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File metadata and controls

78 lines (60 loc) · 3.91 KB


Kalki component that monitors and polls information from IoT devices, as well as sends commands to them.

Kalki is an IoT platform for allowing untrusted IoT devices to connect to a network in a secure way, protecting both the IoT device and the network from malicious attackers.

Kalki comprises a total of 8 GitHub projects:

  • kalki-node-setup (Kalki Main Repository, composes all non-UI components)
  • kalki-controller (Kalki Main Controller)
  • kalki-umbox-controller (Kalki Umbox Controller)
  • kalki-device-controller (Kalki Device Controller)
  • kalki-dashboard (Kalki Dashboard)
  • kalki-db (Kalki Database Library)
  • kalki-iot-interface (Kalki IoT Interface)
  • kalki-umboxes (Kalki Umboxes, sample umboxes and umboxes components)


  • Docker and Docker-Compose have to be installed.
  • Kalki-db library build env Docker image. See here for installation details.
  • Each API plugin may have additional setup requirements. Review the readme file for each plugin that is to be used to set up all necessary configs or dependencies.


The file app/config.json contains mandatory and optional configuration:

  • device_controller_api_ip (mandatory): IP of the Control Node where the Device Controller is.
  • device_controller_api_port (optional): port where Device Controller is listening, default should be ok in most cases.
  • iot_interface_api_port (optional): port where IoT Interface is listening locally, default should be ok in most cases.


Kalki-Iot-Interface and Device API plugins

To build and run along with any other containers that are needed for device type APIs.

First compile and build the docker images with:

$ bash

To run:

$ bash

When exiting the log view after running this, containers will continue running in the background.

If the log window is exited, the logs can be still monitored with this command:

$ bash

To stop all:

$ bash

Test Mode

Optionally, the parameter test can be passed to either script above, to enter a simple test mode for IoTInterface. Additional parameters have to be passed after this to execute specific tests. For more details, see the source file.

Adding New IoT Device API Plugins

To add an API implementation for a new device type, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new project for the API to the repo:
    1. Create a subfolder /plugins/<DeviceTypeName>, and add a build.gradle file that at least contains: dependencies {compile project(':common')}
    2. Create a src/main/java folder inside it, along with a package inside it called edu.cmu.sei.kalki.iotinterface.plugins.<DeviceTypeName>
    3. Modify settings.gradle in the root of the repo, and add the line include ":plugins/<DeviceTypeName>
    4. Modiffy app/build.gradle and add the dependency compile project(':plugins/DeviceTypeName>')
  2. Implement either a Monitor or a CommandSender class, or both, for this device type:
    1. For Monitors:
      1. Create a class called inside the package created above, and inherit from IotMonitor or PollingMonitor
      2. Make sure the constructor calls the base constructor
      3. If deriving from PollingMonitor, override the pollDevice() method, and fill the DeviceStatus param that is received with the polled information
      4. If not deriving from PollingMonitor, override the start() and stop() methods as needed to initialize and stop your monitor. Be sure to manually call sendStatusToDB() when you have a new status to report.
    2. For Command Senders
      1. Create a class called inside the package created above, and inherit from IotCommandSender
      2. Make sure the constructor calls the base constructor
      3. Create a method called command_<command_name>() for each command to be supported.