting started with Docker in the Docker Quick Start in the official Docker documentation.

Obtaining the image

An image for a MASSpy Docker container can be either be downloaded from an online registry, or it can be built from a Dockerfile and the proper build "context".

  • The recommended method to obtain a MASSpy image is to download an image from an online registry.
  • To enable the use of a commercial optimization solver (e.g., Gurobi, CPLEX) inside the container, the MASSpy image must be built locally.

Downloading the image

Images for the MASSpy software are be found in the following registries:

SBRG DockerHub :
  • Image Name: sbrg/masspy
  • Tags: A full list of tags can be found here

To pull the MASSpy image sbrg/masspy, run the following in a shell:

docker pull sbrg/masspy

A tag must be included in order to download a specific image version. For example, to pull the sbrg/masspy image with the latest tag:

docker pull sbrg/masspy:latest

By default, the latest version of MASSpy image is pulled from the registry.

Building the image

Build Context: The following directory stucture shows the minimal requirements needed as context when building the image:

MASSpy               # Source directory
└── docker           # Root directory for build context
    └── Dockerfile   # Dockerfile from VCS (

To build the image with tag latest, navigate to the MASSpy directory and use the command line:

docker build -t sbrg/masspy:latest ./docker

Windows Users: Please note the following issue about running linux containers using Docker for Windows.

Including ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio 12.10

To utilize the ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio in a Docker container, a license must be obtained first. See cplex-solver for more information on obtaining an academic license.

Once a CPLEX license has been obtained:

  1. Download the installer cplex_studioXXXX.linux-x86-64.bin from CPLEX, replacing "XXXX" for the version number without punctuation (e.g., 1210).
  2. Place the installer into the cplex directory in the build context as outlined below.
  3. Place the file into the build context to accept the license agreement and to enable silent install.


The CPLEX installer must be for LINUX to be compatible with the containers built using the MASSpy Dockerfile.

Build Context: To include CPLEX, the build context must be modified to contain the cplex subdirectory as follows:

└── docker
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── cplex
        ├── cplex_studio1210.linux-x86-64.bin

Including Gurobi Optimizer 9.0.3

To utilize the Gurobi Optimizer in a Docker container, a floating license must be obtained first. See gurobi-solver for more information on obtaining a floating license.

Once a floating Gurobi license has been obtained:

  1. Copy the gurobi.lic.template and rename the file gurobi.lic.
  2. Modify the license file according to the Gurobi documentation.
  3. Place the license file into the gurobi directory in the build context as outlined below.

Build Context: To include Gurobi, the build context must be modified to contain the gurobi subdirectory as follows:

└── docker
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── gurobi
        └── gurobi.lic

Additional information

For more information about the build context for the MASSpy image, see the recognized-image-build-context section.

Creating the container

Once the MASSpy image is obtained, the next step is to run the image as a container using the following command:

docker run \
    --name mass-container \
    --mount type=volume,src=mass_project,dst=/home/masspy_user/mass_project \
    --publish 8888:8888 \
    -it sbrg/masspy:latest

To break down the above command:

  • --name :

    The --name flag sets an optional name for the container that can be used to reference the container with the Docker Client. Here, the container is named mass-container.

  • --mount :

    The --mount flag creates a volume to allow data to persist even after a container has been stopped. In this particular example, a mount of type volume called mass_project is mounted to the container at the location /home/masspy_user/mass_project. Not required for use, but highly recommended.

  • --publish :

    The --publish flag publishes the container’s port 8888, binding it to the host port at 8888. Required to utilize Jupyter (iPython) notebooks from inside the container.

  • -it :

    Allocate a pseudo-TTY and create an interactive shell in the container.

If optimization solvers are included when building the image, it is recommended to mount the licenses volume as well. This can be done via the following:

docker run \
    --name mass-container \
    --mount type=volume,src=licenses,dst=/home/masspy_user/opt/licenses \
    --mount type=volume,src=mass_project,dst=/home/masspy_user/mass_project \
    --publish 8888:8888 \
    -it sbrg/masspy:latest


Containers names must be unique. To re-use a name for a new container, the previous container must first be removed.

Running MASSpy with the container

Once a container has been started with an interactive shell allocated ( the -it flag ), either a Jupyter (iPython) notebook or Python itself can be started by running one of the following from the shell within the container

  • To start python, run python
  • To start a Jupyter notebook, run jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888.

To stop the inteactive shell and exit the container, run the exit command.

Resuming the container

To resume the container mass-container after it has been stopped:

docker start -i mass-container


To remove the container mass-container entirely:

docker rm mass-container

To remove the image sbrg/masspy:latest entirely:

docker rmi sbrg/masspy:latest


Need help trouble shooting Docker for your system? Try searching the official Docker resources:

Docker CE for Linux | Docker Desktop for Mac | Docker Desktop for Windows