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Diagnosis transform upgrade! Now builds mappings on the fly from conc…
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…ept and targets all four tables.
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jklann committed May 18, 2018
1 parent 58234ce commit d096b0f
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 23 deletions.
150 changes: 127 additions & 23 deletions MSSQL/OMOPLoader.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-- OMOPLoader Script for OMOP v0.1
-- OMOPLoader Script for OMOP v0.11
-- Contributors: Jeff Klann, PhD; Matthew Joss; Aaron Abend; Arturo Torres; Kevin Embree; Griffin Weber, MD, PhD
-- Transforms i2b2 data mapped to the PCORnet ontology into OMOP format.
-- MSSQL version
-- FYI, now the diagnosis transform writes to four different target tables, not just condition_occurrence
-- 1. Edit the "create synonym" statements, parameters, and the USE statement at the top of this script to point at your objects.
-- This script will be run from an OMOP database you must have created.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +128,36 @@ create view i2b2loyalty_patients as

-- Procedure to get a string part between two delimeters (i.e. a /)
-- E.g., replace(m.C_FULLNAME,dbo.stringpart(m.c_fullname,'\',m.C_HLEVEL)+'\','')
-- Jeff Klann, PhD 5/6/16
drop function dbo.stringpart
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.stringpart ( @stringToSplit VARCHAR(MAX),@delimiter char(1),@el int )
RETURNS varchar(max)


SET @num=-2
WHILE @num!=@el and CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @stringToSplit) > 0
SELECT @pos = CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @stringToSplit)
SELECT @name = SUBSTRING(@stringToSplit, 1, @pos-1)

SELECT @stringToSplit = SUBSTRING(@stringToSplit, @pos+1, LEN(@stringToSplit)-@pos)
SET @num=@num+1

RETURN @name

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,7 +564,7 @@ create procedure OMOPencounter as
DECLARE @sqltext NVARCHAR(4000);

insert into visit_occurrence(person_id,visit_occurrence_id,visit_start_date,visit_start_datetime,
insert into visit_occurrence with(tablock) (person_id,visit_occurrence_id,visit_start_date,visit_start_datetime,
visit_concept_id ,care_site_id,visit_type_concept_id,visit_source_value)
select distinct v.patient_num, v.encounter_num,
Expand All @@ -541,13 +573,9 @@ select distinct v.patient_num, v.encounter_num,
(case when end_date is not null then end_date else start_date end) end_Date,
(case when end_date is not null then cast(end_Date as datetime) else cast(start_date as datetime) end),
(case when omop_enctype is not null then omop_enctype else '0' end) enc_type, '0', '44818518',v.inout_cd
(case when e.omop_basecode is not null then e.omop_basecode else '0' end) enc_type, '0', '44818518',v.inout_cd
from i2b2visit v inner join person d on v.patient_num=d.person_id
left outer join
-- Encounter type. Note that this requires a full table scan on the ontology table, so it is not particularly efficient.
(select patient_num, encounter_num, inout_cd,omop_basecode omop_enctype from i2b2visit v
inner join pcornet_enc e on c_dimcode like '%'''+inout_cd+'''%' and e.c_fullname like '\PCORI\ENCOUNTER\ENC_TYPE\%') enctype
on enctype.patient_num=v.patient_num and enctype.encounter_num=v.encounter_num
left outer join pcornet_enc e on c_dimcode like '%'''+inout_cd+'''%' and e.c_fullname like '\PCORI\ENCOUNTER\ENC_TYPE\%'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,7 +605,8 @@ end
-- Diagnosis - by Aaron Abend and Jeff Klann and Matthew Joss
-- Diagnosis - by Jeff Klann and Matthew Joss and Aaron Abend
-- v2 5/18 - now builds concept map on the fly and inserts into all 4 target tables
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'OMOPdiagnosis') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE OMOPdiagnosis
Expand All @@ -586,6 +615,41 @@ create procedure OMOPdiagnosis as
declare @sqltext nvarchar(4000)

-- 5/18 jgk - pull OMOP mappings from concept each time
-- Notes on mappings:
-- 1) There is a 1:1 mapping from ICD9/10 code to OMOP id, though this does not always map to Condition
-- 2) There is a mapping from OMOP id to SNOMED, but many times the source domain is Condition but the only entry in SNOMED is a different domain, like Observation
-- * Presently we retain rows when either the ICD9/10 id or the SNOMED id is in Condition, but we fill in id with 0 and populate source_id if mapped domain is not Condition
select c_basecode, substring(pcori_basecode,charindex(':',pcori_basecode)+1,200) pcori_basecode, c.concept_code, c.vocabulary_id, c.domain_id,c.concept_id, c2.concept_code mapped_code, c2.vocabulary_id mapped_vocabulary, c2.domain_id mapped_domain,c2.concept_id mapped_id into #concept_map
from pcornet_diag d inner join concept as c
on concept_code=substring(pcori_basecode,charindex(':',pcori_basecode)+1,200) -- old ontologies had ICD9: in pcori_basecode and it needs to be stripped
and vocabulary_id=case dbo.stringpart(c_fullname,'\',2) when '09' THEN 'ICD9CM' when '10' THEN 'ICD10CM' END
left join concept_relationship cr ON c.concept_id = cr.concept_id_1 and cr.relationship_id = 'Maps to'
left join concept c2 ON c2.concept_id =cr.concept_id_2
and c2.standard_concept ='S'
and c2.invalid_reason is null
where c_synonym_cd='N'
and c.invalid_reason is NULL
and sourcesystem_cd not like '%(I9inI10)%'
-- Skip ICD-9 V codes in 10 ontology, ICD-9 E codes in 10 ontology, ICD-10 numeric codes in 10 ontology
-- SOURCESYSTEM_CD should take care of this, but in case the site used the i2b2 mapping tool, it does not propagate sourcesystem_cd
-- Note: makes the assumption that ICD-9 Ecodes are not ICD-10 Ecodes; same with ICD-9 V codes. On inspection seems to be true.
and (c_fullname not like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\%' or
( not ( pcori_basecode like '[V]%' and c_fullname not like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\([V]%\([V]%\([V]%' )
and not ( pcori_basecode like '[E]%' and c_fullname not like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\([E]%\([E]%\([E]%' )
and not (c_fullname like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\%' and pcori_basecode like '[0-9]%') ))

-- I would like an extra temporary table here that would remove null mappings when there exists a non-null mapping
-- The tricky part to remember is many single diagnoses map to multiple SNOMED codes
select * into #concept_map_dx from
(select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Condition' or mapped_domain='Condition' ) x
insert into #concept_map_dx(c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id)
select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Condition'and concept_id not in (select concept_id from #concept_map_dx)

create index concept_map_dx_idx on #concept_map_dx(c_basecode)

-- Optimized to use temp tables, not views.
select patient_num, encounter_num, factline.provider_id, concept_cd, start_date, dxsource.pcori_basecode dxsource, dxsource.c_fullname
into #sourcefact
Expand All @@ -600,13 +664,13 @@ inner join visit_occurrence enc on enc.person_id = factline.patient_num and enc.
inner join pcornet_diag dxsource on factline.modifier_cd =dxsource.c_basecode
and dxsource.c_fullname like '\PCORI_MOD\PDX\%'

insert into condition_occurrence (person_id, visit_occurrence_id, condition_start_date, provider_id, condition_concept_id, condition_type_concept_id, condition_end_date, condition_source_value, condition_source_concept_id, condition_start_datetime) --pmndiagnosis (patid,encounterid, X enc_type, admit_date, providerid, dx, dx_type, dx_source, pdx)
insert into condition_occurrence with (tablock) (person_id, visit_occurrence_id, condition_start_date, provider_id, condition_concept_id, condition_type_concept_id, condition_end_date, condition_source_value, condition_source_concept_id, condition_start_datetime) --pmndiagnosis (patid,encounterid, X enc_type, admit_date, providerid, dx, dx_type, dx_source, pdx)
select distinct factline.patient_num, factline.encounter_num encounterid, enc.visit_start_date, enc.provider_id,
isnull(omap.concept_id, '0'),
case diag.mapped_domain when 'Condition' then diag.mapped_id else '0' END, -- insufficient, sometimes target domains are non-null and non-condition: isnull(diag.mapped_id, '0'),
CASE WHEN (sf.c_fullname like '\PCORI_MOD\CONDITION_OR_DX\DX_SOURCE\%' or sf.c_fullname is null) THEN
CASE WHEN pf.pdxsource = 'P' THEN 44786627 WHEN pf.pdxsource= 'S' THEN 44786629 ELSE '0' END
ELSE 38000245 END,
end_date, pcori_basecode, diag.omop_sourcecode, factline.start_date
end_date, pcori_basecode, diag.concept_id, factline.start_date
from i2b2fact factline
inner join visit_occurrence enc on enc.person_id = factline.patient_num and enc.visit_occurrence_id = factline.encounter_Num
left outer join #sourcefact sf
Expand All @@ -621,18 +685,58 @@ and factline.encounter_num=pf.encounter_num
and factline.provider_id=pf.provider_id
and factline.concept_cd=pf.concept_cd
and factline.start_date=pf.start_Date
inner join pcornet_diag diag on diag.c_basecode = factline.concept_cd
left join i2o_mapping omap on diag.omop_sourcecode=omap.omop_sourcecode and omap.domain_id='Condition'
-- jgk 3/29/18 - left join to include codes with no standard mapping
-- Skip ICD-9 V codes in 10 ontology, ICD-9 E codes in 10 ontology, ICD-10 numeric codes in 10 ontology
-- Note: makes the assumption that ICD-9 Ecodes are not ICD-10 Ecodes; same with ICD-9 V codes. On inspection seems to be true.
where (diag.c_fullname not like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\%' or
( not ( diag.pcori_basecode like '[V]%' and diag.c_fullname not like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\([V]%\([V]%\([V]%' )
and not ( diag.pcori_basecode like '[E]%' and diag.c_fullname not like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\([E]%\([E]%\([E]%' )
and not (diag.c_fullname like '\PCORI\DIAGNOSIS\10\%' and diag.pcori_basecode like '[0-9]%') ))
--and (sf.c_fullname like '\PCORI_MOD\CONDITION_OR_DX\DX_SOURCE\%' or sf.c_fullname is null)

and diag.omop_sourcecode is not null
inner join #concept_map_dx diag on diag.c_basecode = factline.concept_cd and (diag.mapped_domain='Condition' or diag.domain_id='Condition')
-- Note: old I9inI10 exclusion logic now above in concept_map code

-- Next, update observation table ---
select * into #concept_map_obs from
(select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Observation' or mapped_domain='Observation' ) x
insert into #concept_map_obs(c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id)
select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Observation' and concept_id not in (select concept_id from #concept_map_obs)
create index concept_map_obs_idx on #concept_map_obs(c_basecode)
insert into observation with(tablock) (person_id,observation_concept_id,observation_date, observation_type_concept_id,provider_id,observation_source_value,observation_source_concept_id,visit_occurrence_id)
select distinct fact.patient_num, case diag.mapped_domain when 'Observation' then diag.mapped_id else '0' END, fact.start_date, 38000280 -- observation recorded from EHR
, 0, diag.PCORI_BASECODE, diag.concept_id, fact.encounter_num from i2b2fact fact
-- not tied to encounters-- inner join visit_occurrence enc on enc.person_id = fact.patient_num and enc.visit_occurrence_id = fact.encounter_Num
inner join #concept_map_obs diag on diag.c_basecode = fact.concept_cd

/*-- Next, update device table --- <-- not required by current projects
select * into #concept_map_dev from
(select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Device' or mapped_domain='Device' ) x
insert into #concept_map_dev(c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id)
select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Device' and concept_id not in (select concept_id from #concept_map_dev)
create index concept_map_dev_idx on #concept_map_dev(c_basecode)*/

-- Next, update measurement table ---
select * into #concept_map_meas from
(select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Measurement' or mapped_domain='Measurement' ) x
insert into #concept_map_meas(c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id)
select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Measurement' and concept_id not in (select concept_id from #concept_map_meas)
create index concept_map_mea_idx on #concept_map_meas(c_basecode)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[measurement] with(tablock) ([person_id], [measurement_concept_id], [measurement_date], [measurement_datetime], [measurement_type_concept_id], [provider_id], [visit_occurrence_id], [measurement_source_value], [measurement_source_concept_id])
select distinct fact.patient_num, case diag.mapped_domain when 'Measurement' then diag.mapped_id else '0' END, fact.start_date, fact.start_date, 45754907 -- derived value. Other option is 5001, test ordered through EHR
, 0, fact.encounter_num, diag.PCORI_BASECODE, diag.concept_id from i2b2fact fact
-- not tied to encounters-- inner join visit_occurrence enc on enc.person_id = fact.patient_num and enc.visit_occurrence_id = fact.encounter_Num
inner join #concept_map_meas diag on diag.c_basecode = fact.concept_cd

-- Next, update procedure table ---
select * into #concept_map_proc from
(select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Procedure' or mapped_domain='Procedure' ) x
insert into #concept_map_proc(c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id)
select c_basecode, pcori_basecode, concept_code, vocabulary_id, domain_id,concept_id, mapped_code, mapped_vocabulary, mapped_domain, mapped_id from #concept_map
where domain_id='Procedure' and concept_id not in (select concept_id from #concept_map_proc)
create index concept_map_mea_idx on #concept_map_proc(c_basecode)
insert into procedure_occurrence with(tablock)( person_id, procedure_concept_id, procedure_date, procedure_type_concept_id, modifier_concept_id, quantity, provider_id, visit_occurrence_id, procedure_source_value, procedure_source_concept_id, qualifier_source_value, procedure_datetime)
select distinct fact.patient_num, case diag.mapped_domain when 'Procedure' then diag.mapped_id else '0' END, fact.start_date, 44786630 /*primary*/, 0, null, null, fact.encounter_num, diag.PCORI_BASECODE, diag.concept_id, null, fact.start_date
from i2b2fact fact inner join #concept_map_proc diag on diag.c_basecode = fact.concept_cd

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