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Html-tag module (lmvc-modules)

This module generates Html-tags within any part of an application using the LMVC-framework.


No installation required just add lmvc-modules to your composer.json and use the namespace Scandio\lmvc\modules\htmltag.

Examples upfront

The following in php

   /* Simple image-tag */
      'class' => 'aside border',
      'src'   => 'images/image.png'

   /* Nest the calls */
      ['class' => 'wrap-it'],
      Html::p(null, '... and nest it')

   /* Pass in content arrays which unfold into a tag each */
   Html::ul(['class' => 'wrap-it'],
      Html::li(null, ['item-1', 'item-2', 'item-3'])

Generates the following Html

<img class='aside border' src='images/image.png' />

<div class='wrap-it'>
   <p>... and nest it</p>

<ul class='wrap-it'>

Hook into the string building

By extending the Html.php class

The class can be extended for defining hooks (multiple per tag-name). The convention is fairly easy. Whenever a private|public|protected static method with the name pre<Tag> and post<Tag> is found, the function will be called before and|or after the internal function have done its work. The arguments for the preHooks are $tag, $attr = [] and $content = false for the postHook you will just get the string.

Important: The return of any on the class defined preHook-function must be an enumerated array as passed in so that it can be passed to the post-hooks. Every post-hook function on the other hand should return a string and gets passed a string. Otherwise you break all the things!

   public static function preImg($tagName, $attr, $content) {
      return [$tagName, $attr, $content];

   public static function postImg($html) {
      return $html;

By adding a hook with a callback

Adding a hook can also be done without extending the class. Just call ::addPre($tagName, function) or ::addPost($tagName, function). As a side not, hooks defined on the base are also being called on the extended class due to their protected nature.

Important: Hooks defined as member functions as described above are called before hooks added in functional manner.

   Html::addPre('img', function($tagName, $attr, $content) {
      return [$tagName, $attr, $content];

   Html::addPost('img', function($html) {
      return $html;

Thanks for reading!