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Run Opera validator

1. Setup an AWS node

  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS 64-bit
  • We would recommend the following (or better):
m5.xlarge (4 CPUs and 16GB), 500GB SSD
  • Open up port 22 for SSH, and port 5050 for both TCP and UDP traffic

2. Launch a read-only Opera node

Wait for your node to sync up

3. Run Opera validator

  • Stop read-only node
killall opera
  • Wait until the read-only node has stopped

  • Then run your validator node:

nohup opera --genesis $NETWORK ID --validator.pubkey 0xPubkey --validator.password /path/to/password &

, where:

  • ID is your validator ID (e.g. 25)
  • 0xPubkey is your validator public key. You've generated your key with opera validator new.
  • /path/to/password is a path to a file which contains the password to decrypt the validator key (optional). If you omitted the --validator.password flag, then you will be prompted for the password in terminal.

It's complete. Your node is running!