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Customize a pizza

In this session we'll update the pizza store app to enable users to customize their pizzas and add them to their order.

Event handling

When the user clicks a pizza special a pizza customization dialog should pop up to allow the user to customize their pizza and add it to their order. To handle DOM UI events in a Blazor app, you specify which event you want to handle using the corresponding HTML attribute and then specify the C# delegate you want called. The delegate may optionally take an event specific argument, but it's not required.

In Pages/Index.cshtml add the following onclick handler to the list item for each pizza special:

@foreach (var special in specials)
    <li onclick="@(() => Console.WriteLine(special.Name))" style="background-image: url('@special.ImageUrl')">
        <div class="pizza-info">
            <span class="title">@special.Name</span>
            <span class="price">@special.GetFormattedBasePrice()</span>

Run the app and check that the pizza name is written to the browser console whenever a pizza is clicked.


The @ symbol is used in Razor files to indicate the start of C# code. Surround the C# code with parens if needed to clarify where the C# code begins and ends.

Update the @functions block in Index.cshtml to add some additional fields for tracking the pizza being customized and whether the pizza customization dialog is visible.

List<PizzaSpecial> specials;
Pizza configuringPizza;
bool showingConfigureDialog;

Add a ShowConfigurePizzaDialog method to the @functions block for handling when a pizza special is clicked.

void ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(PizzaSpecial special)
    configuringPizza = new Pizza()
        Special = special,
        SpecialId = special.Id,
        Size = Pizza.DefaultSize,
        Toppings = new List<PizzaTopping>(),

    showingConfigureDialog = true;

Update the onclick handler to call the ShowConfigurePizzaDialog method instead of Console.WriteLine.

<li onclick="@(() => ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(special))" style="background-image: url('@special.ImageUrl')">

Implement the pizza customization dialog

Now we need to implement the pizza customization dialog so we can display it when the user selects a pizza. The pizza customization dialog will be a new component that lets you specify the size of your pizza and what toppings you want, shows the price, and lets you add the pizza to your order.

Add a ConfigurePizzaDialog.cshtml file under the Shared directory. Since this component is not a separate page, it does not need the @page directive.

The ConfigurePizzaDialog should have a Pizza parameter that specifies the pizza being configured. Component parameters are defined by adding a writable property to the component decorated with the [Parameter] attribute. Add a @functions block to the ConfigurePizzaDialog with the following Pizza parameter:

@functions {
    [Parameter] Pizza Pizza { get; set; }

Note: Component parameters values should only ever be set by the runtime, so they should not be public. This allows the runtime to keep track of when components need to be rendered.

Add the following basic markup for the ConfigurePizzaDialog:

<div class="dialog-container">
    <div class="dialog">
        <div class="dialog-title">
        <form class="dialog-body"></form>
        <div class="dialog-buttons">
            <button class="btn btn-secondary mr-auto">Cancel</button>
            <span class="mr-center">
                Price: <span class="price">@(Pizza.GetFormattedTotalPrice())</span>
            <button class="btn btn-success ml-auto">Order ></button>

Update Pages/Index.cshtml to show the ConfigurePizzaDialog when a pizza special has been selected. The ConfigurePizzaDialog is styled to overlay the current page, so it doesn't really matter where you put this code block.

@if (showingConfigureDialog)
    <ConfigurePizzaDialog Pizza="configuringPizza" />

Run the app and select a pizza special to see the skeleton of the ConfigurePizzaDialog.


Data binding

The user should be able to specify the size of their pizza. Add markup to the body of the dialog for a slider that lets the user specify the pizza size.

<form class="dialog-body">
        <input type="range" min="@Pizza.MinimumSize" max="@Pizza.MaximumSize" step="1" />
        <span class="size-label">
            @(Pizza.Size)" (£@(Pizza.GetFormattedTotalPrice()))

We want the value of the slider to be bound to the size of the pizza. And if the slider is moved we want to update the pizza size accordingly. If you wanted to implement two-way binding manually, you could do so by combining value and onchange, as in the following code (which you don't actually need to put in your application, because there's an easier solution):

    onchange="@((UIChangeEventArgs e) => Pizza.Size = int.Parse((string) e.Value)" />

In Blazor you can use the bind attribute to specify a two-way binding with this behavior. The equivalent markup using bind looks like this:

<input type="range" min="@Pizza.MinimumSize" max="@Pizza.MaximumSize" step="1" bind="@Pizza.Size"  />

But if we use bind with no further changes, the behavior isn't exactly what we want. Give it a try and see how it behaves. The onchange event only fires after the slider is released.

Slider with default bind

We'd prefer to see updates as the slider is moved. Data binding in Blazor allows for this by letting you specify what value you want to bind to and what event triggers a change using the syntax bind-<value>-<event>. So, to bind using the oninput event instead do this:

<input type="range" min="@Pizza.MinimumSize" max="@Pizza.MaximumSize" step="1" bind-value-oninput="@Pizza.Size"  />

The pizza size should now update as you move the slider.

Slider bound to oninput

Add additional toppings

The user should also be able to select additional toppings. Add a list property for storing the available toppings. Initialize the list of available toppings by making an HTTP GET request to the /toppings API.

@inject HttpClient HttpClient

<div class="dialog-container">

@functions {
    List<Topping> toppings { get; set; }

    [Parameter] Pizza Pizza { get; set; }

    protected async override Task OnInitAsync()
        toppings = await HttpClient.GetJsonAsync<List<Topping>>("/toppings");

Add the following markup in the dialog body for displaying a drop down list with the list of available toppings followed by the set of selected toppings. Put this inside the <form class="dialog-body">, below the existing <div>."

    <label>Extra Toppings:</label>
    @if (toppings == null)
        <select class="custom-select" disabled>
    else if (Pizza.Toppings.Count >= 6)
        <div>(maximum reached)</div>
        <select class="custom-select" onchange="@ToppingSelected">
            <option value="-1" disabled selected>(select)</option>
            @for (var i = 0; i < toppings.Count; i++)
                <option value="@i">@toppings[i].Name - (£@(toppings[i].GetFormattedPrice()))</option>

<div class="toppings">
    @foreach (var topping in Pizza.Toppings)
        <div class="topping">
            <span class="topping-price">@topping.Topping.GetFormattedPrice()</span>
            <button type="button" class="delete-topping" onclick="@(() => RemoveTopping(topping.Topping))">x</button>

Also add the following event handlers for topping selection and removal:

void ToppingSelected(UIChangeEventArgs e)
    if (int.TryParse((string)e.Value, out var index) && index >= 0)

void AddTopping(Topping topping)
    if (Pizza.Toppings.Find(pt => pt.Topping == topping) == null)
        Pizza.Toppings.Add(new PizzaTopping() { Topping = topping });

void RemoveTopping(Topping topping)
    Pizza.Toppings.RemoveAll(pt => pt.Topping == topping);

You should now be able to add and remove toppings.

Add and remove toppings

Component events

The Cancel and Order buttons don't do anything yet. We need some way to communicate to the Index component when the user adds the pizza to their order or cancels. We can do that by defining component events. Component events are action parameters that parent components can subscribe to.

Add two parameters to the ConfigurePizzaDialog component: OnCancel and OnConfirm. Both parameters should be of type Action.

[Parameter] Action OnCancel { get; set; }
[Parameter] Action OnConfirm { get; set; }

Add onclick event handlers to the ConfigurePizzaDialog that trigger the OnCancel and OnConfirm events.

<div class="dialog-buttons">
    <button class="btn btn-secondary mr-auto" onclick="@OnCancel">Cancel</button>
    <span class="mr-center">
        Price: <span class="price">@(Pizza.GetFormattedTotalPrice())</span>
    <button class="btn btn-success ml-auto" onclick="@OnConfirm">Order ></button>

In the Index component add an event handler for the OnCancelevent that hides the dialog and wires it up to the ConfigurePizzaDialog.

<ConfigurePizzaDialog Pizza="configuringPizza" OnCancel="CancelConfigurePizzaDialog" />
void CancelConfigurePizzaDialog()
    configuringPizza = null;
    showingConfigureDialog = false;

The StateHasChanged method signals to the runtime that the component's state has changed and it needs to be rendered. Components are rendered automatically by the runtime when its parameters change or when a UI event is fired on that component. In this case the event triggering the state change came from a different component, so StateHasChanged needs to be called manually.

Run the app and verify that the dialog now disappears when the Cancel button is clicked.

When the OnConfirm event is fired, the customized pizza should be added to the user's order. Add an Order field to the Index component to track the user's order.

List<PizzaSpecial> specials;
Pizza configuringPizza;
bool showingConfigureDialog;
Order order = new Order();

In the Index component add an event handler for the OnConfirmevent that adds the configured pizza to the order and wire it up to the ConfigurePizzaDialog.

    OnConfirm="ConfirmConfigurePizzaDialog" />
void ConfirmConfigurePizzaDialog()
    configuringPizza = null;

    showingConfigureDialog = false;

Run the app and verify the dialog now disappears when the Order button is clicked. We can't see yet that a pizza was added to the order. We'll address that next.

Display the current order

Next we need to display the configured pizzas in the current order, calculate the total price, and provide a way to place the order.

Create a new ConfiguredPizzaItem component for displaying a configured pizza. It takes two parameters: the configured pizza, and an event for when the pizza was removed.

<div class="cart-item">
    <a onclick="@OnRemoved" class="delete-item">x</a>
    <div class="title">@(Pizza.Size)" @Pizza.Special.Name</div>
        @foreach (var topping in Pizza.Toppings)
        <li>+ @topping.Topping.Name</li>
    <div class="item-price">

@functions {
    [Parameter] Pizza Pizza { get; set; }
    [Parameter] Action OnRemoved { get; set; }

Add the following markup to the Index component just below the main div to add a left side pane for displaying the configured pizzas in the current order.

<div class="sidebar">
    @if (order.Pizzas.Any())
        <div class="order-contents">
            <h2>Your order</h2>

            @foreach (var configuredPizza in order.Pizzas)
                <ConfiguredPizzaItem Pizza="configuredPizza" OnRemoved="() => RemoveConfiguredPizza(configuredPizza)" />
        <div class="empty-cart">Choose a pizza<br>to get started</div>

    <div class="order-total @(order.Pizzas.Any() ? "" : "hidden")">
        <span class="total-price">@order.GetFormattedTotalPrice()</span>
        <button class="btn btn-warning" disabled="@(order.Pizzas.Count == 0)" onclick="@PlaceOrder">
            Order >

Also add the following event handlers to the Index component for removing a configured pizza from the order and submitting the order.

void RemoveConfiguredPizza(Pizza pizza)

async Task PlaceOrder()
    await HttpClient.PostJsonAsync("/orders", order);
    order = new Order();

You should now be able to add and remove configured pizzas from the order and submit the order.

Order list pane

Even though the order was successfully added to the database, there's nothing in the UI yet that indicates this happened. That's what we'll address in the next session.

Next up - Show order status